If you want to manifest, align with the law of attraction and consciously create your reality, there are a few things you need to know. Creating your life is an art - a skill - and it is pure magic, but it involves you aligning with your most authentic self, clearing out all of the conditioning and programming that blocks your expression of your most authentic self, and restructuring your life, from your beliefs and fears to behavior and speech, around that. And the first step to the magic that lies ahead is discovering and getting to know the Magical Creature that lies within.... ![]() I have a theory...no, a belief...that we are all Magical Creatures. By that I mean that we are all very unique and bring a very special set of gifts and talents to the world. We all have a special and unique way in which we are meant to contribute to this world in this life. We all have our own stories and our own pasts and our own tastes and likes and dislikes and values and beliefs. And the beauty of it is, not only are we all that individuated so we may each contribute something unique in our own way, but we are also able to find common ground with the collective, the group, the whole in the ways that we are alike. We are indeed all very magical creatures. What is even more magical is that we all have the ability to consciously create the lives we experience. In the process of our lives, we can become a creator. We have the amazing ability to be the director of our own story as it is happening. Our minds are so very powerful. We only need to become aware and then choose where we place our consciousness and energy. The first step in Consciously Creating is to get in touch with your Magical Creature. Remember that your Magical Creature is that which is uniquely YOU. What makes you come alive? What gives you that surge of energy, that motivation, that passion, that sustains you and gives you the drive to keep going, to have courage, to persist? This is the first key in unlocking your true path. This is your why. To understand more about why your why is so important, watch this short TedTalk by Simon Sinek. If all of these questions send you into a tailspin, it may be time to sit down and do some soul searching. Many times we let others' opinions, or limiting beliefs or fears get in the way of what we truly want to create. Finding the experiences we want to experience and the feelings we want to feel that are aligned with our most authentic selves is the cornerstone to success in manifesting our dreams. In order to do this, many times we have to dig down through layers of “shoulds”, limiting beliefs and fears. To assess what truly sets your heart on fire, you can ask a series of questions. What do you want to experience in life? How do you want to feel? What are your most cherished dreams, ideals, philosophies? With these questions, you begin on the path to finding your very own elusive Magical Creature, and aligning with your Magical Creature takes you magical places. Remember that trying to manifest based on what someone else thinks you should do, or out of a sense of obligation or fear, whether it be for money or other reasons, does not have nearly the same power as manifesting from a place honoring your truest expression in the world, from your unique why. To unearth and clarify your most authentic soul desires:
Now compare the three exercises and notice the repeating themes or correlations. This doesn't have to happen immediately. You can play with the themes and ideas for a day or a week or a month and really take your time to see which ones hold the most power for you. You can write them on a whiteboard or a chalkboard or use clippings of the words or sticky notes to play with. Take your time to really understand which themes move you and why. These are your core desires and feelings – the things you most want to create in life and the feelings you most want to experience. Armed with the knowledge of what a Magical Creature you are, and that you are a Powerful Creator, and having found your why, you are now ready to create some tangible goals and action steps. First, set two goals for yourself that are quantifiable, one for an achievement of something and the other for a completion of something. (Remember to use "SMART" when setting goals - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable and Timely. This keeps us "making it real".) So it will look like this: By (date) I will have achieved __________ and by (date) I will have completed ____________. Second, go back to the feeling words you want to experience, and make a list of action steps you can take every day in your life to experience those feelings. Third, looking at your two goals based on your why, now create three action steps you can take in the next week toward those goals. Now you are well on your way to Consciously Creating your life as the Magical Creature you truly are. Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive. ~Jack Canfield |
October 2024
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