What magic allows the acorn to become the mighty oak? This is the fourth and final article in my series, The Art of Consciously Creating.
................................................................................................................................................................................... In 1999 Masaru Emoto published his first book of experimenting with water crystals by exposing them to different pictures, music and words and freezing them, Messages from Water 1. The above photos show differences in the crystals that have been exposed to the different words, "love", "thank you" and "I hate you". The photos show the vibration that the words and thoughts carry reflected in the water, giving us visual proof of the consequence that our thoughts and emotions carry. We cannot manifest love or gratitude while we are carrying negative emotions and beliefs. We cannot manifest the new while we are stuck in the old.
.................................................................................................................................................... Whether it is Amaterasu retreating into a cave or Demeter mourning for Persephone in the underworld, causing the light to go away and lands to go barren, almost all cultures throughout history have myths speaking to the importance of the sun, solar cycles, and seasons. In my recent article, The Art of Consciously Creating, Part II, I introduced the law of attraction. If you have ever gotten fired up about the law of attraction and manifesting and had it fall flat, it isn't because this premise doesn't work - it's just that you didn't have all of the information about how to properly engage with it to get the results you desired. Imagine you haven't cleaned your cat's litter box ever and you just spray a little air freshener over it....That is exactly what it is like when you try to slap positive affirmations over fears and limiting beliefs that are deeply rooted in your subconscious mind. It doesn't work. And there is absolutely no question as to which one is more powerful. Deeply held beliefs and fears will always win. It is not that the law of attraction does not work. It is always working. The question is, how aware are you of what you are attracting? Synchronicity, the shadow self, and projection are all important concepts that intertwine with the law of attraction. Synchronicity
Synchronicity mirrors what is happening within us into the outside world. If we are in alignment with our most authentic selves and our truest soul desires, then we experience synchronicity in the magical-seeming occurrences that coincide to move us along our path gracefully and with ease. If we are out of balance with ourselves, and not living in authenticity, allowing our ego and shadow to dictate our lives, then synchronicity will externalize in our life as fate, creating events that prevent our continuation on our current path or even completely change our lives. We know the symptoms of this type of synchronicity - illnesses, accidents, bankruptcy, and divorce are just some of the circumstances fate can devise to get our attention. The Shadow Self The shadow self would then be what is stinking up the aforementioned litter box. If you have not cleaned your litter box and like to pretend that your cat does not use it, then that air freshner is probably not working so well. At this point you can make the choice to decide that there must be something wrong with the air freshener, or all air fresheners (why can't I ever find an air freshner that actually works?), or realize that you actually need to deal with the shit in the box. The shadow is part of life. Just like the shit in the box, ignoring it isn't really going to get you to a place you want to be. Judging it won't help one bit. You have to get in there and clean it up, regularly, and to do that, you first have to acknowledge that you actually have a cat and a litterbox and that this is all happening. So, we want to harness the law of attraction in our lives, and we've started down a few different paths and have been given some really unexpected road blocks. We then find ourselves wondering if the road blocks are about learning to persevere, or if they are a sign that we are completely off course. (Hint: the fact that you actually wondered is your first clue. It is kind of like if your answer is that you are unsure, you can go ahead and take it as a "no" because when it is a real YES, you don't even hesitate.) Projection (Do you guys smell something?) So the cat box hasn't gotten cleaned, and the air freshener isn't working, again, and it totally ruined your dinner party, and now you are really angry. Projection is when you saddle others with the shadow that you have repressed rather than acknowledged. One clue that you are projecting is it comes with a highly emotionally charged reaction. Another clue that you are indeed projecting your own shadow onto people and situations around you is that you find yourself in similar situations repeatedly, and are using terms like "always" and "never". (It was clearly not my cat using that box this whole time and creating this giant mess. I don't even think my cat eats that much. Why does my house always smell awful? Is it haunted? It must be haunted. I think someone else's cat is getting in and using this litter box. And what is UP with all of the crappy air fresheners? Will I ever find one that just does what it is supposed to do?!?) The disownment of our shadows typically has to do with being socialized to judge certain traits as "good" and certain traits as "bad", rather than accepting them as all part of us and being taught to do regular psychic and emotional housekeeping, just like we would scoop out a litter box. By labeling these parts of ourselves negatively and trying to separate from that part of ourselves, then we end up giving those negative traits extra power and they then slip out in subversive ways. So now, understanding how powerful these shadow parts are, precisely because we attempt to ignore and disown them, we can see how the law of attraction, working on the premise of "like attracts like", would be working off of the stronger unconscious fears and limiting beliefs rather than any positive affirmations we are trying to apply. Just like spraying air freshener around the overflowing cat box. Clean that litter box!
We have to have the courage to look within and be accepting of what we find so that it doesn't keep seeping into our life in unconscious ways. Looking within can be much easier said than done. Rather than trying to turn yourself inside out, look for clues in your life. In what situations do you find yourself getting highly emotionalized? What situations seem to keep occurring in your life that you find yourself complaining about, and what themes do they seem to have in common? About what things in your life do you find yourself using the words "always" and "never"? Do it in steps rather than trying to force it all at once. Every single one of us has this shadow self - there is no need to criticize it or disown it. All we need to do is accpet it and understand it so that we remain in the driver's seat of our lives rather than it. Understanding when we are projecting is a huge clue to learning about our shadow self. Acknowledging and allowing the shadow self is what allows us to reintegrate it and reclaim power of it, therefore bringing us back into balance and harmony with ourselves. Being in harmony and alignment with our authentic self is what allows synchronicity to manifest rather than fate intervening to redirect us. And when we are in alignment and synchronicity is the byproduct of that, giving us the feedback that our internal world and external world are in harmony, then we are in a position to truly harness the power of the law of attraction to consciously create our lives. 2017: Light-en Up On New Year's Day, I spoke with a friend about her experience on New Year's Eve, and as I did was relating it to my own. Things didn't quite turn out the way she had wanted, and my evening wasn't without its hurdles. At first I thought, this better not be some omen about what to expect this year. But as I thought about it more, the words that popped into my head were "Light-en Up". Lighten up! Be the light, bring the light, look for the light, allow the light. Allow yourself to move towards ease and away from struggle. Drop the baggage. Drop how hard or unfair you felt 2016 was. Just let it go. Lighten up! This is the beginning of a new year and of a new cycle and we are bringing fire - the light! This year, 2017, is a "1" year in numerology. This means 2016 was a 9 year and thus closed out a cycle, and 2017 is a new beginning. It is an initiation. Fire is also the element of initiation. Astrologically 2017 has a predominant fire vibe with a lot of planetary activity occurring in signs that are the fire element. In Chinese astrology, 2017 is the year of the "Fire Rooster". Again the element of fire is being highlighted. This year's gonna be a scorcher! All of this fire is truly powerful, but we must handle with care.
Fire Safety And so in order to harness this fire energy we must work with it consciously. Fire needs a container. If a fire is allowed to burn out of control, it will exhaust its resources quickly and may also cause destruction. If the energy of fire is harnessed, it is very useful to us. It is an energy source that gives us light and warmth; we even use it to cook food and nourish ourselves. Harnessing this energy to gain the most from it will involve boundaries and structure to contain the fire. The creativity must be balanced by responsibility. Having light and heat and warm food doesn't serve us if we burn our house down. If we get a great idea and run with it and don't take time to eat or sleep, we will soon burn through our body's resources. Write down the ideas and structure them with an action plan so that you may bring them into being without them, or you, burning out. Wands are the suit of fire in the Tarot.
While the Ace of Wands in the Tarot is the initial spark, the King represents the mastery of the suit - the mastery of the element of fire.
And so as the excitement of a firey 2017 sets in, remember to wield the creative power of fire with mastery and grace. Give it a container - a structure within which to burn - and tend to it, ensuring it burns evenly, neither being smothered nor burning through all of its resources too quickly. Harness the power of this wild and beautiful fire of dreams for 2017! Now that you've met your Magical Creature, unearthed your unique why, and started making your new creation of life real by setting goals and creating action steps in Part 1, its' time for a check-in with the Law of Attraction. We are all powerful creators. If we place our consciousness on a past negative event, we have the power to conjure up all of those same emotions and remain there and relive it over and over. If we choose to place our consciousness on something negative that might happen in the future or in uncertainty about the future, we can remain there, mired in worry about something that doesn't even exist...yet. You are so powerful, that if you focus your energies on it, there's a good chance it WILL exist in the future, which is why you must be SO conscious of where you are placing your attention and energy in each and every moment.
Alchemy 101: Your beliefs create your thoughts, which in turn create your emotions. Finding that thing that fills you with energy and that has a “why” behind it that truly moves you emotionally, and aligning with that vibration is using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires. This is Alchemy 101. When backed up by your beliefs, feelings and thoughts, your intentions are pure MAGIC. If you have limiting beliefs and fears operating subversively in your subconscious, then they will be more powerful than your desires, and the Law of Attraction will be working in your life off of these things instead of your intentions. You must continually keep looking within and clearing out anything and everything that no longer serves you in order to clear the path for manifesting what you desire.
Clearing the Fear: Uncovering and Rewiring Many times this process of becoming aware of and clearing limiting beliefs happens over a period of time for us and not immediately. We slowly clear layers of negativity and past programming and blocks. There are two parts to this process - the first is uncovering what we may be carrying that we are unconscious of, and the second is rewiring with new beliefs that support us and our new goals.
To wrap this up, in Part 1 you found your why, connecting with your Magical Creature, your unique authentic self and found the passion, experiences and feelings that truly set you on fire.
Now in Part 2, you are clearing out any negative beliefs you have and replacing them with positive ones, and aligning your beliefs and thoughts and emotions with your why, your values, so that you can leverage the Law of Attraction in consciously creating your life. In Part 3, we will be delving into the tool box for manifestation, and in Part 4 we will be pulling together all of the steps and discussing how to stay present in the process of manifesting and "stay in the current". You are powerful and you are always creating. These steps are about ensuring that YOU are steering your ship consciously and are harnessing your energy and working with the current to manifest what YOU desire. This is how you consciously create your life. Now you are tapping into the magic! |
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