This Monday brings the "aha moment" of Mercury retrograde in Taurus and the deep jolt of Pluto shifting into reverse as Friday's Scorpio full moon eclipse looms large. The time to come to terms with what we really value and desire and what's actually standing in our way that we need to once and for all release has arrived, and it's happening whether we are on board or not. Embrace this truth to release yourself from the spell keeping you stuck and start getting the love and abundance you've been longing for in life. Hard truth: "I can't get what I want/need" is a red flag statement that means you are not in your power. You read that right. I wasn't joking when I said it was a hard truth, but it's an important truth, and one that will indeed set you free - if and when you embrace it. This is the kind of truth that stings a little, but ultimately will unlock so much power for you. Let me explain. You are the only one keeping yourself from getting what you want or need. You have the power. You've always had it. But you continue to hold away from yourself that which you long for, and that's part of the reason it's so frustratingly painful. Why? Simple. There's a very old subconscious program running in you that says "I can't get what I want and need." When I say subconscious, I mean below the surface of your conscious awareness. You don't realize that's what is going on - you only keep experiencing the results in your life over and over. And because you don't realize this is subconscious programming at play, you come to conclusions like "that's just the way the world is," and "that's just the way life is," and "that's just the way it is." This subconscious programming may be tied to other additional limiting beliefs about yourself, such as "I'm not good enough," and/or about the world and life in general, like "life is hard and then you die." This might even be compounded by a deep (and again subconscious) fear of punishment or retribution if you happen to get caught ever getting and enjoying that which you believe yourself to be so unworthy. Or maybe it's more about being rejected and abandoned. Maybe the limiting belief says, "no good deed goes unpunished," or "it's lonely at the top." Maybe there's some resistance because of a deeply held belief of not outshining siblings or being more successful than your parents. Or maybe it's a belief that ultimately, being successful, happy, supported, and enjoying life will somehow make you a target, or you will lose friends and loved ones. Yet, consciously, you truly want what you want, and you can't see any logical reason why you shouldn't have it, and so you keep working towards it, and keep find yourself stuck in the same loop of never quite getting there. Because you're caught in the double bind, under the spell of the subconscious beliefs. So let's dive into this a little more deeply. It's all energy. Energy is all there is. The energy of lack and withholding is the same energy, no matter what we are talking about. And as I said before, you are the one in charge. You are the one with the power, and you are the only one keeping yourself from what you want or need. But here's the deal: your beliefs, and especially those subconscious ones that live and operate below the surface of your conscious awareness, are what create the energetic prism that you live life through. As within, so without. Whatever's going on in your inner realm, whether you are aware of it or not, is what's going to be reflected in your outer experience of life. So that belief of "I can't get what I want," or "I can't get my needs met," and all of the other ones that are woven in with it is what is creating your thoughts, your emotions, your energetic vibration, and the experience of life you live every single day. And it will remain that way until you dig in deep and shift those beliefs, thus giving your energetic prism a new vibration. This is why this truth is such a hard pill to swallow. Since you aren't consciously aware of this belief and how it works beneath the surface of your consciousness, it's running the show, and you are unwittingly giving your power away to it every day, feeling helpless and disempowered to change the "don't wants" you see in your life. You may be focused on relationships or money, or more likely the lack thereof, but to your being, needs met or unmet are all the same - it's the same energy. And it's the same story - the block, the resistance, the stuckness - it's inside of you, and you have the power to change it. So what else are you withholding from yourself? Let's take a look at how this belief can play out in every day life.
There's something else that can get us tripped up that I want to mention here too, although I haven't covered all of the multitudes of possibilities that can play out in our lives. Sometimes it's not just beliefs, but intertwined with them might be unresolved trauma from childhood and/or some sort of decision or vow we made way back then while in great distress. These are strong and take willingness to really do deep work to heal and neutralize. When something big happens that we couldn't stop, on top of the trauma, we may have also decided something beyond a limiting belief like "no one loves me," beyond the betrayal trauma or broken trust, that goes something like "this isn't okay, and it's never going to be okay - I'm never going to let this be okay." Of course there are many different versions of this, but my point is that it's not really a belief, but it's a vow that went along with the limiting beliefs when they were formed. And a vow like this can absolutely be working beneath the surface of your consciousness and sabotaging your efforts to experience all the things you want in life. Because not letting thing be okay is not letting yourself be okay, and if that isn't neutralized and remains active, you are always going to run up against the internal conflict. You are going to have to decide to be okay. You're going to have to let it go. Whatever part of you, deep inside, is still holding out for justice or some sort of reparation, it has to let that go. It has to let go so you can heal and finally move on. And that might mean truly grieving what happened, what never was, what was lost - anything and everything that needs to be grieved. This is the power of your subconscious mind and the beliefs we hold, and the best part is, now that you know this, you have the power to change it. You've simply been running on default under the spell of the limiting beliefs that stuck in your subconscious somewhere along the way in life. The moment you decide that you can and do get what you want and need, and that you're okay, is the moment when everything changes. It's the moment when you start getting the love and abundance you want in life - when you suddenly find yourself getting all those elusive needs and wants met and living the life you've been longing.
What area of life will this summer's action be coming through for you personally? Check out the graphic below to find out what astrological house, or area of life, Leo rules for you based on your rising sign. (Keep reading - next I'm going to break down the energies at play in Leo over the coming months.) First Mars activates Leo late May, then Venus joins the mix in early June. But Lilith has been in the sign of audacious sign of creative self-expression since January. You've probably already heard me talk about Venus in Leo this year from an extended stay including retrograde from early June into October. But Mars beats her there, landing in Leo May 20th (as the dust settles from the spring eclipse portal and in the wake of Mercury stationing direct and Jupiter, gift-bringer, landing in Taurus for a full year). Mars landing in Leo for two months really activates the Leo energy and the area of life ruled by Leo for us, but we've had another key player in the sign heating things up since January - Lilith. (Note that Sun and Mercury will join the mix for Leo season - late July til late August, and Venus stations retrograde June 22nd.) Let's talk about Lilith in Leo. Mars activates, Venus brings blessings and healing, and Lilith does what exactly? Lilith in astrology (and in mythology) can get confusing. There's Lilith the asteroid, and then there's Black Moon Lilith, the lunar apogee. This is a calculated point, not an actual object. The apogee is the calculated point of the moon's orbit that is farthest from the earth. It's a "shadow point," much like the north and south nodes that represent appetite, destiny, increase, and the direction of soul growth, and letting go, decrease, karma, and fate, respectively. Black Moon Lilith has a 9 year orbit and spends 9 months in each sign. So what does it mean to you? Well, just like everything else, there's one in your natal chart that's part of your energetic blueprint, and then there's the current transit. Transit Lilith landed in Leo in January and will vacate the sign along with Venus in October. Given all of the other activity in Leo this year and it's relationship to Uranus/north node in Taurus and south node in Scorpio, and Pluto arriving at zero degrees Aquarius in March, Black Moon Lilith in Leo is worth discussing and understanding. Most of us know Lilith as a character in the Bible - Adam's first wife that walked out, refusing to submit, to be replaced by Eve. (Whether she walked out or was kicked out is a detail that is still up for debate.) No matter. Our mission is to understand the energy of this archetype so we can understand this energy in our lives, and Lilith goes back way farther than the Bible. She shows up in the Sumerian myth of Inanna's Descent - she had nested in the huluppu tree Inanna had planted and tended to with the intention of creating a great throne for herself. When Inanna could not get Lilith to leave the tree, her future throne, she had her brother help her chase her off so the throne could be cut from the tree's wood. Inanna's Descent is the myth of Venus' retrograde - the great queen's descent to the underworld to face her shadow and be reborn to new consciousness, ruler of both worlds, of shadow and light, and Lilith is intrinsically woven into this epic tale of human experience as a representative of the shadow, the feminine that goes her own way, the one who was shamed, rejected, and outcast. In Inanna's myth, we see her showing up as something that stands between Inanna and her throne. She calls in her brother to rid "the pest" for her and carve her great throne from the tree, but as we all know, other people cannot truly do our shadow work for us. As the myth unfolds, we find Inanna with all of her high worldly status not truly in our power, and becoming conscious of her sister, Erishkrigal, who rules the Underworld - her shadow self, and going to meet her face to face. The shadow initially kills her, but the god of wisdom Enki brings her back to life, reborn to new consciousness. Then and only then, in her true power, can she integrate the shadow and become ruler of both worlds - light and shadow, above and below. Black Moon Lilith represents the wild feminine, the part of us that won't be tamed, and won't be quiet. Until we integrate this part of ourselves into consciousness through self-acceptance, we will struggle with feeling ashamed of it - and this shows up as feeling shame and discomfort, maybe outright offense, when we see other people owning and expressing this energy we've deemed unacceptable in ourselves. 3 points to Working With the Big Leo Energy This Summer & Your Personal Renaissance. 1. Black Moon Lilith is the lunar apogee - the point of the moon's orbit that is the farthest the moon can get from the earth without breaking free of its orbit and spinning off into space. With BML in Leo January through October, whatever passes through Leo during that time will also be at this "breaking free" point. So that means Mars, self-assertion and desire, 5/20 through 7/10, Venus, self-value and attraction, 6/5 through 10/8, sun, source and light of consciousness, 7/23 through 8/22, and Mercury, the mind, thinking, and communication, 7/11 through 7/28. 2. The moon is giving us monthly updates on this energy every time it transits Leo, and until June, it opposes Pluto at 0° Aquarius every time it enters the sign. The moon is our daily feels, and the sign is transiting on any given day tells us how we will feel best about ourselves and life. In Leo, it's about honoring the inner child, following our hearts, and unapologetic creative self-expression. We want to be seen, heard, and appreciated for who we are. Pluto wants transformation. It wants us in right relationship to our personal power. And it brings this transformation about by stripping exposing deep subconscious truths and forcing us to release the old - to die to the old consciousness to be reborn to the new. Every time until June the moon lands in Leo, our emotional security may feel "out there," as deep stuff comes up in our lives triggering us, fueling this major process of release and regeneration that is on all year really as Pluto squares the nodes of future and past March through December. Here are the dates through September the moon is in Leo: (MDT). (Mark these dates on your calendar and tune into what's coming up to get a sense of the theme you're going to be working on as your "personal renaissance" over this summer!)
3. Where, and how, are you unapologetically breaking free, and what from?Black Moon Lilith is the lunar apogee - all about "breaking free." Uranus in Taurus in square is about breaking free too - innovating a new way to material security, maybe by way of new values and new self-value. Pluto's helping us dig up the deeply buried stuff in our subconscious that keeps sabotaging us. The south node in Scorpio is our point of release. But Leo is where we are really focusing over the summer - where we are taking heart, having courage, and keeping true to ourselves no matter what. In "Finding Our Way Through the Dark," Demetra George says, “The Asteroid Lilith describes the first stage in the mythical journey where she is suppressed, humiliated and flees in a fiery rage to the desolate wilderness. The Dark Moon Lilith depicts the pain of her exile where she plots and executes revenge. The Black Moon Lilith shows how she transmutes her distorted image back into its natural healthy expression." This is about recovering the part of you, your expression, that was shamed and thus deemed unacceptable and reintegrating it. This is about reclaiming your power by bringing back under your wing the parts of you you've disowned and locked deep in that inner dungeon. Remember, your body is an entire organism made up of millions of tiny single ones - Just like a stand of aspen trees, what harms one harms all, because they are actually all the same organism. You cannot disown part of yourself or be ashamed of part of yourself without disowning the entire self. For you to be okay, and worthy, and valuable, that part of you has to be okay too. Period. This summer is your chance to transmute this distorted image of yourself, to break free of the limiting beliefs, judgments, and conditional thinking that have kept you imprisoned from your heart's desires and full self expression. Here's an example of how Black Moon Lilith in the natal chart works. If you have Lilith natally in the 8th or Scorpio, you may feel extremely uncomfortable or judgmental when you are around people expressing attachment issues, possessiveness, or jealousy. You feel shame just being in proximity of it, and maybe even like they need to be "punished" for their behavior - because at some point in your life, whether you remember it or not, you were, and now you've buried the root need to be included, wanted, and deeply connected in yourself. It's not allowed, even though it's a primal human need. Your experience didn't separate the core need from the immature or unconscious behavior that was only trying to get that need met. Lilith in Leo wants attention, and again, attention and appreciation are intrinsic human needs. But how many times have we been shamed for our attempts to get this need met? How many of us were told "children were meant to be seen and not heard?" How many attempts from our caregivers and authority figures to teach us appropriate social behavior over the course of growing up ended up with us carrying this shame and feelings of not valuable and not important into our adulthood? And because we've disowned this need and deemed this part of ourselves unacceptable and locked it away in the shadow dungeon, it has no choice but to express unconsciously, distorted, and sideways, sending us into more self-loathing and shame. This summer is your opportunity to find that part of yourself and bring it out of the dungeon. Love it up, bring it back into the fold, into your loving and compassionate gaze. It was never wrong or bad. It just needs your full acceptance, and then loving guidance. Venus will be swooping in to Leo June through October and retrograde 6/22 to 9/3 supporting us in making that same journey to our own shadowlands as the great Sumerian queen Inanna to face our shadow and be reborn to new consciousness, whole unto ourselves, ruler of both shadow and light - helping us access a new level of self-value. Until then, we are doing the prep work for the "personal renaissance" coming this summer. If you want to dive deeper, start with finding the area of life that Leo rules in your chart, because that's where all the action will be. For deeper understanding, then check what areas of life Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius rule for you as these are all playing in, with Pluto moving into Aquarius squaring the nodes, the north node of future along with Uranus bringing innovation to values/material security in Taurus, and the south node of karma and past signaling where we need to release in Scorpio. If you're interested in a personal astrology reading, just click here to book.
The present is turning into the future with every moment, every breath - let's get you out of the old patterns and loops, back on your throne and creating your best life.
~Kasey Mark May 1st on your calendar - it's likely to be an insightful day. Why? Because by evening (Mountain Time), we have Mercury retrograde in Taurus cazimi, or making an inferior conjunction to the sun, marking the heart of its retrograde review and bringing the big "aha" moment, and then just two hours later, Pluto officially stationing retrograde until October 10th. To make things even more intense, this all occurs just days before the 5/5 Scorpio full moon eclipse - an energetic climax that closes the eclipse portal that opened 4/19. Eclipses always bring lasting change to our lives, and this one especially signifies closing chapters of our lives and letting go. Pluto being the modern ruler of Scorpio only adds more gravity to the situation at hand. I've referred to the theme of Mercury retrograde in Taurus as "innovating the good life." Here's why. (Read more about Mercury retrograde in Taurus 4/21 to 5/14 here.) Mercury retrograde is always a review of thinking and communication. Taurus is the Venus-ruled earth sign of how we feel secure and enjoy life through material resources and possessions. Mercury doesn't just rule the mind, it rules every day errands, connections, and transactions - money. Looking at the bigger picture, Uranus moved into Taurus in 2018 and will finish that transit in 2025. Uranus brings change through sudden upheaval, and wants us to innovate and break free from the status quo. The climax of Uranus in Taurus was brought about with the pandemic over the past few years - an event that forced large scale changes, and created the need to innovate our relationship with resources of all kinds, how we enjoy life's creature comforts, and how we feel materially secure in our lives. The north node of increase, appetite, future, and destiny moved into Taurus mid-January 2022, bringing a collective desire to move past the restrictions of the pandemic and find new ways to enjoy the abundance of life again. However, Saturn in Aquarius (Saturn entering Aquarius in March 2020 was the beginning of the pandemic for most of us), was still finishing up its series of squares (an energetic impasse that restricts and forces growth) to Uranus in Taurus, on February 2021 til October 2022, so although we felt the desire to break through and break free and align with the call of the north node and Uranus in Taurus, we were frustratingly held back. But now it's a completely different ball game. Saturn's now moved into Pisces - this puts it in a supportive position to Uranus in Taurus rather than a challenging one. By July, the north node will leave Taurus and move on into Aries, starting a new 18 month cycle, which means it is wrapping up it's time in Taurus, bringing this transit that began in January of 2022 to culmination. Mercury retrograde in Taurus now just before Jupiter lands there to bring gifts for an entire year starting May 16th, is here to help us mentally review in the Taurean realms before we move forward. If you've had budget or financial issues up for review, then perfect. Now's the time to get that sorted, and Mercury retrograde is pointing you in the right direction. On a deeper level, consider this: the total solar eclipse was 4/19 (or 4/20 depending on what part of the world you live in), and it featured the new moon eclipse in square to Pluto - more specifically, sun square Pluto. Then, Mercury stationed retrograde on 4/21. As Pluto stations retrograde on 5/1, Mercury makes its inferior conjunction with the sun in Taurus, known as "cazimi." The inferior conjunction only happens when Mercury is retrograde, and Mercury disappears beneath the sun's rays. This is when Mercury, on its quest for missed information, is said to "sit in the throne room with the king." This is when sun, light of consciousness, imparts its wisdom to Mercury, ruler of the mind and the messenger. It's an "aha moment." What came up for you around power dynamics & control around 4/19 to 4/21? How is that situation unfolding now? Mercury retrograde in either sign of Venus (Taurus or Libra) can lead to people coming back in from the past and the official ending of relationships. It's always a review and a mental one, so things come back in to spark whatever we need to rework our perception of to refine thinking and expression. Remember this: we tend to think of Venus simplistically as "love and money," but at the heart in either case, this is about our values and ultimately our value of ourselves. If you have a deficit in either area, there's a self-value issue at the heart of the matter. Pluto is about power. Pluto retrograde is specifically a review of our relationship to power, and our clue to that lies in what issues around power and control are surfacing in our lives. The key here is this: your power lies in your ability to control yourself, and nowhere else. Pluto teaches us about letting go - the power of elimination. If whatever is coming up for you now has even a whiff of power dynamics (whether it's you feeling the need to power trip, coerce, manipulate, or control, or it's someone else displaying these behaviors towards you) it's a clear sign to LET GO. And this letting go is NOT an ultimatum, or threat, or done with the intention of any sort of manipulation. The key here lies in your motives for this "elimination," so make sure you are above board on all counts with this. Eclipses finalize things, and Pluto will be retrograde til October 10th, so if there are lessons to be learned here or fall out/repercussions, you can bet they will be coming front and center for you between now and October. This Pluto retrograde is more potent, as Pluto is in the midst of a major transition - from Capricorn where its been since 2008, to Aquarius where it will be until 2044, after January when it returns. Pluto begins this retrograde on 5/1 at 0° Aquarius, and will station direct 10/10 at 27° Capricorn. Collectively we may very well see recession, foreclosures, bankruptcies, and in general the results of any greed and power plays by the "powers that be" since 2008. Pluto in transit always strips and exposes what's rotten so it can be destroyed and something new may be created, and Pluto in Capricorn kicked off with the Global Financial Crisis. On a more personal note, Pluto retrograde will have to do for you with whatever house (area of life) Capricorn rules in your life, and your relationship to power in that area of life. Think of it as a "clean-up round," wrapping up the major themes and lessons since 2008 and how that has transformed you, before moving on to what's next. Don't ignore whatever is coming up for you now. The theme of our relationship to personal power and LETTING GO is the major underlying theme of the astrology of 2023, with Pluto being in square to the nodes of future and past, destiny and karma, from early March til early December. 2023 is what I'm referring to as a "transition year" for all of us, and it largely has to do with this particular energetic dynamic, coinciding with Pluto's shift into Aquarius, which kicks off a series of outer planet sign changes that will have us in a totally new place by 2025/early 2026. If you're facing down power dynamics, realize that you are being guided to fully release any attachments or limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, specifically by coming into right relationship with power and especially your personal power. If it feels like your security has been wobbled, or you are feeling disempowered or not of value, be willing to take a closer look at what has been triggered deep within your subconscious and psyche and be honest about your true motives for any action you feel driven to take. This isn't the time for relying on power dynamics or false sense of control to try and find your sense of security. It's time to disengage and release those "lose-lose" situations, while maintaining the highest ethics, morals, and respect for both yourself and others. Take the high road and focus on not needing to control or get a specific outcome to be okay.
On the heels of the Aries new moon eclipse, Mercury stations retrograde 4/21, turning direct May 14th. The pre-shadow began 4/7 with the ruler of the mind in supportive alignment with Saturn. There will be two more of these alignments, with the 2nd 5/10-13 being a time of review of whatever landed around 4/7, and resolution coming just after Mercury stations direct on the 14th, May 18th-20th, featuring Jupiter freshly into Taurus for a 12th month gift-bringing transit. Good things are coming - be patient as we move through the 5/5 Scorpio full moon eclipse and allow Mercury retrograde to guide you in doing any necessary review, rework, and edits. Pay attention to what's being "seeded" in your life now and you'll also get clues to what will up for review for you personally during the upcoming retrograde. Mercury's 2nd retrograde of 2023 (all 3 in earth signs), begins April 21st at 15° Taurus and ends May 14/15 at 5° Taurus, aligning with our first eclipse portal of the year, 4/21 til 5/5. Besides the obvious of Mercury doing a review of communications and thinking through the energetic prism of Venus-ruled earth sign Taurus, the major influencing energy on this is a supportive alignment coming from Saturn three times - the first (the initiation/introduction) is now (April 5th - 7th), the second, when Mercury is retrograde (the review) is May 10th-13th, and the final one, the resolution, will be May 18th-20th. What came up for you 4/7 as Mercury entered the pre-shadow of its retrograde in this first helpful aspect to Saturn in Pisces? (Hint: Saturn in Pisces for the next couple of years can be a great help to us in "making the ideal real," by showing us how to bring our dreams and inspiration into being in the real world.) Mercury's entrance into the pre-shadow always gives us clues around what this specific retrograde review will be focused on for us personally, and with that also being the first of the 3 aspects to Saturn, we were introduced to that aspect too. Taurus is an earth sign, and Saturn rules the earth sign Capricorn, and Mercury is the mind. This particular retrograde may have us feeling frustratingly slowed down or delayed, especially because it happens laid over our first eclipse portal - eclipses many times have us feeling like time is speeding up. Eclipses always bring big change and typically there effects are felt for weeks before and after, and this portal is especially complex as it opens with our 2nd new moon in a row in Aries, at the 29th or anaretic (karmic) degree of the sign that the north node of increase, future, and destiny will land in for 18 months in early July, and just after Saturn and Pluto have made sign shifts into Pisces and Aquarius, respectively. However, this retrograde is not being blocked by Saturn, it's being helped, so however slowed down we may feel, remember that this is for our own good - something needs to be sorted before rushing ahead, Saturn is here to help with practical planning and details, and we'll be glad we paused to do this, because on the other side of this retrograde and the eclipse portal, things may look very different. Keep in mind what Taurus rules - resources, creature comforts, enjoying life through the five senses, security through material possessions, finances, and self-worth. While the retrograde territory (15° to 5° Taurus) does not include north node (now at 4° Taurus, moving towards Aries) or Uranus (now at 17° Taurus), remember that these two are still in the sign, pulling us towards all things Taurus but at the same time asking us to innovate the way we "do" resources, pleasure in life, and material security. Expect a back-off or need for review and reworking around May 10th-13th, during Mercury retrograde, AND what you are realizing now needs to be once and for all left in the past where it belongs and buried there for you to fully move forward. This may have a lot to do with ancestors, contracts, past-life fears, completed karma, and/or limiting beliefs and conditions that are running programs from your subconscious/deep psyche.
The first pair of eclipses of 2023 are upon us! Here's your guide.... Eclipses typically occur in pairs of two - a new moon eclipse or solar eclipse, and a full moon eclipse, or lunar eclipse, not necessarily in that order - two weeks apart, in spring and fall, forming "portals" of change (the two weeks in between the eclipses). Eclipses are based on the lunar nodes - these are calculated points and "shadows" of the moon, with the north node representing soul growth, increase, appetite, future, and destiny (what's pulling us forward), and the south node representing karma, decrease, release, past, and fate (what is completed/what we are moving away from - or what's holding us back).
Working with the 4/19 Aries New Moon Eclipse
How do you work with this epic new moon eclipse to harness it's potent power in your life? I've got three steps for you, and the set up this week leading up to the eclipse is crucial. 1. Believe. This is a Mars-ruled new moon eclipse bringing powerful change having to do with self-assertion, with Mars transiting Cancer, sign of the tenacious crab. The ascendant for this new moon eclipse falls in Sagittarius - sign of faith, belief, and optimism. You've got this. Forget about surviving - set your dial to THRIVE. 2. Do the dark moon release work. We've got ruler Mars in sign of emotions and past, Cancer, in square to wounded healer Chiron in Aries AND in supportive aspect to Mercury about to go retrograde in Taurus on 4/21 (a review of thinking and communications especially around security, resources, pleasure, and material possessions), and the new moon eclipse will be in applying conjunction to the north node in the beginning degrees of Taurus all in square to Pluto at 0° Aquarius. Pluto is in square to the nodes of future and past from early March all the way til early December this year and the overarching theme is letting go of the past so you can rebirth into the future and your destiny. Cancer can be overly attached and sentimental, so now is the time to dive deep into your subconscious, heal any unresolved bits from the past, and identify any unconscious tendencies to self-sabotage. Wrap it up, close it out, and leave that stuff in the past where it belongs. It's done. Make peace with it. Drop it, leave it. 3. Take heart, have courage, turn and face your fears. This is a major new beginning in Aries, sign of self, the warrior, courage, and passion. Summon your courage and face your fears. This time, you're not shrinking, you're confronting. Everything you desire is on the other side of this, and you will win. There's no other option. You know all of the old scars and wounds, you know the patterns, and now you also are quite aware that staying stuck and giving your power away to the past is much worse than just turning to face it and saying, "not this time." Whatever you experienced in the past, you've already lived it - the memory of it only has power over you if you allow it to. And you're done with that. This is a new chapter, and that old story isn't going to be a part of it.
October 2024
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