Silencing the Treasonous Inner Critic |
The Upcoming Astrology As the moon wanes, we are in a cycle of release. On the deepest level, this is about releasing whatever ideas and beliefs you've been holding within that are no longer relevant in your life. This then will translate out into the more mundane and superficial levels of your life like a pebble dropped into water creates ripples. Mercury retrograde along with the sun in Virgo is keeping the focus on our inner processing, helping us to sort the information we are receiving for the next few days. On September 22nd, Mercury will station direct, meaning this processing and emphasis on thinking and communication will intensify, and then as he moves direct, things of this nature naturally free up and begin to move forward as well. The sun shifts into Libra on the 23rd, shifting our focus to Libra's concerns of relationship, harmony, cooperation, and balance. Venus is just finishing her transit of her own sign of Libra and shifting into Scorpio on the 24th, but Jupiter is just get started on a year-long transit of Libra, and Mercury is preparing to enter Libra on October 8th. As we release with the waning moon, we will reach the "waning square", also known as a "crisis of consciousness" on Friday September 23rd when the moon in Cancer squares the sun in Libra in the wee hours of the morning. This is the halfway point between the full moon and the new moon and pits the sun in harmony-loving air sign Libra against an emotional Cancer moon. The moon rules our triggers - those intense emotional reactions we experience when one of our wounds gets poked and our fears come up. Libra wants partnership and cooperation, balance and harmony, above all. So at this juncture, the realization of the full moon eclipse may really get driven home. We may get more reasons to release those beliefs and behavior patterns that are no longer serving us. Venus is about attraction, not domination. She asks us to align ourselves with our desires. On September 26th, Pluto finally turns direct in Capricorn, and then on the 27th Mars moves out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn. This should feel stabilizing and like we are now picking up speed. The 27th through the 30th will be the dark moon, and the most potent time for turning inward and really assessing what is to be released in order to create what you truly desire. The new moon in Libra will be on September 30th at 6:11 p.m. With Jupiter in Libra for the next year, this is a beautiful new moon during which to place intentions in the area of love, relationship, harmony, partnership, balance and cooperation. How can you be more interdependent, relating to others in a healthy balanced way instead of swaying towards too much independence, dependence or codependence? Remember that Libra is ruled by Venus, and Venus rules attraction. The law of attraction says like attracts like. Venus asks you to align with that which you desire. Venus' ultimate message is that the foundation upon which everything else is based in our lives is our self-love. |
The idea many of us carry about this word, the connotation of it that has been handed down to us, is negative. But it's meaning (at least in the Tarot) actually centers around a positive shift in consciousness, bringing about "great change, restored relationship, and family or group happiness". Judgment is card XX of the Major Arcana, which begins with card 0, the Fool (possibility) and ends with card XXI, the World (completion), and describes the "Fool's Journey" of enlightenment.
"Notice the joy and wonder in the six people rising from what appear to be open coffins. No one is being judged. No one is being sent anywhere. Instead we see a great rising up, symbolic of change in consciousness, one that may have been building for a long time but seems to happen all of a sudden.... Waite makes clear that the horn does not signify an apocolyptic end of the world but a spiritual transformation." ~Rachel Pollack, The New Tarot Handbook | Divinatory Meanings: A fresh start. Renewal, especially of a relationship, whether romantic or family, that had seemed dead. Outer realization of a great change that has already happened internally. Family or group celebration |
Meaning: Release and renewal, absolution, the freshness of a new dawn, a new start. Making a judgment, though it might be harsh and difficult to face; the necessity of hard choices. Face down those decisions, recognize the need, and forgive. Reawakening, the mystery of birth and death. The voice of destiny summons you onward. Hearing that undeniable call and being drawn to act upon it; knowing what must be done. | The description of Judgment in the Shadowscapes Tarot says this.... "Upon the arrival of Judgment Day, an angel sounds the horn to send out the Blast of Truth. Let all the souls rise to that call then and lay their deeds out to be seen and judged by all. Let the spirit be cleansed with burning light and fire, to be made pure. There comes a time for everyone when an accounting must be held. It is time to evaluate the phase of life just past, to recognize and to appraise with an unbiased mind and honesty to oneself. Every action has its result, for good or for ill, to be rewarded or to bear the need for absolution and forgiveness, cleansing and atonement. And beyond that is the transition on to the next phase, a rebirth and a clean slate to begin again. Red poppies are a symbol of sleep and death, sometimes an offering to the dead. Like blood, their color stains the fields, brilliant and beautiful. From that life-filled expanse of delicately swaying crimson and gold, butterflies take wing to bear the spirits onward in the metamorphosis of the soul. The wide freedom and endless blue of the beyond awaits." |
But giving up ideas and beliefs that we don't even know we have, or that we don't realize are our choice to change, or that we perceive as keeping us safe, or that are deeply ingrained as part of our identity, or that we believe get our needs met, is a difficult process. And so we continue to struggle with the same life issues, never seeing our way beyond them, until one day something happens, and we are born into a new perspective and way of being.
And then the expanse of "the wide freedom and endless blue" opens up right before our eyes and we open to the all of the possibilities of this fresh new beginning.
Now we have the full moon eclipse in Neptune's sign of Pisces. The sun shines its light of consciousness from practical Virgo onto the moon and Chiron who will be sitting together in the waters of Pisces.
The Virgo/Pisces axis can be described as "selfless service". Pisces is a water sign associated with emotions and spirit. Pisces is compassionate and wants to help the underdog and save everyone but can lose its boundaries. Pisces is quick to give itself up for others but then might develop a martyr complex. Virgo is the earth sign opposite Pisces. Virgo is about service, routine, organization, focus and tending to the details. Ultimately, we would strive to balance these energies in our lives to achieve "selfless service".
The presence of Chiron with the moon in Pisces emphasizes this theme.
The Myth of Chiron Chiron is known as "the wounded healer". His placement in our natal chart in astrology points to the place of this wounding we each carry. This association is illustrated by his myth. Kronos (Saturn) was pursuing the nymph Philyra. She changed into a horse to outrun him and he changed into a horse and caught her. Hence Chiron was born a centaur, half man and half horse (Sagittarius). Although he was half animal, because of his father, he was immortal. Because of the circumstances, he was abandoned by his mother, and neither did he know his father. Chiron is adopted by Apollo who teaches him, and Chiron then becomes a teacher. He teaches Hercules. When Hercules returns from slaying the Hydra, the bottle of Dionysus' wine is opened for him and a fight erupts, and Chiron is accidentally shot in the leg by Hercules with an arrow that has the poisonous blood of Hydra on it. The animal part of him now bears "the wound he cannot heal" yet he is immortal so must suffer endlessly. He isolates himself in a cave to live out the rest of his days. But Hercules finds him and tells him of Prometheus. Prometheus had stolen fire from the gods to give man intelligence. He was sentenced by Zeus to being chained to a rock while a vulture feasted on his liver. Chiron agrees to sacrifice himself in Prometheus' place for humanity. After nine days, Zeus decides to place Chiron in the heavens in the constellation of Sagittarius, and so through his sacrifice he is liberated from his suffering. |
Chiron's story is one of wounding and the process of becoming free of that initial wound.
Not only was Chiron the product of a violent, abusive act, he was abandoned by both parents. He was betrayed by the two people we expect in life to be able to trust. If there is abandonment perceived by the psyche of a child, what type of beliefs then typically develop? "I'm not wanted", "I'm not good enough", "I'm not enough", "I'm not lovable", "I'm not deserving", "I'm wrong"...and the list goes on. These are the telltale slogans of the Chironic wounds we carry.
Chiron was portrayed as part divine and part beast, portraying the the duality of ego and higher self that dwells in all of us.
He was redeemed by adoption, but then he was shot (accidentally) by Hercules, whom he trusted - another betrayal that then triggered the initial wound.
Now our healer is faced with a wound that not even he can heal. Because he never addressed the initial wound, the shadow now completely takes over and he isolates himself. Because he still carries those negative beliefs he took on as a result of the initial wounding, he has abandoned himself. He is now at the mercy of his own shadows.
Then Hercules shows up. Chiron, in torment anyway, agrees to Hercules' proposition to take the place of Prometheus and help mankind. But with this selfless sacrifice, he actually transcends and finds his freedom.
And now we see how the Pisces/Virgo theme of "selfless service" and Chiron's myth of "the wounded healer" are intertwined on this full moon eclipse.
Chiron's placement in our natal chart tells us the nature of that initial wounding we each carry and points the way to healing it. (There are other clues as well.) At some point in life we may become conscious of it on our own, because of life experiences, or through therapy or all of the above. The Chiron/Saturn elements in a natal chart describe this type of initial core wounding that causes us to take on negative beliefs about self and then create those circumstances time and time again until we can step out of the role of victim and into the role of creator and change the belief and break the pattern.
Saturn challenges us to take back our power. Chiron shows us that once we have done this, we can help others who have similar wounds and be of service to humanity.

The light above her was dimming. Her destination was much farther than it looked from above. She held her breath and pushed downward, kicking hard against the urge to turn and go back toward the light.
As the dark of the depths closed in around her, she felt the pressure squeezing hard on her body. Her body had felt so strong and sturdy above, but now it seemed fragile and an inappropriate vessel for this task. Undaunted, she pressed on.
She became aware of her complete isolation in the cold black and the tentacles of loneliness consuming her. She could no longer sense any light coming from above her, and could just barely make out the glowing fissure still far below her.
The reality of her utter aloneness on this journey set in. It was too far; too deep. It had been a mistake to attempt this. She knew she wouldn’t be able to continue without air for much longer, but she was too far down to make it back to the surface.
The somber realization that she would not be returning to her life on the surface left her with only one choice: to keep going. With fresh resolve she focused on her goal and kicked harder into the abyss.
Although this journey was hers and hers alone, to her surprise, there was help and support near, just invisible to her eyes in the inky cloak.
A seahorse twice as big as she suddenly appeared out of the black, a rainbow of glowing colors. It towed with it a giant iridescent air bubble. She eagerly breathed in the air, and found herself able to think more clearly and with renewed determination. Her life force restored, and the glowing red light of her destination within clear view, she pressed on through the dark with a renewed sense of hope.
The end was in sight. Her destination was SO close. She was proud of the bravery and strength that had brought her this far.
There it was; the source of her Self, her life, her passions, her emotions and her expression. It was literally her own fountain of life, but all she could make out was a little crack of red glowing light. Something was wrong. Why wasn’t it flowing?
She swam closer and caught sight of the problem. There was a huge black boulder lodged on her fountain! It was immense. She tried to push on it, but she was tiny in comparison. She could not budge it.
Suddenly she felt the weight of all of the water above crushing down on her. She was suffocating. It was impossible. This is where it would all end. She had failed all of her loved ones and most importantly she had failed herself. It was hopeless. She sank down onto the bottom, heavy with sorrow, her lungs emptied of air. She looked back up in the direction of the surface, but was unable to glimpse any remnant of light. She sank lifelessly into the icy cold darkness....
She took another breath from the air bubble. The air bubble! Her eyes adjusted to the giant seahorse from earlier in her journey watching her closely as her body gently came back to life.
She was enchanted by the menagerie of magical creatures that she saw around her. What they were doing was of even more interest.
She noticed four colossal neon sea urchins, their massive spines held up like scepters, standing guard on the perimeter.
My fountain! She suddenly remembered why she was here. She turned her gaze just in time to see two gargantuan sea turtles, with thick weathered hides and ancient symbols etched on their shells, heave the boulder from the fountain. Their ancient wisdom and timelessness was apparent. Their eyes glowed an soft blue light, and the markings on their shells glowed the same eerie blue against their darker shells.
As she was taking this in, there was a rumble from under the fountain. Her eyes widened with fear. She wondered what she had unleashed with this journey. Maybe she had made a mistake.
The rumble came again, this time louder and more intense. Suddenly a column of pure golden sparkling light shot straight out of her fountain, reaching up as far as she could see. The water around her sparkled and glistened with the golden light.
A strange feeling came over her. Her body felt warm, even in the cold depths. She felt a soft buzzing deep inside her belly. She stared in wonder at how beautiful her light was. It was amazing! This light, Her Light, had been blocked, held down, hidden, all of this time. What amazing treasures had been hidden away down here in the depths!
In her awe she had not noticed that the sea urchins and turtles had disappeared. Remembering the long journey down, she panicked. All of this for nothing! They saved me and they left me! I have finally found myself and found my freedom and I have been left here to die!
The light did not matter anymore. Nothing mattered. She frantically looked around the sparkling waters, lit by the golden column of light shooting up from her fountain, and saw the tiniest seahorse hovering a short distance away. She swam closer. It was indeed the very same seahorse who just a short time before had dwarfed her.
The seahorse was positioned by the column of light and did not move. She looked around, uncertainty engulfing her. Reluctantly she swam over to the column.
There was only one thing to do. She summoned her courage, and with one big kick, thrust herself into the golden column. She was shocked to find the surface right above her! It had been right there the whole time. Her fears and doubts had cloaked everything in an illusion of darkness and strife and struggle.
Her reality now was illuminated by the golden light of her true self. The sparkling light pushed out all of the shadows and illusions and only allowed what was her authentic self to remain.
She caught an iridescent shimmer on her skin and silently gave thanks to the seahorse, turtles and sea urchins – she realized now they had only been parts of herself that came forth to help her on this journey to freedom.
And then a tiny, knowing smile crept across her lips. She now knew that the magic wasn’t the amazing creatures she had encountered, but she herself. Those creatures were part of her, but she now saw that SHE was the Magical Creature, who had just completed a magical journey to remove any obstacle that might keep her from shining her golden light. She smiled, knowing she had set herself free and nothing would ever block her light again.
If you give away your power, there will always be someone there to take it.
I have journeyed to my own personal underworld and come face to face with my most deeply held fears. I have identified my own negative and limiting beliefs and faced the harsh truth of my lack of self-love and self-worth. I reopened all of the old wounds and scrubbed them clean. It hasn't been fun or easy.
It's been messy. Really messy.
My thing, formally, is astrology-specifically life and energy coaching through the tool of astrology.
I see the "story" that I have carried echoed plainly in the symbols of my natal chart.
Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, the sign of my seventh house of intimate relationships expresses through, sits on top of my Venus, (both in my first house of self and identity, which is expressed through the energetic prism of Cancer, Capricorn's and Saturn's exact opposite energy). Venus represents resources and relationships, but by way of our value of ourselves-our self-worth and self-love.
That signature in my natal chart means "other," and specifically intimate partner, is sitting on top of my self-worth.
In life, it meant that I had some serious lessons to learn around boundaries and staying in my power, and that meant one thing: an epic battle with Saturn for my self-worth and inner authority - the battle to reclaim my throne.

Here’s the scenario. It's really about reclaiming one's power and inner authority.
Saturn on Venus in Cancer and the first house shows that self-worth is debilitated, and this is likely from some kind of early experience of being limited or restricted by an authority (resulting in devaluation of self), and this means that expression of the self has then been masked, repressed, suppressed, restricted, or in some way altered, to fit in with this authority that caused the experience of the expression of the authentic self being “wrong”.
With the self-worth debilitated and carrying the idea that there is something inherently wrong with self, one then puts the "authority" (Saturn) outside of oneself, making herself dependent on others for security. In this case, Saturn’s sign Capricorn, representing this security, is ruling the seventh house of intimate relationships in the natal chart-the power is given away to the significant other in exchange for the lacking sense of security.
We get on the right side of Saturn with maturity. In the native's younger years, Saturn in this case can easily show up as Venus’ abuser. The authority figure holds the self-worth hostage, but as long as the self-worth is debilitated and authority is seen as something that only exists outside of oneself, there’s no way out of the cycle. This is Saturn as represented in the Devil card in the tarot, calling our attention to how we imprison ourselves (ultimately by the limiting/negative beliefs that we carry of which we are unconscious). But now consider Saturn in its role of teacher and how it is represented in the World card in the tarot-this is how we experience Saturn with maturity. The World is the card of completion, showing the reaping of the happy harvest. |
She is not here to be anyone's bitch and never was.
But she had to learn the lesson in the depth and detail that she did, because she has important work to do around self-worth and becoming her own authority. Like the great Sumerian Inanna, she had to descend to her depths to be reborn whole unto herself and reclaim her throne as the unshakable sovereign ruler of her realm.
That's the only reason Lord of Karma (Saturn) would be there over Venus in the first house/Cancer causing forced growth and the need to fight for self-esteem and expression.
There is a deeper archetypal layer to this running throughout our myths, our religions, our cultures, and our collective consciousness.
The study of astrology leads to the study of mythology. What we might understand as Venus or Aphrodite today is quite the watered down version from the not-to-be-fucked-with ancient goddess energies.
As the Sumerian myth "Inanna's Descent" teaches us, (and this describes the astrological cycle of Venus' retrograde, as Inanna was Venus' predecessor), we cannot fully claim our power unless we've confronted the shadow self. We don't stand in our power if we keep trying to disown the darker or maybe not-so-socially-acceptable parts of ourselves. That betrays our truth and compromises our power.
And Inanna certainly wasn't going to be someone's bitch. She journeyed to the underworld to confront her sister who was queen of the underworld (her shadow self) and in her compromised state was attacked by her sister and hung on meat hooks and left for dead. Her hand maiden (higher self) saved her. But the underworld had rules and before she would be allowed to leave she had to choose someone to take her place. Upon finding out that her consort had taken over her thrown and was not one bit interested in her well-being, she chose him and sent him to the underworld, reclaiming her thrown and her sovereignty.
If we work with the negative and limiting beliefs we carry, we find the wounds where those beliefs were formed which also mark the chinks in our armor where others can trick us into giving away our power. Our armor is always our self-esteem and self-love. If we carry a negative belief about ourselves, like "too much" or "not worthy" or "not lovable", then there is a chink in that armor. Now we are "not enough" as we innately are and therefore we look outside of ourselves for whatever that thing is we think we need. Our shadow, unattended to, has turned a larger-than-life monster. It has opened an access point that would allow someone else to invade our homeland and steal our throne.
Manipulation is part of human nature, because fear is part of human nature. We try to control what we fear. If we are fearful, we want power, which we think we will achieve by control, and fear is something we know so well, that we can innately try to gain that control over another by playing on their fear. We've seen this principle at work time and time again.
The Egyptian Myth of Sekhmet... Take the myth of ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, the fierce lion-headed goddess. She is primarily known as The Destroyer, or even The Scarlet Lady, however, despite this reputation, she was widely worshiped in ancient Egypt as a compassionate, healing deity. In the myth we know today, Ra calls on Sekhmet for her help because he had lost the respect and patronage of the people. |
There are two important details here. 1) There's a warning about the consequences of rage going unchecked. While anger and rage serve their purpose of our ability to assert ourselves and protect ourselves, they can be extremely destructive. But, 2) this paints a picture of Ra calling on Sekhmet, a powerful goddess, to help him in his time of need. She acts out of righteous rage, after being asked for her help. Consider this powerful ancient feminine energy who holds within her both the compassionate healer archetype AND the powerful female warrior archetype. And now consider the idea we frequently encounter that women are not supposed to express anger. (And for that matter "big boys don't cry" and "children should be seen and not heard"....)
The next part of the story is that Ra resorts to "trickery" to end her rampage. He colors beer with mandrake root and pomegranate juice so it looks like blood and because she is so blood-thirsty, Sekhmet drinks it until intoxicated and turns into the more docile archetype of Hathor. (So in her all-powerful divinity, she is also this gullible?) Scully goes on to say, "This tale omits mention of Sekhmet's boundless compassion, her exceptional healing gifts, her power, and her freedom.
"The premise that Sekhmet's rage can be tempered through intoxication and unconsciousness, or sleep, illustrates how the current worldwide paradigm needs changing. No longer can we afford to retreat into unconsciousness, or have our freedom tricked out of us. Our personal demons are part of ourselves, and they, too, are divine." ~Nicki Scully
Ra in fear of Sekhmet's power, tricks her (by intoxication) into being more docile so he can control her.
Applying that to the idea of manipulating through fear, can you think of times in history where one group has held power over another group through this trickery of manipulating fear?
Do you see this dynamic in your personal history or of those around you?
If you choose to remain unconscious and don't face your fears and limiting beliefs and shore up the armor of self-esteem, then you will fall victim to this sort of "trickery" and end up giving away your power, which means you're giving away your freedom. Do not betray yourself by looking outside of yourself for security, love or validation.
Sekhmet was not here to be anyone's bitch, yet she was still manipulated into submission.
In the book, When God was a Woman, by Merlin Stone, she writes, "As a child, I was told that Eve had been made from Adam's rib, brought into being to be his companion and helpmate, to keep him from being lonely. As if this assignment of permanent second mate, never to be captain, was not oppressive enough to my future plans as a developing member of society, I next learned that Eve was considered to be foolishly gullible. My elders explained that she had been easily tricked by the promises of the perfidious serpent. She defied God and provoked Adam to do the same, thus ruining a good thing - the previously blissful life in the Garden of Eden. Why Adam himself was never though to be equally as foolish was apparently never worth discussing. But identifying with Eve, who was presented as the symbol of all women, the blame was in some mysterious way mine - and God, viewing the whole affair as my fault, chose to punish me by decreeing, "I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you" (Gen. 3:16)."
She continues, "So even as a young girl I was taught that, because of Eve, when I grew up I was to bear my children in pain and suffering. As if this was not a sufficient penalty, instead of receiving compassion, sympathy or admiring respect for my courage, I was to experience this pain with guilt, the sin of my wrongdoing laid heavily upon me as punishment for simply being a woman, a daughter of Eve. To make matters worse, I was also supposed to accept the idea that men, as symbolized by Adam, in order to prevent any further foolishness on my part, were presented with the right to control me - to rule over me. According to the omnipotent male deity, whose righteousness and wisdom I was expected to admire and respect with a reverent awe, men were far wiser than women. Thus my penitent, submissive position as a female was firmly established by page three of the nearly one thousand pages of the Judeo-Christian Bible."
"The lessons learned in the Garden of Eden", she says, "were impressed upon us over and over again. Man was created first. Woman was made for man. Only man was made in God's image. According to the Bible, and those who accepted it as the divine word, the male god favored men and had indeed designed them as naturally superior. Even now I cannot help wondering how many times those passages from the New Testament were read from the authoritative position of a Sunday pulpit or from the family Bible that had been pulled down from the shelf by father or husband - and a pious woman listened to:
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach or to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed and then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression....(I Timothy 2:11-14)
For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Let the women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, so saith the law. And if they learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. (I Corinthians 11:3, 7, 9)"
Stone then goes on to point out in her book that, "Ashtoreth, the despised 'pagan' deity of the Old Testament was (despite the efforts of biblical scribes to disguise her identity by repeatedly using the masculine gender) actually Astarte - the Great Goddess, as She was known in Canaan, the Near Eastern Queen of Heaven. Those heathen idol worshipers of the Bible had been praying to a woman god - elsewhere knows as Innin, Inanna, Nana, Nut, Anat, Anahita, Istar, Isis, Au Set, Ishara, Asherah, Ashtart, Attoret, Attar and Hathor...."
It is up to us as individuals to love and value ourselves to ensure there are no chinks in our armor and we are never tempted to believe that there is something outside of us that we must trade our integrity for.
We must become our own inner authority, seated solidly upon the thrones of our hearts, sovereign rulers of our realms. From this place at our center, we can then evaluate what beliefs we are aligned with and what beliefs do not ring true for us, based on our values. From this place of self-worth and inner authority, we create the loving boundaries that protect all that we wish to nurture and grow.
It is only from this place upon the thrones of our hearts, that we can say lovingly, in our full authority, "I am NOT here to be your bitch." However, the best part is, once we are in that place, we will never have need to say it. We will simply live it, with every breath, every moment of every day, as naturally the sun rises every morning and the moon illuminates the night sky.
The moon is "void-of-course" today until 3:28 p.m.; it's a good time to follow through on matters begun before August 22nd.
After that it will be in Aquarius until 8:23 p.m. on Wednesday 9.14.16 - this is great energy for thinking outside the box, getting unstuck and entertaining new ideas, beliefs and ways of being, especially with the full moon eclipse coming up on Friday.
The moon in transit serves as an amplifier of whatever energy it is in contact with. So it will transmit to us the energy of the sign it is moving through in combination with whatever planets it aspects. When the transiting moon makes aspects to other planets (connects with them at specific angles: conjunction at zero degrees, sextile at sixty degrees, square at ninety degrees, trine at one hundred and twenty degrees and opposition at one hundred eighty degrees), it signifies events in our lives. Aspects to real time planets are global influences everyone will feel. Aspects to planets of our own natal chart (where the planets were at our specific time of birth) will be more personal. But the moon is a fast mover and generally it will indicate how we feel and our mood toward things.
When the moon, as it is traveling through a sign of the zodiac, has made it's final planetary aspect during its stay in that particular sign, it is said to be "void-of-course" until it enters the next zodiac sign. For example, the moon has been traveling through Capricorn for the last little while and has completed all the aspects to planets it will make while in Capricorn, so until it enters Aquarius at 3:28 p.m. this afternoon, it is "void-of-course". (The moon is void-of-course approximately every two and a half days.)
Especially if you have heightened sensitivity to the moon's activity (such as Cancer ascendant, Cancer sun, Cancer moon, or other prominence of the moon in the natal chart), you may notice that you feel like you've lost access to your internal compass during the void-of-course moon, like you are a little hazy or spaced out.
When the moon is void-of-course, we may find ourselves feeling spacy or floaty and without direction.
The void-of-course moon is then best used for activities that don't require decision-making, focus, or a specific outcome. Things like reading, relaxing, meditating or taking stock of past experiences, especially from an emotional or feeling perspective are great when the moon is void-of-course. It's good to stick to routine/mundane activities.
Save beginning things and anything you are wanting a specific result from for a time when the moon is making a supporting aspect. Remember the moon's aspects to other planets signify events. The sign that the moon is transiting combined with the energy of the sign of the other planet, the influence of that planet, as well as the nature of the aspect the two are making, determine what aspects support what events. For example, the best time for signing agreements is when the moon is in the waxing phase between new and full in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces and making a favorable aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine) to Mercury. You would avoid days when the moon is making a stressful aspect (square or opposition) to Mars, Saturn, or Neptune.
So, there you have it! Max this vibe this afternoon and consciously create your life by pimping this void-of-course moon and then bust a rut when she glides into humanitarian and nonconformist sign Aquarius.
Note that on Wednesday 9.14.16 the moon will again be void-of-course from 9:31 a.m. until she enters Pisces at 8:23 p.m. Pisces is where the moon will be for the full moon eclipse on Friday 9.16.16 at 1:05 p.m., and the eclipse (the sun/moon opposition) is the moon's final aspect in Pisces, so then the moon will again be void-of-course right after the eclipse is exact, until she enters Aries at 10:22 p.m. Friday night. So expect to feel that hazy/fuzzy feeling all Friday afternoon after the big energy of the eclipse and then when the moon enters Aries it will feel like "all systems go"! Friday afternoon will be a great time to just sit back and integrate the energies of the eclipse.
Jupiter into Libra
On Friday September 9th, at 5:18 a.m., Jupiter will enter Libra. Jupiter spends a year in each sign, and so this benefic planet of luck and expansion hasn't graced the sign of peace, beauty, love, harmony and cooperation in twelve years. And Venus, the lovely ruler of Libra, has been there waiting for Jupiter to arrive since the end of August and will remain in her own sign until September 23rd. Good vibes indeed.
Halfway Point Between Eclipses
Also on Friday we have the first quarter moon, which means we have reached the halfway point between the new moon eclipse of September 1st and the full moon eclipse of September 16th. The first quarter is a "waxing square" between the sun and moon and has also been called a "crisis in action". The eclipses are big change energy and the two weeks in between are especially powerful, so this aspect is also powerful. It's a good time to reflect back on any intentions you set with the new moon eclipse and see if you are being shown any ways in which you need to "correct course" to realize them.
Final Square Between Saturn and Neptune
On Saturday September 10th, at 7:04 a.m., we will experience the third and final exact square between Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. The first was near the end of November 2015 and the second was mid-June 2016. (If you want more information on the Saturn-Neptune square, see my article Pimping the Saturn-Neptune Square from last November.)
A square is a ninety degree angle, and therefore an intersection of energies, which create some kind of growth in our lives. A square forces growth or change - it requires effort on our part to overcome whatever obstacle is presented and to bring conflicting energies together to work for us. One could say square aspects "form character". Too many easy aspects in a chart and we take our gifts for granted and maybe don't put them to use.
Saturn in Sagittarius could simply be described as "freedom through discipline" or "walking your talk". Saturn is discipline and responsibility, structure and boundaries, authority and restrictions. Sagittarius is a freedom loving energy that is all about the truth, with broad horizons and a love of philosophy and religion and higher education. Sagittarius has high ideals and talks a big game but might tend to run off "half-cocked" and Saturn just won't allow this.
Neptune in Pisces is a strong force of visions, idealism, spirituality and dreams, but without a lot of foundation. It can also turn into escapism and not being able to clearly see reality.
Interpreting the energies this way, we can see how they are at odds with each other, but how with effort, this could be literally making our dreams reality. The dance between these two has been going on since last November, so you may see where you are being shown to "make it real" in your life. The final event in this series is Saturday. Saturn always calls for us to take responsibility. If you are feeling limited or delayed in something you are trying to achieve, try to view Saturn's influence as the guidance that is showing you how to build your foundations right so that your work will last and isn't just a pipe dream or house of cards. Try and really get what it's telling you and use that information to really create something of value that will last. Remember Aristotle's words, "Through discipline comes freedom."
Mercury goes retrograde several times a year so IS a common occurrence but may be felt more intensely in Virgo. It always puts a focus on our communications and asks us to slow down and review how we are communicating, and so beneath that, how we are thinking. I have already been experiencing it personally. Correspondence not arriving in the mail when it should have, check. Broken internet connection, check. Google Chrome tabs malfunctioning, check. Getting locked out of my own online accounts, check. Routine communications seeming to take several extra steps, more time, and infinitely more patience, checkity-check-CHECK. But everything happens for a reason and Mercury retrograde is no exception. We obviously need extra chances at checking ourselves in the thought and communication department each year.
Without getting into the meaning and complexities of all of the astrological events themselves, here are some tips for making the most of the energies of September in general.
- Clean house, get organized and focus on the tasks at hand. This is a perfect time to get those ducks in a row and clean up and clear out on multiple levels. Be diligent. Be responsible. Do the budget, do the dishes, tie up loose ends, organize, pay bills. This goes for the mundane as well as within yourself. This is definitely NOT the time to bury your head in the sand. What habits, patterns, reactions, and ways of being are ready to be released in your life? Do the work of "weeding the garden" and getting rid of what no longer serves so that everything is running as efficiently as possible. Taking responsibility and tending to the routine and mundane details sets the foundation for bringing your goals and dreams into being.
- Be conscious and meticulous in your communications. What are you saying, why are you saying it and what are you hoping to achieve by saying it? What do you really want and how can you communicate best for a win-win? What is your thought process behind how you communicate? In some cases no response is the best option. Are you able to just let it go? When I listen to a client speak, I am given powerful clues to how their belief system is affecting their life. Pay attention to your own speech. For example, do you find yourself saying "I can't"? There really is no can't. There is "I won't", and there is a reason. It could be as simple as you don't want to, or it's not as high of a priority as something else, or you don't know how to do it. Take responsibility. Watch for phrasing that indicates judgments and labels. If you are critical of others you are more than likely also hammering yourself, which locks you into a negative pattern.
- Focus on where you want to go. (This is always true but especially for the two weeks between the solar eclipse September 1st and the lunar eclipse September 16th.) Pay extra attention to where your mental focus is and what feelings you are allowing and generating especially in the two weeks between the eclipses and try to keep them aligned with what you want to be experiencing. Think of this like skiing down a mountain. You will go where you are looking. If you keep your vision focused on that tree you want to avoid, you will most likely ski right into it. You have to focus your vision on the path you want to take! Pay attention to where you are focusing especially in these two weeks. Maybe you are being shown what you don't want in your life, as that will help you gain clarity in direction and give you extra motivation to make changes. Don't get stuck in focusing on what you don't like or don't want. If you notice yourself caught up in any thought patterns like "this always happens to me", stop it immediately and change your thinking to focus on what you want to create, and use present tense. (Using future tense only keeps it in the future.) Focus on putting your consciousness and thoughts where you WANT to be.
So to keep it simple for September, it's clearing out the old and wrapping up old cycles to make room for the new to take shape, with a focus on tending to the mundane details, being responsible, and being mindful of our thinking and communication, while we keep our vision fixed on our desired destination.
And whatever energies are affecting you are always affecting everyone else, to one degree or another, however consciously or unconsciously, and manifesting in different ways, so patience, kindness and understanding are always good to remember.
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