"I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you for the lesson. We are free." What is your relationship to freedom right now? What is your relationship to your self?
If you need to set yourself or another free, now is the time to do it. We are coming into the releasing cycle of the dark moon right before a super fresh and self-actualizing Aries new moon. Aries is the first sign, the sign of the self, the warrior and the pioneer. Aries is about forward motion and defining the self. Aries wants to know what makes us uniquely us and Aries demands the freedom to be uniquely ourselves. But with being uniquely ourselves comes the responsibility to allow others that same right, and sometimes we bump into each other and don't know how to honor each other's uniqueness. Now in the period of release before this fresh start, we can take time to clear up the past and heal with forgiveness and set ourselves and those around us free. We've faced challenges and lessons and have been shown ways we wish to be and don't wish to be. We've taken it all in and learned from it and now we are ready to emerge fresh into a new version of ourselves. So we can now acknowledge what we have encountered on our journey to get us where we are now, bless it and set it free. Forgiveness is freedom. The quote above is the Ho'oponopono prayer for forgiveness. It is a powerful technique for healing. Hold in your thoughts and mind's eye any person or situation, event or group, as you repeat the words, "I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you for the lesson." It's time to let go of the past so that you can fully step into the present. It's time to honor your true self. Take the time to heal and release the past now so nothing can hold you back. Nothing!
"As his eyes drift shut, he feels the gentle hands that lift him onto the downy feathered back. He feels the muscular tensing of wings, the flex of sinew and bone, and then a jolt as the swan springs into the sky. His own limbs feel malleable, sapped and drained of will. She carries him high, and he curls into a fetal embrace on her back. He is content to let her bear him away. The swan flies through the night.... As the dawn sends tentative fingers of light into the sky, he finally cracks open his eyes to see the swiftly passing landscape far below. The land seems so distant. It is hard to believe the anguish and the fears and the tribulation that such a miniature world can create.... The Six of Swords is a passage away from difficulties. It is a chance to recover after tribulations. Too much change from a bewildering world has perhaps induced despondency that you must find a way to lift out of." ~Barbara Moore, The Shadowscapes Companion
"In the foggy depths of the woods, he dips his fingers into the red clay, and with a careful hand he trails the patterns across his skin, across chest and arms and face. The spirals of red draw his mind into that place of deep meditation where thought becomes action and where the stillness speaks with the voices of the gods.
"The vixen faces off against a badger, while her kits watch from beneath the protective curl of her tail. The enemies circle and circle. They size each other up. A nip here to test the swiftness of reaction; a swipe to press the defenses. The vixen snarls and lunges forward.... Her actions are necessity, not merely courage, and yet it is all the more courageous for being such a selfless act, without the tangle of thoughts and justifications. Her mere belief makes her fight ten times more fiercely and with a fiery strength.
With a new moon eclipse on Tuesday, March 8th, this week begins the March 2016 "eclipse season". Eclipses herald lasting change in our lives. All outer changes begin within us. We will likely now begin to see the results in our outer lives that started with a decision we made on the inside to live differently, behave differently or think differently. This means that we may experience some doors closing while others open in our lives as our outer world shifts to reflect our inner changes. Tuesday's new moon eclipse is occurring in the healing waters of Pisces, conjunct Ceres and Chiron. There is a strong current of healing here, but it may not come to us in the form we think it should. Try to roll with the changes with the highest and most positive perspective possible and be allowing of what may be leaving your life and open to the new that wants to come in. The Situation: 8 of Swords: The elegant swan is trapped and the more she struggles the more entangled she becomes. The tiny hummingbird knows a different way. If you stop thrashing you will free yourself from the grip of thorns; if you stop panicking in water you can float. Breathe deep and let the current carry you. Allow yourself to be supported and shown the way, stop struggling and panicking, and let the hummingbird show you a new way to freedom.
What to Do: Queen of Pentacles: The Queen of Pentacles is rooted strongly in her foundation of earth, while at the same time her crown is connected to Source. She is so solid in her place in the world, supported by the earth and guided by the heavens, that her capacity for generosity with others is endless. The 8 of Swords says that the entrapment you are feeling is only an illusion, and by changing your perspective you find your way to freedom. The Queen of Pentacles says let go of your fear-based, habitual reactions. Don't believe the illusion that you are separate, that you are isolated, that you lack anything. You are always connected and you have limitless potential. Replace any negativity, limiting beliefs, or lack mentality with the knowledge that you are always connected and supported. Like the Queen of Pentacles, you have an endless capacity for creation and generosity. What Not to Do: 3 of Wands: The 3 of Wands represents embracing change and adopting a longer, more expansive view. When we open up to all of the possibilities and the chaos that change inevitably brings, sometimes we feel overwhelmed and like we are standing high on a tiny cliff ledge with barely any ground beneath our feet. Have courage when facing changes, obstacles, and overwhelm. Remember how the Queen of Pentacles is held securely between Heaven and Earth as you proceed confidently, focusing on each step singularly, keeping the expanded view but also staying present in each moment. Ground into what needs to be done in the present moment to accomplish your goals, and remember you cannot create a new way of being by staying in what is familiar. Step forth into the chaos secure in the knowledge that with each step into the unknown the ground will appear beneath your feet. Imagine you are rowing a raft on a river - you have to pay attention and make small adjustments to stay in the current, but the current carries you swiftly downriver towards your destination. You must work WITH the current. To do this, to remain poised in the current so you are flowing with it and not sidelined in an eddy or wrapped on an obstacle, you must be present and also take action when necessary. You must read the water ahead and act accordingly to be able to use the current to your advantage and flow with it. Consciously creating is the same way. You have found that which sets your soul on fire, you have become aware of the beliefs that limit you, and you have taken the power back to use your mind in service to your goals by creating new belief and thought patterns. In these ways you have created a supportive environment that will nurture your intentions into reality. Now you must get to the work of making your ideal real, by taking action steps toward your desires, but in a way that works with the current (the energy flow) and not against it. You must stay in the current of your desires by staying present and trusting and following your inner guidance. This allows you to make adjustments as you go to stay in the flow of the current, instead of battling against it. There are five requirements to manifesting an intention:
In this four part series, The Art of Consciously Creating, I've covered all of the basics for successfully manifesting an intention.
This is the Art of Consciously Creating. It requires skill and creativity, and we get better with practice. We are in a constant state of consciously creating our lives, and if we give this process attention, just like anything else, we will become more and more adept at it. So here is to the practice of consciously creating. May you manifest what your heart most deeply desires.
October 2024
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