We've had a lot of big change energy in the astrology at play since mid-April. As we close down May, this is a perfect time to take stock and look ahead into June, because June is another big month astrologically. ***Keep reading for a recap of the last half of May to get you oriented, plus an overview of June's astrology, including a date and transit list at a glance for June! April 19th to May 5th was our first eclipse portal of 2023 - bringing major "breakaway" energy. What shifts - like closings of certain chapters and openings of new ones - are unfolding in your life now? The 4/19 new moon eclipse was the 2nd of two new moons in a row in Aries, the first one at 0°, and the 2nd one being the eclipse at 29°, the karmic degree of the sign. This was our opener to the north node landing in Aries for eighteen months in July, and what's happening now is moving us into that new chapter of our lives. The 5/5 full moon eclipse was a south node eclipse in Scorpio, wrapping up the work we've been doing with north node in Taurus and south node in Scorpio for the past eighteen months. This was the big release eclipse. What are you breaking away from? What chapter are you closing (whether by choice or not)? Remember that Pluto, bringer of death and rebirth style regeneration, in square to the nodes March into December this year is a driving force of change rumbling beneath the surface, and a major defining energy of 2023. Pluto's lesson is clear - we have to let go. Let go or be dragged (under). Just two days after the 4/19 new moon eclipse, Mercury stationed retrograde in Taurus on 4/21. For many of us, this has had everything to do with money and security. Things should be getting clearer now, at the end of May, and the grand fixed cross aspect between Jupiter freshly into Taurus, Mars freshly into Leo, and the nodes in T-square to Pluto is applying the pressure to get us through the birth canal and into the next chapter of our lives. Even if it's unfamiliar and uncomfortable, even if we are scared, we need to go ahead and face things head-on and move forward. It's the only way, and there's good stuff on the other side of this. So let's recap the last half of May..... 5/14: Mercury stationed direct in Taurus. 5/15: Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (Venus will do the same 6/1-6/2). 5/16: Jupiter into Taurus (square Pluto RX 0° Aquarius). 5/19: New Moon in Taurus + Mercury making 3rd and final sextile to Saturn in Pisces - the first was 4/5, and the 2nd was 5/12 - this is about long-term plans/commitments/deals). 5/20: Mars into Leo (opposite Pluto RX 0° Aquarius). 5/21: Sun enters Gemini (trine Pluto RX 0° Aquarius). 5/23: Mars in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus exact. And that gets us through the major bumps of this last half of May. Before the end of the month, we have no planetary sign changes or lunations, and just two aspects, Venus sextile Uranus (exciting change in love & money/self-value), and sun square Saturn (you're likely to feel tested, but this is a quickly passing aspect - just show up and stay responsible). What to Expect in June... June gets off to a good start. We've made it past the bumps of Jupiter and Mars changing signs with Pluto retrograde at 0° Aquarius playing gate-keeper. Remember - Pluto is the biggest influence on 2023's astrology as a whole. It landed in Aquarius in March for the first time in over two centuries, and sitting at 0° Aquarius until June 11th, it's been very influentially positioned to play "bouncer" for Jupiter into Taurus and Mars/Venus into Leo, all the while T-squaring the nodes of destiny and fate, future and past, from early March through early December. We need to be our most authentic selves, in our true inherent value, and in our personal power. Pluto is demanding it. The controlling, power-play, manipulative or coercive stuff we do, the threats, the ultimatums, when we aren't truly in our power but are desperately grasping at it isn't going to work now with Pluto playing such a big roll and in lesson-bringing mode now. When we feel that come up, that threat to our being and survival, we need to face the truth within ourselves and look to where we can reclaim our power within from where its being held hostage by fear, wounds, trauma, and limiting beliefs. By June 1st, you'll want to have the release work done and decks cleared in your life as Jupiter conjuncts the north node of destiny and future in the Venus-ruled earth sign of security and material abundance and resources, Taurus. The universe cannot help you if you are clinging to the past and there's no space or invitation for the new. At the same time, over June 1st and 2nd, Venus in Cancer traces Mars' footsteps from May 15th, trining Neptune in Pisces. Whatever Mars instigated in mid-May, Venus is bringing blessings and harmony to. On June 3rd, you'll feel tension as we arrive at the Sagittarius full moon climax, under the influence of our 2nd grand cross in the skies in two weeks. There are 4 keys to focus on during this lunation to unlock the power of this full moon astrology, and I've written on it in detail in the subscribers-only June full moon email. If you aren't on the list and want to be, just click here. On June 4th, Mercury now direct on its way out of Taurus passes by change-bringer Uranus - expect flashes of insight and innovative ideas for moving forward. Then on June 5th, Venus joins the party in Leo. This will again be a bumpy entry, as Our Lady of Love and Money lands in Leo and finds herself in a challenging situation with Pluto retrograde. This is going to check you on any wobbly self-value, and it could come through relationships or finances. Stay as self-aware as possible, and when the need to prove or defend or react comes up, instead of doing that, pause and look within for the power that you can reclaim from this. This is going to set you up well for Venus in Leo until early October. (She will be retrograde July through September, helping us with our "personal Renaissance" this year.) June 11th is a day to mark on your calendar, as today gives the opportunity for flashes of insight, deep understanding, and reveling in the gifts of Venus. Pluto retrograde moves back into Capricorn today until mid-January when it returns to Aquarius escorted by sun, light of consciousness. At the same time, Mercury enters Gemini, its own sign, and trines Pluto, and Venus squares Jupiter. Just watch overspending, or over-indulging of any sort. The Gemini new moon is exact late in the day on Saturday 6/17 or 6/18, depending on where you live (21:37 PT, 6/18 00:37 ET). It occurs with a beautiful aspect between ruler of Gemini and the new moon, Mercury, and Venus, ruler of relationships and resources. Earlier that same day, Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces until November 4th. Solstice occurs June 21st as sun enters Cancer at 07:57 PT, 10:57 ET, at an odd angle to Pluto retrograde, the quincunx, or 150° angle. (I've written more on this in the subscribers-only new moon email for June - just click here to make sure you are on the list.) Finishing up the month, we have Mercury into Cancer June 26th, and finally, Neptune stations retrograde June 30th (direct 12/6). By the end of June, we will have marked solstice and the beginning of Cancer season, one of the four major turning points of the year, have both Venus and Mars in Leo with Lilith, with Mercury and sun soon to join in July, have Pluto retrograde officially back in Capricorn for its final clean-up round, and both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces retrograde until November/December, respectively. This is our entry into summer, and the activity in Leo, with the crown jewel being Venus retrograde in Leo July through September, bringing your "personal Renaissance." (I've written about this in depth in a recent blog post - just click here to read all about it.) June Astrology at a Glance 6/1: Jupiter in Taurus conjunct north node of future, destiny, increase. 6/2: Venus trine Neptune (moving forward whatever started 5/15 with Mars). 6/3: Full Moon 13° Sagittarius 6/4: Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus (exciting news/insight). 6/5: Venus enters Leo, opposes Pluto RX. 6/9: Mercury sextile Neptune - creative inspiration, intuitive insight 6/11: Pluto reenters Capricorn, RX until mid-January. 6/11: Mercury enters Gemini. 6/11: Mercury trine Pluto RX - even deeper understanding, insight. 6/11: Venus square Jupiter. 6/15: Mercury square Saturn - tendency to negative thinking; keep going. 6/17: Mercury sextile Venus - harmonious communications, love notes, good news. 6/17: New Moon 26° Gemini. 6/17: Saturn Retrograde 07° Pisces until November 4th. 6/18: Sun square Neptune - focus on creative/spiritual; keep good boundaries. 6/19: Jupiter sextile Saturn - be patient, focus on long term goals and action steps. 6/21: Solstice ~ Sun enters Cancer 6/21: Mercury sextile Mars - drive to tackle challenges, agile mind. 6/21: Sun quincunx Pluto RX - trigger, turning point, threat, karmic - let go. 6/26: Mercury enters Cancer 6/30: Neptune Retrograde 27° Pisces until December 6th. Get your guide to each month's lunar phases & transits. The lunar phases and sign transits, along with how to work with them from day to day, are detailed in the bimonthly lunation emails to subscribers. These are invaluable for your day to day flow, as the moon changes signs about every 2 1/2 days, and is an indicator of how we will feel best about ourselves and life on any given day. Following the moon can help you know where to focus your energies from day to day to be in flow instead of going against the current.
Come home to yourself and reclaim your throne. It all begins here. When we do the "Venus Work," as I call it within, everything will, and must, come to match and reflect that in our lives. The problem is that the subconscious is tricky, and our "default mode" that we've developed is very strong. So we very well may have tried to shift many times without it really taking hold. But it doesn't mean that's not the way - it means we didn't 100% lock in the shift. That takes time, practice, consistency, and a lot of good support, especially when we are still living in the world and environment that aligns with our "default mode." If this resonates with you and you are interesting in exploring working together, just click the button above to book a FREE Zoom clarity chat with me, where we will discuss your current challenges and needs and how I can help.
TIME TO PULL BACK YOUR BOW, TAKE AIM AT YOUR DESIRED FUTURE, & LET THAT ARROW FLY! The astrology of May 9th to 13th is supporting you, and it comes perfectly timed on the heels of May 5th's south node Scorpio full moon "releasing the karmic past" eclipse. Exact May 9th, we have the Taurus sun conjunct innovator and change-bringer Uranus at 18° Taurus, and it has some very supportive astrology backing it. Uranus is transiting Taurus 2018 - 2026, and it's helping us innovate new ways of doing Taurus in our lives - that's pleasure in life, and security through resources and material possessions. Sun conjunct Taurus means exciting change and liberation. It's time to embrace the "change vibe" and shake up the routine and status quo in our lives. It's time to express our uniqueness and the value in that. It's time to shine that light. Uranus rules the 4th dimension, and the way we access it's insight and gifts is through our hearts - through our okay-ness and appreciation for the present moment. From that place of satisfaction in the present moment, all things are possible - all opportunities and timelines open up to us. (But we can't get there if we are stuck in the past or in the limiting beliefs and conditions of the 3D & Saturn.) Stay open-minded and flexible and be proactive about shaking things up in your life in positive ways to access this energy. You'll want to, because at the same time, we have a kite formation (see image above) forming in the skies - a grand water trine between Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, and the south node of past and release in Scorpio, plus the north node of future and growth in Taurus opposing the south node (of course) and making supportive aspects to the Venus-Saturn trine. Venus-Saturn is exact 5/13 and it speaks of stability and commitment around love and money, relationships and resources. It wants to help us make the ideal real through strong foundation and commitment. It's about stepping onto the thrones of our hearts and committing to our values in full self-worth and taking the real world action steps to create a physical reality that supports, nurtures, and feeds us abundantly. This is all feeding the north node in Taurus. Our point of growth, increase, desire, and appetite, in Taurus, the sign of Venus-ruled earth - the sign of wealth and resources and the security those bring. Think about the ways you've been wanting to feel more of this, and how you've been working to innovate new ways of achieving this in your life over the past couple of years. The Taurus north node is our point of focus and realization - the point through which the blessings and gifts of this grand water trine will come through and manifest in our lives if we actively work this energy. The Scorpio south node is our point of release - where we draw the arrow back to build the energy to shoot forward into the future. The deep-diving full moon eclipse in Scorpio 5/5 was our set up for this. We dive into the Scorpio south node energy of the past and what we are moving away from, to build the tension to propel ourselves forward towards the opposite point, the north node in Taurus - the future, our desires, and what we are moving toward. Can you name the past you are releasing, the future you are embracing, and what you are committing to now to get there?
TAKE IT EASY IN MAY. Your May motto is "NOT YET." This goes until 5/21, but if you really want to do it right, keep it up until 5/26, and use caution around June 5th. Yes, we've just exited the eclipse portal. Yes, Mercury stations direct 5/14. Yes, Jupiter lands in Taurus 5/16. These are all forward moving, good things. And, yes, Mars and Venus are about to land in Leo (5/20 and 6/5, respectively), really getting the big Leo "Renaissance" vibes of this summer and fall going. But not so fast, because there's just one catch, and it's Pluto retrograde sitting at 0° Aquarius until 6/11 when it reenters Capricorn, serving as "gatekeeper" for Jupiter into Taurus, and Mars and Venus into Leo, which all take place before 6/11. Leo, Taurus, and Aquarius are all fixed signs - all at 180°/90° angles from each other. Scorpio, where the south node and the 5/5 full moon eclipse occurred, is the fourth fixed sign. It's like a four-way stop in the sky - an intersection. Pluto is already camped out at one of the stop signs - at 0° Aquarius - and as Jupiter lands at 0° Taurus and Mars lands at 0° Leo, we'll have planets at 3 out of the 4 positions, creating an energetic impasse requiring us to grow in order to overcome the challenge that presents in our lives. As we move through May, Pluto and the south node will be tangling with Jupiter entering Taurus 5/16, Mars entering Leo 5/20, and then Venus entering Leo 6/5. Adding to the congestion, Mars entering Leo will also have its own stand-off with Jupiter freshly into Taurus (which is the part that lingers til the 26th). Luckily all this will have subsided by the time Venus lands in Leo 6/5, leaving us just to deal with Our Lady of Love & Money being opposed by Pluto at the gates of Leo while Pluto still applies that steady pressure by T-square to the north node of future and south node of past (a transformative aspect actually on early March all the way through early December this year). Think of it this way - THE RIDE (Jupiter in Taurus for an entire year and Mars blasting through Leo right in front of Venus on extended stay there til October) is going to be a good one, but the take off is a little bumpy. Plan accordingly. It's not like you aren't prepared for this. And it's a necessary step on the journey, helping you truly be ready for what we'll be doing this summer/fall. You already know the energy, because in late March and late April, when the moon arrived each month at 0° Leo, it was opposed by Pluto. I've written more about this on the blog along with noting the dates to check in your calendar to clock the theme in your life - check it out here.
HEALING comes through CONNECTION. (Venus in Cancer 5/7 - 6/5). Trauma comes from the Greek word for wound. Our trauma is not what happened to us, it's our subjective experience of the event(s) and how that experience landed inside of us and affected our inner realm - our beliefs, thoughts, emotions, nervous system, and way of being in the world. OUR TRAUMA IS THE EXPERIENCE OF DEEP INNER WOUNDING THAT HAS PROFOUNDLY AFFECTED OUR RELATIONSHIP TO OURSELVES AND THE WORLD, because it has disconnected us from ourselves and thus our ability to connect in general. It has affected our ability to be in right relationship with ourselves and life. Venus in Cancer is here to help us heal. Venus is relationships - our relationship to ourselves, others, money, resources, abundance, pleasure, and the world - by way of our value of ourselves. Cancer is the moon-ruled cardinal water sign of the mother, where we come from, ancestors, past, childhood past, how we feel nourished and taken care of, emotional security, family, tribe, and belonging. Cancer is all about connection. Venus in transit shows us how we express our love, where our focus of value shifts to, and what area of life blessings will come from during that transit. With Venus in Cancer, we will be more focused on creating a sense of belonging, connection, and emotional security. We will feel more sensitive and intuitive, and express more devoted, caring, and protective qualities. This is quite the energetic shift from Venus in Gemini, where our love expression has been more fickle, curious, and easily bored, wanting intellectual stimulation and being averse to anything stuffy, emotional, or that comes with a feeling of being tied down. Venus in Cancer Dates to Know: May is a dynamic month astrologically. We're moving towards good things over summer and fall, but May presents a "bumpy entry." Venus lands in Cancer on 5/7, right after the first eclipse portal of 2023 closes with the 5/5 south node full moon "release" eclipse in Scorpio. Mercury retrograde in Taurus stations direct on 5/14, and then just two days later Jupiter lands in Taurus, for an all-around fortunate year-long transit. Then on 5/20, Mars lands in Leo just two weeks ahead of Venus, activating the Leo energy that will be going strong all summer and into fall as Mars and Venus land there kicking off Leo season early, Venus stations retrograde in July (and will remain there on extended day bringing extra blessings til October) and sun and Mercury pass through end of July through end of August. But here's the May catch: Jupiter into Taurus and Mars into Leo will be in challenging "growth" aspect to each other at 0° of the two fixed signs, and this tangle will only be amplified by Pluto freshly retrograde at 0° Aquarius, in T-square to the north node of future and south node of fate almost all of 2023. Pluto in lesson and review mode at 0° Aquarius (until 6/11 when it reenters Capricorn for a potent clean up round - it won't be back for over two centuries) is acting as gatekeeper for May's major energy shifts brought by planetary sign changes. We're moving into a new phase, but it's going to be a bumpy entry. Venus in Cancer is the healing balm. While the planetary sign changes in May run into Pluto checking to see if we really learned the lessons and are truly in our power, truth, and above board with our motives, Venus in Cancer is balancing things, bringing the blessings. (If you want to understand what Pluto lessons are coming up specifically for you, click here to check out my article on Lilith in Leo and your personal summer "Renaissance," where I tell you what dates to look at and why to clue in to the theme that's coming up for you.) ~ 5/12-5/13 - Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces, sextile Mercury in Taurus Right after landing in Cancer, Venus joins the Mercury direct party, making supportive alignments to both Mercury about to station direct 5/14 with Saturn's supporting from Pisces. This speaks to "all good things," coming about with Mercury direct. This alignment began around 4/5-4/7 as Mercury entered the pre-shadow of its retrograde in Taurus in positive alignment to Saturn in Pisces. Mercury is the mind and thinking and communications, and Saturn is about making things real. Saturn in Pisces is about making the ideal and dreams real, and also will reality check us when we are feet aren't on the ground and we're drifting off into fantasy land. Mercury retrograde reviews thinking, ideas, and communication/expression, and Taurus is the Venus-ruled earth sign of material security, resources, pleasure, and the creature comforts of life - by way of self-value of course. We cannot attract our desires if we aren't solidly seated upon our thrones. We get what we believe, not what we want. That Mercury-Saturn alignment (think: refining our ideas for making dreams reality, editing, researching, long-term planning) was the first in a series of three - the final two will come back to back as Mercury stations direct, without the two planets ever leaving aspect orb, from 5/10-5/22 - the first part is with Mercury retrograde from 5/10-5/14 and the finale or resolution is then after Mercury stations direct, from 5/14-5/22, carrying us through the 5/19 Taurus new moon. Venus will be lending a healing helping hand from Cancer, aligning with both Mercury retrograde and Saturn 5/12 and 5/13 just before Mercury stations direct 5/14, so pay attention these days to how self-value and values are getting a boost and clarification and how it plays into this larger Mercury retrograde theme you've been working on for the past few weeks, and how it ties into whatever came up around 4/5-4/7. ~ 5/15-5/17 - Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces Now we are talking about an alignment from Mars at the end degrees of Cancer to Neptune in Pisces, but you'll want to also pay attention to what comes up 5/15-5/17, because Venus is going to be following directly in Mars' footsteps and making this exact same aspect, bringing the second half of the equation, 6/1 and 6/2, right before she lands in Leo on 6/5. Remember these both are water to water flowing alignments. Both water signs are about connection, with Cancer being more on the emotional and human realm, about nurturing, and Pisces being a more spiritual and broad concept - we are all one like drops of water in the ocean - all life is connected. Mars is the masculine energy and how we go after what we want. Mars is about direct confrontation, but in Cancer it tends to go sideways, like the crab itself. Venus is the feminine energy and is about how we align with, attract, and receive what we want. Mars represents our powers of assertion, Venus represents our powers of attraction. But they will both be making this flowing aspect to dreamy Neptune in Pisces from Cancer, one right after the other. Pay attention to what desires arise 5/15-5/17 with Mars, and then see how Venus helps you align energetically with those desires 6/1-6/2. ~ 5/25-5/26 - Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus Towards the end of May, just as we are leaving the "use caution" bumpy period on strong 5/14-5/26, Venus makes an opportunistic alignment with change-bringer and awakener, Uranus in her own sign of earthly desires, Taurus. Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026) is helping us innovate the way we create a sense of security on the material plane, through resources, pleasure in life, and worldly possessions. We've already passed through the major "shake-up" that's forcing us to create changes with the pandemic and related issues. Venus in supportive alignment to Uranus helps us to truly value our own uniqueness and move towards what is in alignment with that with a sense of excitement rather than resistance to change and what is unfamiliar. Try something new, be spontaneous, socialize, break the status quo and shake up your old routine and see what unexpected (good) surprise awaits. ~ 6/1-6/2 - Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces Beginning of June, just before Venus moves on into Leo for her star performance of 2023, she has a little meeting with Neptune in Pisces, adding to whatever Mars activated mid-month. What desires are you aligning with energetically? ~ 6/5 - Venus enters Leo until 10/8 (Retrograde 7/22-9/3) Venus lands in Leo on 6/5, for one of the big energetic signatures of 2023, as she will stay there until 10/8 and also go retrograde. Although not as intense as the bumps we encounter most of May as Jupiter lands in Taurus in square to Mars landing in Leo and Pluto retrograde at 0° Aquarius, Venus still must cross the path of gatekeeper Pluto as she enters Leo. Expect your self-value, values, and inner security to be put to the test by Lord of the Underworld. If you still have shadow bits locked away, in disownment and denial, you will definitely feel this. (To get an idea of what this might be about and if you've worked through it, check out my post on it here.) By 6/11, Pluto will be back in Capricorn, tending to its unfinished underworld business there, so by the time Mercury and sun land in Leo in July, they will have free entry to the sign.
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