The Schumann Resonance is the Earth's electromagnetic frequency, sometimes referred to as the Earth's heartbeat. When we are in nature, humans are automatically in resonance with the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth (7.83 Hz), but the EMF's modern technology emits interfere with that natural coherence between ourselves and the Earth. We essentially become out of alignment with the Earth, and this can cause our systems to become distressed. We experience suffering any time we are in resistance, stuck, or blocked. When we are in states such as these, it is because we are not flowing with the energies in the present moment. In other words, we are not in alignment with our surroundings and "what is.". If humans have evolved to be in resonance with the electromagnetic frequency of the planet, it makes sense that we would begin to experience symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and illness when we become out of alignment with that frequency (typically due to geomagnetic disturbances brought about by things like wireless technologies). For thousands of years, humans have achieved, or at least attempted to achieve, trance states by synchronizing with the energetic frequency of the Earth through techniques such as drumming and dancing, among others. The sound "OM" resonates at the frequency of 7.83 Hz. An article in Eluxe Magazine discusses that disturbances to the Schumann Frequency affects more than just us - it affects our wildlife and plant life.
The Schumann Resonance puts us into the alpha brainwave state - the one where creativity is heightened. It is said listening to the Schumann Resonance has been linked with enhanced learning and memory, balance, stress-reduction, grounding, and that it can even help us recover from jet lag. Listening to tracks emitting the Schumann Resonance brings us back into alignment with the Earth's frequency using brain wave entrainment - like a tuning fork we begin to sync back into this healing and grounding frequency of 7.83 Hz. The Schumann Resonance and Recent AstrologyIn 2018, Uranus left Aries and moved into Taurus, where it will remain until 2026. (Uranus spends about seven years in each sign.) Uranus is the energy of technology and the future, but also lasting and unexpected change through sudden upheaval and insight. Taurus is Venus-ruled earth - creature comforts and enjoying life's little luxuries, but especially through the experiences of the five senses. Taurus is about enjoying good food and good friends, dancing, singing, and big belly laughs. It also is about security and stability, especially as that relates to worldly and material possessions. Taurus as an earth sign also refers to the Earth in a literal sense, including the environment as a whole as well as things that connect to our feelings of security such as food supply. It makes sense then that aligning with the Schumann Resonance would be a great way to stay aligned with and connected to the Earth during Uranus' transit, as it will inevitably be launching us into the future via sudden change and upheaval. It seems logical that staying in resonance with the Earth would ground us through any radical changes or turbulence, giving us a kind of shelter in the eye of the storm. At the same time, however, we have Pluto transiting fellow earth sign Capricorn (Saturn-ruled), and just recently Jupiter has caught up to this transformation god and Lord of the Underworld. While Pluto brings transformation through destruction and creation (the cycle of death and rebirth), Jupiter is known as a benefic in astrology - a planet that brings blessings. Jupiter is known as a planet of growth and expansion, as well as luck and wealth, but underneath it all, Jupiter is a planet of faith and belief. Jupiter gives us hope and optimism. Jupiter moves much faster than Pluto, and with both being retrograde over the summer, will actually meet up with Pluto three times between April and November. On January 12th, Saturn and Pluto came together at 23 degrees Capricorn for the first time in about 35 years. When Saturn and Pluto meet up its about authority and power, and the two planets coming together is not necessarily easy energy. Saturn has since moved on, entering Aquarius around March 22nd, but moving back into Capricorn to finish up the last of its business there over the summer and fall before reentering Aquarius mid-December (from where it will be squaring Uranus in Taurus for most of 2021). However, Jupiter and Pluto will be dancing over the point of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction over a series of three conjunctions, the first of which was April 5th. On April 5th, the two planets met at 24 degrees Capricorn, and at the same time there happened to be a global mass meditation. At this same time, a spike in the Schumann Resonance was recorded. On April 5th, both planets were in direct motion. For their second meeting on June 30th, the planets will again be at 24 degrees Capricorn, but both will be in retrograde motion, so in review. Then on November 13th, they will meet a third and final time at 22 degrees Capricorn, to "resolve the issue", both having stationed direct. The motion of the planets going back and forth over this point of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 23 degrees Capricorn is a bit like the energetic healing technique where one visualizes a wound before it happens and then as if it is already healed, jumping back and forth over the event. After the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 12th, 23 degrees Capricorn is a bit of a hot spot. Jupiter brings blessings and Pluto transformation. Jupiter and Pluto coming together over this area of the zodiac has the potential to work like a healing balm over that point that might feel a little sensitive right after Saturn and Pluto coming together there in January. We know that a spike was recorded in the Schumann Resonance at the first meeting of Jupiter and Pluto on April 5th., and it will be interesting to see what transpires during their next two conjunctions on June 30th and November 13th. In the mean time, aligning with and connecting to the Earth via any and every means possible seems to be immeasurably healing for us, and listening to the Schumann Resonance is a great way to do just that.
As I tossed and turned, desperate to fall asleep, I thought, " is hard, hard, hard..." and I heard in reply, "...blessings, blessings, blessings...." I thought, "...there is so much difficulty...", and I heard, "...there is so much healing...." I thought, "...there is so much challenge...", and I heard, "...there is so much opportunity...." Every negative thing I thought that night, lying in bed, eluded by sweet slumber, was being reworded into something positive.
It comes as no surprise that this late-night revelation occurred as Venus was about to move into Gemini, the zodiac sign that is mutable air (meaning versatility in the mind, thinking, words, and thoughts) and an energy therefore known for helping us to see situations from all viewpoints. Venus typically only spends about a month in each sign of the zodiac, but every eighteen months this planetary ruler of love and money, named after the Roman version of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, turns retrograde and retraces her steps. Many times this retrograde will fall on the cusp of two signs of the zodiac, but this time Venus will be in Gemini the entire time, making her total stay in the sign over four months long, which is four times as long as a typical Venus transit. A retrograde is when a planet appears to move in reverse motion from Earth for a period of time. During this time, the planet moves backwards over the degrees of the zodiac it has just traversed. When planets are retrograde, not only do they backtrack over the territory they most recently covered, they do so more slowly. Then when they resume forward motion, they will move over those same degrees of the zodiac a third and final time.
When Venus is in retrograde, we might notice old lovers or friends suddenly coming back in to our lives, or we might notice old relationship issues coming up to get sorted out. Retrogrades always are chances to clear karma. Venus rules love and relationships. So Venus retrograde can be a fated time in our love lives. (Particularly if it is making significant aspects in one's natal chart.) In general Venus retrograde rules are to "just say no" to exes, cosmetic surgery, tattoos, and radical new hairstyles even, and to hold off on luxury purchases and big investments. Venus rules love and money, but if we get down to the heart of it, it is our values, and especially our value of ourselves. When Venus is backtracking, we are not supported in moving forward or making big decisions about anything that is related to any of these things. We are in review, and because all things associated in our lives with values and love, money, beauty, art, and aesthetics, are in review, we won't be clear in our decision-making at this time. Venus rules our self-worth, self-love, and values. Venus' association with love and money actually begins with our sense of self-worth and our love of self, and its rule over the feminine aspect of us and our ability to attract and receive. Because it is this - our value of ourselves, resulting in our ability to align with what we desire, and then attract it into our lives and receive it - that defines our relationship to love and money, and how we express ourselves in our relationships and out in the world.
Gemini rules our mind, thoughts, and communications. Gemini is mutable air, an energy that thrives on versatility and curiosity. Gemini supports us in seeing situations from every angle and helps us to see things from other perspectives. With Venus retrograde in Gemini, we have a perfect opportunity to review our thoughts and perspectives that affect all things Venus in our lives - self-love, self-worth, values, money, relationships, love expression, how we express ourselves in the word, and how we attract what we value and desire into our lives. Venus rules our relationship to the Law of Attraction, and how we align with what we value and desire. To effectively attract that which we desire into our lives, we must be able to match its energetic essence - we must resonate with it. Venus retrograde is our opportunity to review this part of our lives.
Saturn at 1 degree Aquarius, about to station retrograde, in square to the new moon sitting with Uranus in Taurus on April 22nd kicked off this lunar cycle with a restrictive vibe, that was only strengthened as Pluto stationed retrograde on April 25th. Saturn now turning back from its position at 1 degree Aquarius, where it has been beginning to apply a square to Uranus in Taurus, now backs off of that building intensity to move back towards Pluto and Jupiter where it will take care of any business left unfinished in Capricorn. (The three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus will be left for 2021.) We can think of Saturn in retrograde as a kind of "reality check". Any retrograde is a period of review as that particular planet backtracks over the degrees of the zodiac it has most recently covered. Saturn is the planet of limits and boundaries, of rules, authority, responsibility, discipline, and karma. Saturn is the god of 3D reality, the Roman god of the harvest, and known as Lord of Karma. Here are the important dates for Saturn Retrograde 2020:
Letting Go and the Art of Fearless Abundance (Pluto Retrograde April 25th to October 4th, 2020)5/10/2020 Whatever you feel you cannot live without is precisely the thing you cannot live with. This is because those things to which we become attached to the point of obsession or compulsion are the things that literally siphon the very life force out of us. They are the things, substances, people, situations, and relationships that we willingly give our power to day in and day out, maybe even for entire lifetimes. These are the kind of things Pluto rules over in our lives. Pluto is the outermost planet and takes about 280 years to transit the entire twelve signs of the zodiac - that is roughly twenty years per sign. This makes Pluto more of a generational influence than a personal one. In the birth chart, Pluto shows by house placement what area of the individual's life this intense and transformational force of nature will be felt in.
On May 6th, the North Node of the moon will leave Cancer, where it has been since 2018, and enter Gemini, while its opposite point, the South Node, will move from Capricorn into Sagittarius. The North Node serves as our compass arrow, showing us the pathway forward, towards our destiny and soul growth. The South Node, defined by the sign that is opposite the sign of the North Node on the zodiacal axis, is the point of the past and what has been mastered and now serves us as we journey towards embodying the energy of the North Node. With the North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn since 2018, we have been guided towards things of a more Cancerian nature as an overarching theme - Cancer is the archetypal mother. Because Capricorn is Cancer's polarity, in order to move towards Cancer, we had to move away from Capricorn - Capricorn is the archetypal father. Now the North Node shifts into Mercury-ruled Gemini, the sign of the Magician and the Trickster, while the South Node begins moving through Gemini's opposite sign Sagittarius, the sign of beliefs, optimism, and leaps of faith - the sign of the Fool. In 2018, the North Node began transiting Cancer, with the South Node in Capricorn. Also in 2018, Saturn moved into Capricorn and Uranus entered Taurus.
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