A note on the astrology of current events.... I've been telling you to harness the power of the Venus Pluto conjunction plus Mars in Capricorn, as it is the beginning of a new cycle, as well as the coming Jupiter-Neptune conjunction April 12th in Pisces, which begins a new 16 year cycle and brings inspiration together with beliefs and optimism. And it is true that we have the opportunity to tap into these aspects of this energy now through April - there is the seed of a solid new beginning with strong roots in the triple conjunction in Capricorn and the opportunity to tap into a higher vibe with Jupiter-Neptune and ground it into reality. But collectively, we have larger cycles of transformation at play. This current issue with Russia and Ukraine actually started last week while Mercury in Aquarius was square Uranus. This is the same exact aspect - the square from Aquarius to Uranus, the change-bringer, in Taurus, that was the main energy of all of 2021, with the three squares from Saturn in Aquarius to Uranus in Taurus (2/17, 6/14, and 2/25), and we are not done with that - we have a fourth square between Saturn and Uranus on for an entire month in September/October. And the 2nd half of 2022 is going to be bumpy for more reasons than that.
Right now, we have Pluto nearing the end of Capricorn. It entered in 2008 - that was marked by a recession. Pluto brings transformation through death and rebirth - it shakes foundations, exposes, and strips before it brings the new. This year, America is coming up on its Pluto return. Then over 2024/2025, Pluto will be making its transition to Aquarius, where it will be doing its thing for the coming 16 year transit. Uranus is the change-bringer, and it does so through disruption, sudden upheaval, and out-of-the-blue insight - it causes breakdowns before it brings the breakthroughs. In Taurus it is bringing change to all things related to earth, environment, food sources, and how we feel secure and comfortable. Taurus is a sign of security and pleasure - Venus-ruled earth - so Uranus here is asking us (forcing us) to innovate our relationship to the material world and how we derive our sense of security in day to day life. Uranus will leave Taurus for Gemini to spend the next 7 years there in 2025. Neptune is transiting its own sign of Pisces from 2011 to 2026. Neptune in transit wants to restore balance, but as with the other two, before that can happen, it brings collapse - Neptune dissolves. In Pisces it has to do with the natural world and wildlife/life, and especially waterways and oceans. It rules the immune system. Neptune in Pisces also has to do with oil. But its overarching message is about the connectedness of everything in this world, that we are all one. Now consider that on top of ongoing squares from Aquarius (the air sign of the collective, humanitarianism, the future, innovation, technology, and circulation) to Uranus in Taurus, at the moment we have Mars approaching Pluto near the final degrees of Capricorn, the sign of governmental and financial systems. Mars and Pluto are volatile. This is the warrior and the lord of the underworld coming together. Power plays are not a surprise. The saving grace here might just be Venus in the mix, who already has a relationship going with Pluto from her first two conjunctions in December. The one coming on Friday 3/4 (with Mars traveling with Venus) is the third and final one, bringing resolution. The thing here is that Venus is the one in the middle. Venus made the first two conjunctions with Pluto in December before Mars got in the mix. Now Mars is traveling with Venus through Capricorn and then on past Pluto into Aquarius (mid-February through mid-March) - we can think of Mars being Venus' guest here that doesn't get along with Pluto. At the same time, Jupiter is approaching Neptune for a 4/12 conjunction that begins a new 16 year cycle in Pisces. The upcoming 3/2 Pisces new moon with Jupiter is a prelude. Jupiter is a gift-bringer, a planet of protection and luck, but it is also a planet of growth and expansion, and it "blows up" whatever it gets close to. Jupiter wants more. This transit can very well be escalating the situation, and oil/natural resources could be a main motivator (Neptune in Pisces), as well as power (Pluto). Mars Pluto always has the potential to get ugly. Jupiter always has the potential to make everything bigger. However, next week's 3/2 Pisces new moon sitting with Jupiter (also a benefic and protector) and then Venus (the other benefic) in the middle of the Mars-Pluto issue on Friday 3/4 may be bringing blessings. As always, the most important thing we can do for ourselves and the collective at any time is to stay aligned with a bright future that serves the highest good of all. We cannot do that if we are letting what shows up in front of us on the news dictate our vibe - choose your vibe according to what you wish to create - don't let it be dictated by whatever might happen around you. Be the leader energetically.
Use the astrology now through April to align with your core values and desires, chart a path forward, and set a firm foundation of personal truths and beliefs (that means cleaning up limiting beliefs, thought and feeling habits, and behaviors and raising vibration to align with where you are going) because you will need it for the second half of this year. As of last Saturday 2/19, when the sun entered Pisces, we are in Pisces season until it moves into Aries at equinox on 3/20. The sun in Pisces means our conscious focus is submerged in the deep waters of this mutable water sign known for inspiration, hidden realms, spirituality, creativity, empathy, and compassion. This is the last sign of the zodiac - the sun's final journey before beginning anew in Aries at equinox. Expect this month to feel extra dreamy, inspirational, and even romantic. This is a time for envisioning and getting inspired - not for making any solid decisions or moves (that comes later). Plus with the sun transiting Pisces (and soon on 3/9 Mercury), we will be picking up on the vibes of Jupiter in Pisces moving towards it's 4/12 conjunction with Neptune (an idealistic new beginning that only occurs once every 16 years) - this is when we want to be tuning into the inspiration and guidance coming through. The key? It's going to be especially important to stay grounded and at the same time connected to higher guidance. To take advantage of the inspiration available during Pisces season and especially with the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, we need to be heart-centered, following our intuition and inner guidance, and grounded - otherwise there is a danger of being deceived or deceiving ourselves, buying into something "too good to be true," or getting lost in fantasy and/or escapism. Use the astrology now to set your foundation for the 2nd half of the year. The astrology hits a big change point with the first eclipse portal, the first half of May, and then by mid-summer we are into the challenging second half of the year that is going to be reviews and the kind of pressure that forces growth due to challenging planetary aspects popping up all over during the retrogrades. This eclipse portal is our first on the Taurus/Scorpio axis since the lunar nodes shifted signs in mid-January. Since mid-2020, our appetite and direction of growth collectively was focused in Gemini, the sign of information and communication. Now it is in Taurus until mid-2023. This first eclipse portal of the year in May, just 2 weeks after the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, is opening us up to our hunger for enjoying the pleasures of life and feeling secure, and it's no surprise after the past couple of years of setbacks, restrictions, upheaval, fear, and loss with the pandemic. At the beginning of August, Mars will meet up with both Uranus, the change-bringer, and the north node, the point of increase, appetite, and desires, in Taurus. This is a big turning point in the year that is going to add major fuel to this fire and lock in our course for the 2nd half of the year. It "sparks things off," so to speak. Mars ups the desire factor and impatience, and Uranus can bring rebellion. These combining with the north node, point of destiny, suggests a major change in direction for the collective, and taking into account the challenging astrology of the 2nd half of the year, it's going to be a bumpy ride for a bit. This is why it is so important to connect with the inspiration and higher guidance we can access during Pisces season and through the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in mid-April starting now (and especially with the 3/2 Pisces new moon conjunct Jupiter and the 3/4 Mars-Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn). We need to align with our ideal vision for the future now, and really focus on weeding out limiting beliefs and thought/behavior habits and start cultivating the energy (beliefs, thoughts, emotions, behavior) that supports this. We are going to need to be locked in solidly to our unshakable personal truths about ourselves, life, and the world, when the storm hits mid-summer. Mindset matters - vibe is everything. Here are some notes about this Pisces Season:
Looking beyond Pisces Season into Aries Season.... March 20th is equinox - when the sun enters Aries. But what Venus started with Uranus right as Pisces season ended is setting the stage for what's to come in Aries season. Mars will follow in Venus' footsteps 3/21 - 3/23 squaring Uranus - easy does it - this one can be truly volatile. Watch out for angry outbursts. Take and give space. Healthy boundaries all the way. Mercury meets up with Jupiter and then Neptune, and then sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, before moving into Aries on 3/27 - this will again give us info about the upcoming conjunction between the two in mid-April - this time maybe inspired ideas? Through all of this we are moving towards a significant point along our journey - 3/28 and 3/29 - Venus conjunct Saturn. This is another conjunction, so yet another beginning of a cycle, and this time it is in Aquarius, between the Venus, planet of love, money, and self-worth, and Saturn, the mentor and Lord of Karma. But Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, where Venus and Mars just made their big conjunction with Pluto, and it also is strong in Aquarius, the sign it traditionally rules. Aquarius is the innovative and humanitarian sign of the future and thinking outside the box, and also a big fan of freedom and spontaneity. Take note of what kind of new beginnings are becoming solidified now, how they tie into the 3/4 Venus-Mars-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, and compare notes with what came up as sun and Mercury made conjunctions with both Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces in recent weeks to get an idea of where all of this is going. The last half of this year, and particularly September and October is marked by layers of retrogrades on top of each other and difficult aspects - right now we are being given the support, information, and guidance (if we are paying attention) to set our course and get solid on our foundation of personal truths and beliefs to weather the coming waves with grace and ease.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Understanding Saturn Retrograde... Saturn is the planet of limits, boundaries, rules, authority, systems, tradition, and karma. When retrograde, you can count the karmic nature of this planet double. Its retrograde is about helping us step into our own inner authority and committing to what's most important in our lives so we can show up and make things happen in the real world. Saturn, at its heart, is about the earth magic of manifestation, of making things real in our lives. |
When it is retrograde this is amplified, and you will feel it in a very personal way in your life if you have any significant placements in your chart within the degrees of the retrograde - in this case between 18 and 25 degrees Aquarius - or these degrees of any of the other fixed signs (Leo, Taurus, and/or Scorpio).
It's helpful here to look at Saturn's retrograde in the larger context - it is only part of what's going on in the heavens during the heart of this year. Two other key players here are Neptune and Jupiter both retrograde coming off of their mid-April conjunction in Pisces that only happens once every 16 years. These three planets in retrograde from early June until December will be working together to help us make our ideals real moving forward in 2023, and from right now (mid-February) through mid-April is our time to prepare ourselves for this journey. |
Neptune's retrograde is marked by all hard aspects that will bring extra confusion, so it is important to be solidly seated upon the throne of our hearts and connected and following our intuition and inner guidance before those waves start crashing up upon our shores, attempting to erode our sense of center and direction.
The challenges from Saturn's retrograde will come especially over August, September, and October, which is also when the challenging part of Jupiter's retrograde (beliefs) will be as well.
Layered onto that, we will have Mercury retrograde from September 9th until October 2nd from 8 degrees Libra to 24 degrees Virgo bringing a review of our thinking and communication, and Saturn in Aquarius will be squaring up to Uranus in Taurus for a fourth and final time from September 15th until October 23rd. (The first three were in 2021 - remember that feeling of wanting to break free but feeling restricted by things outside of your control - that's the Saturn-Uranus square, and we are getting a big, concentrated dose of that same energy this fall but under different circumstances, helping us grow to a breakthrough and find a new way forward.)
Then, in late October, Mars stations retrograde in Gemini taking us through the end of the year.
Use this time to dive deep within and connect with what sets your heart on fire, your most authentic self, and your core values and desires. Ask the tough questions. Tune into your heart, and tune out the noise and opinion's of others. Know your worth. Believe in yourself. Build a vision of your most inspired life moving forward. Root out any limiting beliefs that keep you wobbled or in doubt. Get crystal clear on who you are and where you want to go. Set your vibe and expectations HIGH.
Then prepare to batten down the hatches and move through some tests of faith.
If you are solidly seated upon the throne of your heart, firm in your inner truth and knowing, listening and following your intuition, and aligned with your own truth, in your inner authority, and fully committed to your path, any twists and turns that pop up over the final half of the year won't stand a chance of shaking your foundation.
prepare for the bumps ahead?
Hi, I'm Kasey. I believe that we all deserve to live a life we absolutely love. My mission is to get you seated upon the throne of your heart and in full command of your inner magic and creative power, ruling your realm, creating and living the life you have imagined. How do we work this magic? Together, using astrology and other tools and methods to shift your perspective and beliefs about yourself and life, clearing old blocks, and opening you to new opportunities and an entirely new way of being in the world. |
"Make a decision, and the Universe conspires to make it happen." ~Henry David Thoreau
This is the first of the three phases of the retrograde, with the first pass being the "introduction," the second pass in reverse being the actual retrograde and "review," and the third pass once direct again being the "resolution."
Here's the thing about Neptune Retrograde... When a planet enters the preshadow of its retrograde that means it is passing over the retrograde territory for the first time - this is the time we get clues to whatever the retrograde will be about. While an outer planet isn't as significant as a personal planet (like Mercury, Venus, or Mars), this IS significant for you if you have any placements in your natal chart between 22 and 25 degrees Pisces (or mutable signs). |
This is a powerful (and good) new beginning. But take note that Neptune will be in its retrograde pre shadow when this conjunction takes place, so we are going to be reviewing whatever comes up during its retrograde June through December.
From this place, especially through the end of the year, stay connected to your higher guidance and intuition to navigate, as things may not be what they seem, and this Neptune retrograde along with other astrological energies will be testing us and our faith - follow your inner guidance no matter what, especially through the latter half of this year.
Neptune is known for being nebulous. While it is a highly spiritual influence that brings compassion and forgiveness, the same powers of erosion it uses to dissolve the walls between us and remind us we are all one, all connected, can also erode our boundaries and integrity, and cause confusion, if not deception. This is why the number one protocol for navigating Neptune retrograde is to firm up our personal beliefs, truths, and our core values, and use those as our compass as we navigate by the light of our intuition and inner guidance. |
This goes triple on the aspect dates listed above, and especially if you have any significant placements in your chart between 22 and 25 degrees Pisces or any of the mutable signs (Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius).
This is why it is so important to get in touch with your own core values and personal truths and beliefs now to get a solid foundation for navigating the last half of this year - it will be tested.
It's essential to find your truth now and get solidly seated upon the throne of your heart so you will be able to weather this coming Neptunian storm with grace and ease - which you will if you are strong in your own inner truth and following your inner guidance.
and connecting to your inner guidance?
Hi, I'm Kasey. I believe that we all deserve to live a life we absolutely love. My mission is to get you seated upon the throne of your heart and in full command of your inner magic and creative power, ruling your realm, creating and living the life you have imagined. How do we work this magic? Together, using astrology and other tools and methods to shift your perspective and beliefs about yourself and life, clearing old blocks, and opening you to new opportunities and an entirely new way of being in the world. |
We've experienced a huge energetic shift with the astrology since the "transition month" of January and the Venus and Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn. We are in new (much more supportive) territory and on our way, but whatever began in mid-December doesn't really come through until early March. (And March is going to be a completely different astrological animal - more on that coming soon on the blog and in the weekly astro forecast email.) | (Click on the icon below to follow me on Instagram for daily astro updates & tips for mastering your energy and manifesting your life! It's all energy!) |
The Success Spread This is the short and sweet spread I used for this reading, asking specifically what was needed for success for the coming month, from full moon to full moon. (The deck is Shadowscapes.) Card 1: The major concern or obstacle. Card 2: Current challenges & complications. Card 3: Hidden factors affecting the situation. Card 4: Aid and assistance. Card 5: What to do (or not do) to be successful. |
Overview: Are you finding yourself having sleepless nights of fear and worry as you wonder where is all this good stuff you felt so sure was on its way? This month's cards say the doubt and fear you are experiencing is all in your head. Refocus on your daily routines for health and sleep, meditate, and start taking control of your thoughts by switching focus from worry and doubt to visualizing what's coming with confidence and reveling in the feeling of the satisfaction of having it. Use affirmations if necessary, practice gratitude and appreciation, ground and clear every morning and live through your heart. You've got to believe it's coming. The factors you aren't seeing yet is that a new beginning is on it's way that will require you to trade your doubt and cynicism for faith and optimism and take the leap. It's time to restore balance, tune out the noise of the world, and get quiet and clear so that you will hear the whisper of the inner voice telling you what direction to move in when it comes. For success until the March 18th full moon, reconnect first with yourself, then start reconnecting with the bigger world around you. It's time.
Card 1: 9 of Swords Card one represents the main concern or obstacle and here we have the 9 of Swords, showing anxiety, fear, and worry that may even be resulting in sleepless nights. With this card, though, it's all in your head. The astrological energies have shifted greatly since our transition month in January, but whatever sparked back in mid-December isn't really "landing" until early March. Now is the time to hold the line and stay the course, and that means trusting and knowing instead of doubting and worrying, and vibing high. This card tells us it is time to take control of your thoughts. |
Card 2: XIV Temperance, Reversed Card two represents current challenges and complications, and Temperance reversed speaks to a need to regain balance. There's something off now that needs to get re-aligned. If you've been overdoing it in any way, it's time to restore balance. Reconnect to your inner guidance, pull in, and refocus on daily routines, diet, exercise, and sleep rituals - the basics. It might be time to reevaluate priorities right now too, in order to find the alignment and restore the balance that is so needed at this time. Make sure you aren't running off too far in the wrong direction without double checking the bigger picture. |
Card 3: 0 The Fool Card three show us hidden factors in the situation, and The Fool represents new beginnings. All of the stress and worry, feeling disconnected and out of sorts, wondering why it isn't here yet. This card says that it's coming - it just isn't visible to you yet. And what it IS, is the start of a fresh journey that requires optimism and taking a leap of faith. It's time to wipe the slate clean and leave the past where it belongs, in the past. Connect to your heart, your intuition, and your higher guidance, and play with a free spirit. Leave cynicism behind for this journey. Let go of fear and trust in your own creative power and the Universe. You won't be able to see where this one step will take you, because it's a leap of faith, so trust in that and just take the step when it presents itself. |
Card 4: Ace of Wands Card four shows us our allies - the ideas, people, or situations that bring help and support for this month (from the 2/16 Leo full moon until the 3/18 Virgo full moon). The Ace of Wands here backs up card 3, hidden factors, and the Fool - it's all about inspiration and new opportunities. Wands are ideas and inspiration, and the ace is just the beginning - that fresh spark. Again, to access the potential here, we need to be connected to our higher guidance, in alignment, and we need to be able to trust the inspiration that is coming through and follow it when it comes. Listen to that inner whisper - the soft, quiet, knowing voice. Turn down the noise of the world and others' opinions so you will hear it when it comes. |
Card 5: IX The Hermit, Reversed Card five in this spread represents what to do this month for success. Here we have the Hermit, reversed. This brings home the theme we've been seeing woven through this entire reading: connection to your higher self and inner guidance. In this case, this may also mean reconnecting (in a meaningful, aligned, and balanced way) to the bigger world too. We've all been through a long period of separation and isolation - it's time to reconnect. But as this spread has made clear, we need to be solidly connected to ourselves and our inner knowing first and foremost. So check in and make sure you are feeling balanced, aligned, and connected within yourself first - then, over this coming month until the 3/18 full moon, start reconnecting with the bigger world in meaningful ways to you. It's time. |
I want you to get everything you want in life.
Hi, I'm Kasey. I believe that we all deserve to live a life we absolutely love. My mission is to get you seated upon the throne of your heart and in full command of your inner magic and creative power, ruling your realm, creating and living the life you have imagined. How do we work this magic? Together, using astrology and other tools and methods to shift your perspective and beliefs about yourself and life, clearing old blocks, and opening you to new opportunities and an entirely new way of being in the world. |
Ways to Work with Me
Venus just stationed direct there on January 29th, just a week after the two big shifts of Uranus direct in Taurus and the north node entering Taurus.
These retrogrades and major shifts were really the defining energy of January, a month that served as almost an extension of 2021 and transition into 2022.
Now that we are through this series of transitions with Venus and Mercury all forward, the difference in the overall energy these days is palpable - in a good way.
Looking at the astrology of the month of February, there is only one challenging aspect and it occurs for just two days over the 24th and 25th as Mercury squares up to Uranus.
Then in March, the only challenging aspects are as Venus and Mars do the same from the 18th to the 23rd.
In April, we only have about 4 days with challenging aspects as Mercury squares Pluto on the 10th, the sun squares Pluto on the 18th and 19th, and then Mercury squares Saturn on the 24th.
The last couple of years have been rough - really we can trace this challenging "forced growth" and change energy all the way back to 2012 when Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn first began their series of 7 squares that spanned over 3 years.
We aren't totally out of it yet - really we won't be until 2025 when Uranus is in Gemini and Pluto is in Aquarius (yep they will be in supportive aspect by air-to-air trine).
Right now, however, we are getting a really beautiful stretch of supportive astrology, generally speaking, and in order to be open to the gifts, opportunities, and abundance that might be knocking at our door, we have to shake off the past and fully let it go, and turn our gaze towards the future and what we are moving toward.
I'm all in - are you?
Hi, I'm Kasey, and this is the Art of Consciously Creating Life. Let's create big and lasting change in your life together. You have the right to a life you absolutely love, and I'm here to help you get there. If you are feeling tossed around and at the mercy of the waves of life rather than masterfully riding them (and having fun doing it), isn't it time to do something about it? Ready to turn things around? I'm ready to show you how and support you every step of the way in Shift It, a 6 week one-on-one coaching intensive that includes working with your astrology. |
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