If you're finding yourself trying to do and be everything right now, afraid you will miss out on the good stuff like love, healing, opportunity, and abundance you heard the astrology of March is bringing, then keep reading. While this IS big love and money astrology on in March (especially the first two weeks), with blessing-bringer and ruler of resources and relationships, Venus, first meeting up with gift- and growth- bringer Jupiter 3/1, then wounded healer Chiron on 3/3, and then Jupiter and Chiron coming together to begin a new 50 year cycle on 3/12, it's also big healing astrology, and specifically around our sense of "enough-ness" - our inner sense of worthiness and deserving-ness. So, if you're finding yourself a little panicky right now because you think you're going to mess it up and miss out, not to worry - this is precisely how this astrology works. If you are feeling discomfort and dis-ease right now, that means these energetic dynamics are literally calling out your lack mentality, fears of not enough, and limiting beliefs around not good enough, not worthy, not deserving, and not lovable. And the point is, to call your attention to it so that it can be healed and you can transcend this pattern once and for all. Like in the quote below, when the discomfort of being in the old pattern and beliefs becomes more painful than the fear of transcending them, you'll blossom. And that's exactly what this astrology can help you do! Because all of this is happening in Aries, we are talking specifically about your sense of self and right to exist, and how you put yourself out into the world in an authentic and confident way, because Aries is the sign of the self and of going after our desires. While Jupiter rules growth, luck, expansion, beliefs, and opportunity, Venus rules relationships and resources, love and money, by way of our value of ourselves. With this line up in Aries in March, the good stuff will come to us when we are confident in our sense of self, who we are, what we are about, and in our inherent value and worth. These planets both passing over Chiron in Aries will be helping us become aware of and heal any old core wounds to self still holding us back from that, like fear of rejection and abandonment. Remember this. You are right where you need to be. You don't need to be more or do more. You don't need to audition, campaign, or prove yourself to anyone (or the Universe). But you can block yourself from being in your inherent value and worth and thus lose access to your number one most valuable resource in life for living in wealth - you in your full authenticity and inherent value and worth. The more you want more - the more you feel a sense of lack in life and yourself - the more you will be feeling pressure now to be more and do more so you don't miss out. This pressure will be internal, but quite likely will also be reflected back to you externally - as within, so without. The more dis-ease you are feeling as this builds, the more healing is available to you, if you open to it and allow it. So, what wants to shift? What old familiar pattern of living life is outdated and no longer serving? What skin needs to be shed so you can grow? Where are you ready to blossom? Feeling the need for extra support to take advantage of March's opportunity to heal those core wounds to self and heart that dealt big blows to your sense of self-value and the love and abundance you attract? I am now offering the "Creatrix Coaching Mini Package," which is (3) 90 minute 1:1 private coaching sessions that also includes a recorded video where I will cover your most important current and upcoming astrological transits for you to keep. Just click the button below to schedule a free clarity chat and we'll see what your needs are right now and how I can help. I'm looking forward to chatting with you! ~Kasey
We need to talk about March.... This month is going to be a game-changer, and in a good way. It's a big transition month with major planetary sign changes, but before that, the first two weeks of March kick off with big healing magic as Venus in Aries first conjuncts Jupiter, then Chiron, and then on the 12th, Jupiter conjuncts Chiron beginning a new cycle of healing, growth, and optimism that happens only once every fifty years. In the big picture, 2023 is a transition year, and we are in this larger collective transition from now until May 2026, when all of the outer planets (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus) finish changing signs. But more than that, 2023 ends a string of years dominated by Saturn strong in its own signs of Capricorn and Aquarius AND challenging other planets from those strong positions - most notably Uranus, the change-bringer, in a series of 4 squares from February 2021 through October 2022. Saturn is tradition and the way it's always been done, and in challenging aspect, brings rules and authority that restricts and limits. Uranus is the future, innovation, freedom, and breaking through. So, if you feel like you've been struggling for a couple of years to really bust into "the new" but have been frustratingly held back by unseen forces out of your control, and now you are on the precipice of the unknown, you felt right! 3/7 Saturn Enters Pisces: Our first big shift lands on March 7th with the Virgo full moon when Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces for the next 2 1/2 years. This softens Saturn's influence. Not only is it not as powerful in Pisces, it won't be making those pesky challenging aspects like it has been for years now, and it is actually going to be in a much better position to be a helpful and supportive influence - helping us ground our inspiration and ideas in to reality. 3/23 & 3/25: Pluto Enters Aquarius; Mars Enters Cancer: By the end of March, we have Pluto in Aquarius and Mars into Cancer just a couple of days apart, and this completes our major shifts. Mars into Cancer is a big deal because Mars agitates and activates whatever sign/area of life it is transiting, and while typically it only spends about 2 months in each sign and retrogrades only every 2 years, from late October til mid-January it was retrograde in Gemini putting extra focus there, which made it's total transit of that sign four times longer than normal, beginning in late August and not ending til late March. But the bigger deal is Pluto's shift from Capricorn to Aquarius - it landed in Capricorn in 2008, and will spend this year going back and forth over the cusp, finally landing in Aquarius for good next January. It will remain there until 2044. While this is a large part of what I mean by "the beginning of a new era," it's not the only thing. Saturn's sign change is part of it, and by May 2026 Uranus and Neptune will have changed signs too. And that's a big deal. But there's more to it than that, and it's happening in the first half of March. It isn't just those big outer planet sign changes or the end of a long string of Saturn-dominated astrology heralding a new era. On March 12th, Jupiter in Aries conjuncts Chiron, "the wounded healer." Jupiter is one of the two "benefics," (blessing/gift bringers) along with Venus. In the first half of March, they both just happen to be hooking up with Chiron, as well as each other, as they transit Aries. While Venus moves through the zodiac in about eighteen months, it takes Jupiter about twelve years, spending about a year in each sign. So this is a big deal. Jupiter won't meet up with Chiron in Aries again for another fifty or so years. Jupiter represents growth, expansion, luck, abundance, and beliefs. Chiron represents our core wounds to self. In Aries, Chiron is about our wounds specifically around our right to exist and stand up and be counted in the world. These wounds are the ones that keep us doubting ourselves, not speaking up, not self-asserting, and playing small. They keep us from truly sharing ourselves and our gifts with the world, and Chiron says it's precisely these wounds that are our gifts that need to be shared. So it's time to transcend all that shame around who we are so we can shine those lights bright! Jupiter is the planet of belief, faith, hope, and optimism. As we begin this new phase on March 12th, it's time to shift any old limiting beliefs and start nurturing new ones that are more supportive and aligned with the gifts Jupiter wants to bring. (Keep in mind Jupiter lands in Taurus mid-May for an entire year, and this is historically known to be a prosperous and fortunate period across the board. Get your sense of self-value and worth aligned now!) But even before the big Jupiter-Chiron conjunction mid-Month, Venus will be working her magic in Aries. We kick off March with Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries on the 1st, and that leads us right into her meet up with Chiron on the 3rd. (From the 3rd, the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction will be palpable and building to exact on the 12th, but it's really in play from February 23rd until March 29th - the entire month.) We associate Venus with love, money, and beauty, but Venus rules the principles of the divine feminine ~ receptivity and attraction. In fact, Venus rules the law of attraction ~ like attracts like. Venus as ruler of Taurus rules resources and money, and as ruler of Libra rules relationships, harmony, balance, peace, and cooperation. At the heart of the matter, Venus rules self-worth: how we value ourselves as our number one resource and put ourselves out in the world - how we align with and attract love and money, relationships and resources. The key principle here is: as within, so without. 3/1 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries: As Venus first meets up with Jupiter in Aries, the sign of self and self-assertion, we get the opportunity to take advantage of a confidence and self-worth boost that brings all sorts of good things our way. Love, money, joy, abundance - it's yours for the taking - maybe it even just seems to flow to you. Maybe you just feel "up" and in a good mood. What's really happening here is your inner love and abundance is getting a boost, unblocked and allowed to shine forth, and the world around you naturally is responding to that. Be sure to take this one out for a walk, because getting out and socializing is how to make the most of this. Opportunities can't find you on your couch. 3/3 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries: As Venus passes over Chiron, paving the way for Jupiter mid-month, we get a chance for any necessary heart-healing before the bigger Jupiter-Chiron conjunction on the 12th. Remember what Venus is about - love and money, but by way of our value of ourselves and unshakable knowing of our inherent worth. It's time to heal any past wounds that have damaged our sense of worth, value, and desirability/lovability. It's time to let down our guard and soften, to be vulnerable, and to crack open the armor over our hearts to let the light, and love in. Open to allow love in, to love and be loved - love is what will allow us to transcend the fear - the fear of pain. Walls around our hearts may feel necessary for safety and protection at first, but in the end, we end up only starving ourselves of what we most want and need. What's next? It doesn't end there - the next two new moons are both in Aries, and they will help us really solidify this new beginning! The first one will be March 21st (equinox) at zero degrees Aries, and the second one will be April 20th at 29 degrees Aries - the anaretic or karmic degree - and it will be our first eclipse of 2023. Here's a secret: the dark moon, or two days or so preceding every new moon is the secret to superpowering your new moon new beginning, because the dark moon is the time for releasing everything that no longer serves that you don't want to carry through the new moon portal. And as you might have noticed, these next two new moons in Aries are potent new beginning portals, so showing up for the dark moon is going to extra powerful alchemy in your life. I do a special dark moon live every month in the private Facebook group and on the SatMom sacred social platform, just click on either or both links to join! Feeling the need for extra support to take advantage of early March's opportunity to heal those core wounds to self and heart that dealt big blows to your sense of self-value and the love and abundance you attract? I am now offering the "Creatrix Coaching Mini Package," which is (3) 90 minute 1:1 private coaching sessions that also includes a recorded video where I will cover your most important current and upcoming astrological transits for you to keep. Just click the button below to schedule a free clarity chat and we'll see what your needs are right now and how I can help. I'm looking forward to chatting with you! ~Kasey On Sunday, February 19th, we arrive at an important opportunity to tap into deeper connection and support as Venus in Pisces aligns with Pluto in Capricorn. This is an "opportunity" aspect, and Venus rules love and money, relationships and resources, and at the very heart of it all, our value of ourselves and what we attract into our lives as a result of that. I say "important," because this is occurring between Venus in the end degrees of inspirational and idealistic Pisces, and Pluto in the final degrees of its once-every-couple-of-centuries-transit of Capricorn. Its been in Capricorn since 2008 bringing transformation to that area of our lives and won't be back in our lifetimes. And this is Venus' last aspect to Pluto in Capricorn of this nature in our lifetimes too. Pluto rules the underworld - both power and resources - and our insecurities and shadow. When Pluto is in a challenging aspect to Venus we might experience power dynamics in relationships or around money and resources, stemming from our own inner insecurities that fuel unconscious behaviors like manipulation and control tactics, jealousy, possessiveness, and even ultimatums. But this aspect is a supportive one, the opportunity aspect, and its position now suggests something good coming through around deepening bonds of love and affection and/or the support of resources and wealth, and quite possibly because of the transformation we've experienced with Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. Its all energy, and it all begins with your value of yourself. That's your throne. Your life right now, your life experience, is a perfect reflection of the energy of your inner realm and the quality of your belief in your inherent value and worth. If you don't like what you see in your life, the work to be done is in the inner realm - your power and magic do not work "out there," and if you've tried to get people or situations to change without first doing the inner energetic work, you already know this to be true. If you are ready to make big and meaningful shifts in your life but not sure where to start, I am now offering the "Creatrix Coaching Mini Package," which is (3) 90 minute 1:1 private coaching sessions that also includes a recorded video where I will cover your most important current and upcoming astrological transits for you to keep. Just click the button below to schedule a free clarity chat and we'll see what your needs are right now and how I can help. I'm looking forward to chatting with you! ~Kasey Take it straight from the dolphin's mouth ~ in the end, negative reinforcement, punishment, and fear isn't going to get you where you want to go. It will only get you more of the same. After my junior year of college, I had the opportunity to spend two weeks in Honolulu as an Earthwatch volunteer working under scientists with four dolphins for a research project studying the cognitive abilities of dolphins. After years of owning a horse and showing hunter-jumper prior to that, I had some experience with large animals, training, and behavior, but I was still surprised when the very first instruction we received was to never, ever, use the word "no." It turned out that the dolphins had at first been trained with "no," - a negative reinforcement when an instruction wasn't carried out as intended - and once they understood what it meant, their response was to bite you when you said "no!" Honestly, how refreshing! This immediately forced the trainers to rethink their use of positive and negative reinforcement. The result was to never use negative reinforcement - instead, we needed to do a "callback" by splashing the water - a neutral "do-over" command - with zero negative reinforcement, and then to communicate more clearly, and absolutely lavish the positive reinforcement every time things went to plan. Now think about how you talk to yourself, and how you interact in your relationships.... How often do you actually use positive reinforcement with yourself and loved ones? How often do you celebrate the little wins, lavish appreciation for things you appreciate, and actually express gratitude to yourself and those around you outwardly and verbally and enthusiastically? How often do you find yourself feeling like biting? :) That judgement, criticism, fear, and worry is never going to get you where you want to go. It only creates more of the same. It's simple - if you want things to be better, if you want to have a better experience, if you want things to flow and feel easy and have more joy in life - stop tearing things down and start building them up. You are not remiss or not working hard enough or not doing enough if you do this - you are absolutely brilliant, and on a faster path to creating more of what you want! This habit can also be an extremely difficult one to let go of, because deep inside we can feel like things will fall apart if we stop the worry and criticism and constant fixing and just focus on reinforcing the positive. It may have been handed down to us through generations of family and ancestry, through culture, through society. It may feel like we may become a target of attack and not be "safe," if we stop the negative reinforcement. Our beliefs create our thoughts, our thoughts create our feelings and emotions, and our feelings and emotions create our everyday vibrational frequency that determines our experience of life. If we want more love and more abundance and more joy, we've got to meet that vibration - we've got to generate it within and hold it. That means we have to start doing things differently from the inside out, and that begins with our beliefs and thoughts. Because many of our deeply held subconscious beliefs were taken on in childhood before the critical factor of the mind was developed, we can have a hard time picking them out and separating them from ourselves - it can feel like that's just the way we are, that's just the way life is, that's just the way IT is, and there is no room to choose something different. But there is. The thing you can access right now and start shifting is your thinking. You can start paying attention to your default thoughts and the feelings they are creating for you, and start replacing them with new ones that are more supportive of how you want to feel. Research shows the power of positive reinforcement is real, and you can start using it in your life right now, right here, today to create the life you truly want. Hi, I'm Kasey, & I help women reclaim their thrones & rewire their lives through radical self value and emotional/energetic mastery, so they can step into their full creative power and living the lives they've imagined. If you want to go deeper and dive into the underlying beliefs and create lasting change in your life, that's where I come in with Creatrix Coaching. I'll help you shift your perspective and behavior from the belief level up, see what blocks keep you running the same pattern, and give you the tools to create lasting change in your life. If you are interested in learning more about how I can help in just three 1:1 sessions with my Mini Creatrix Coaching Package, the first step is scheduling a free Zoom chat for clarity so we can meet and discuss what your needs are and how I can help. What comes to you in your dreams? Are you paying attention, or do you dismiss it? I've never had "premonition dreams," where future events were foretold. I have had a few power animals dreams with distinct messages - in one I was visited by a black jaguar, in another, a wolf. There was one where I shapeshifted into a raven and flew high over a green river valley. These are easy to distinguish from other dreams as they have a very unique energy and clarity to them. Looking back, I can pick out dreams that were clearly messages from my higher guidance and intuition about what was really going on in certain situations, but at the time, I didn't get the metaphors - or I refused to, clinging to denial. But mostly, what I experience in my dreams is a different kind of message from my subconscious, that comes from my mind playing out my deepest fears as I sleep. Sometimes I don't even remember them - I just wake up feeling the yucky energetic residue of the fear, worry, confusion, and struggle I played out in my dream that night. Have you experienced this type of dream? If you do, then pay attention. It's easy to dismiss these and move on, but they contain a very important message.
WE CREATE FROM OUR SUBCONSCIOUS. If your dreams are filled with fear, searching, and confusion, it is a clear signal to start addressing that consciously and take a good hard look at your beliefs and daily thinking and feeling habits, because this is where you are creating from - if you are creating it in your dreams, it will be coming through in your waking reality too. This is your clue that there's some work to do in your inner realm. You are a Powerful Creatrix, always creating, and what's going on in your mind is directly link to your feelings and energetic vibration, and that determines what you create. But how do you shift yourself out of deeply held fear and doubt? That's where I come in. As a coach, this kind of shift is what I specialize in, and my 3 session mini private Creatrix Coaching package is the perfect place to start. If you're interested in learning more, just click here. The first step is us meeting via a free clarity session via Zoom to see where you are at and how I might help. It's that simple. Reclaim your throne and reclaim your power over what you are creating in your life. There's no time like the present! Mercury, ruler of the mind, thinking, and communication, lands in Aquarius Saturday, February 11th. While Mercury transits Aquarius annually, and its influence is considered "fleeting," this time, its arrival into Aquarius will feel bigger for us, as it's been in Saturn-ruled Capricorn since December. It was there longer than usual because it retrograded from mid-December to mid-January, and this retrograde was a significant one. You see, Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and it's getting ready to move into Aquarius in late March until 2044. This is a big deal. Pluto takes 200+ years to transit the zodiac, spending more time in some signs than others due to its elliptical orbit. That means this was Mercury's last retrograde in Capricorn for a couple of centuries, and its conjunction with Pluto on Friday, 2/10 will be the last one for approximately the same length of time as well. We are in the process right now of ending one era and beginning a new one, and Mercury is helping us with the mental part. If we've been grappling with problems we have not been able to find solutions to, Mercury in Aquarius may just be the thing to bust us out of this rut and lend brand new insight that leads to spontaneous ideas that bring new, inventive solutions. The Vibe Shift.... Mercury has been in Capricorn since December, and in "review mode," covering some rough territory, as it backtracked over the degrees Pluto covered between 2012 and 2022. That means we were reviewing and mentally processing any big life transformation we moved through during those years - and yep, that includes the pandemic. So any people, memories, dreams, or events that came back in or echoed that that have recently come up in the past few weeks were for very good reason - it's our opportunity to process everything that's happened before we move on, and Mercury into Aquarius is the foreshadowing of Pluto moving into Aquarius in late March. While Mercury in Capricorn is great for practical thinking, long-term planning, and goal-setting (maybe even signing contracts to do with long-term plans for the future), Mercury in Aquarius is like "fresh-air." It frees the mind from conditional thinking (if we allow it), and helps us "think outside the box." While Capricorn is concerned with rules and tradition, Aquarius wants to break the status quo. It's progressive, innovative, and inventive, while still being logical and objective. If we've been grappling with problems we have not been able to find solutions to, Mercury in Aquarius may just be the thing to bust us out of this rut and lend brand new insight that leads to spontaneous ideas that bring new, inventive solutions. The Details.... (Aspects) Mercury lands in Aquarius on Saturday, February 11th, in square to the moon at 28° Libra, which is in turn in square to Pluto at 28° Capricorn, with Mercury just coming off of it's conjunction to Pluto one day before. Any insight that came from the intense final meeting of Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn for a couple of centuries and deeper understanding of what this whole Pluto in Capricorn era since 2008 was about for you might feel a little crunchy today. That's because this is a profound vibe shift, a wrapping up of the past era, and a foreshadowing of what's next, all together, and as it happens, it does so at an impasse to the moon - how we feel good about ourselves and life, square Pluto - our deeply held insecurities. The good news is, both Mercury and the moon are fleeting influences - so this is passing, and fast. 2/13 - 2/17: Mercury in Aquarius squares up to the north and south node of increase/destiny/future and release/past in Taurus and Scorpio, respectively. The north node of desire and destiny has been in Taurus since January 2022 and represents our collective desire for more security, resources, and pleasure in life coming out of the restrictions of the pandemic. We were moved towards these desires greatly in spring of 2022, but still had work today around the south node in Scorpio. As Mercury now in Aquarius in a totally new energetic dynamic squares up to these two points, we get mental clarity around what we are moving towards, and away from. 2/18 to 2/26: Mercury in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini and squares Uranus in Taurus. The air to air Mercury-Mars flow aspect speeds up our thinking and desire and motivation to achieve our ambitions. The square to Uranus means an overactive mind, possible tech/communication issues, and to expect the unexpected. Watch restlessness and impulsiveness, think before you speak, burn off excess mental energy with exercise. In general, slow down and make sure you are channeling this energy productively. 2/27 to 3/2: Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, 29°. The 29th degree is the anaretic or karmic degree of any sign, and Saturn is the planet of karma. This one carries weight. Make sure you are responsible in word and deed now. What has transpired in your life in the house that Aquarius rules for you since March equinox 2020 when Saturn landed in Aquarius? It's time to mentally take stock. Where have you had to show up and be more responsible? Where has life felt like more of a burden, or harder, requiring more effort, or even restricted? Where have you felt like you just couldn't get a break, even though you kept showing up? Saturn officially leaves Aquarius and lands in Pisces for the next 2 1/2 years on March 7th, so this era is coming to an end, and soon. ***We'll be diving into more around this in this month's New Moon Live in The Art of Consciously Creating Life Facebook Group on Thurs. 2/16 - make sure you are a member to join us! 3/2: Mercury enters Pisces (in waning conjunction to Saturn but still within 1°). Mercury is moving away from Saturn but still within conjunction range as it moves into Pisces, mentally bridging for us Saturn in Aquarius from March 2020 until now, to Saturn in Pisces, which will last 2 1/2 years. Pay attention to the energy and what comes up (or in) for you today. Notice the difference. This is clueing you into what Saturn in Pisces is bringing!
Interested in coaching but not sure where to start? The Creatrix Coaching Mini Package is three one-on-one, structured coaching sessions designed to address the number one issue you are working with in short order, and you can get started now for just $138.75. Learn more on the website or click here to email me.
Let's talk working with lunar cycles and transits - in real life, everyday terms. In this post, I'm going to break down working with the moon in daily life, and specifically how to harness the magic of this particular waning Virgo moon, arriving on the heels of Sunday's intense rut-buster of a Leo full moon amped by change-bringer and liberator, Uranus. I'm going to do it in four sections: 1) "Lunar Cycles & Transits - The Basics," 2) "Waning Moons & the Waning Gibbous Moon," 3) "The Moon in Virgo," and 4) "Harnessing the Magic of This Particular Waning Virgo Moon," (happening February 7th and 8th, 2023). Whether you no nothing about working the moon, or are more interested in this particular Virgo moon and how you can use it in within the bigger picture of what's happening currently astrologically, I've got you covered. So let's dive in! 1. Lunar Cycles & Transits - The Basics Let's quickly go over the basics of lunar cycles and transits first. The lunar cycle is 28 days - what our months are based on - and it is the time it takes for the moon, as viewed from earth, to move completely around the zodiac. The lunar cycle begins at the new moon, when the moon and sun are conjunct, waxes for two weeks, climaxes at the full moon, when the moon and sun are in opposition, and then wanes for two weeks. Waxing moons are times of growth, action, and cultivation. Waning moons are times of integration, release, and rest. Astrologically, we view the sun and moon as the two luminaries - the difference being that the sun generates light and the moon only reflects. The sun is the light of consciousness, and the moon is the subconscious - even at the full moon, when the moon is fully illuminated by the sun - we only ever see half of it. Thus, new moons are times of planting seeds and really when we are most inward turning and in touch with the subconscious, and full moons are times of culmination, graduation, fruition, illumination, and/or realization. Lunar transits refer to the moon's movements through the zodiac. It changes signs about every 2 1/2 days, and from each sign, it makes aspects to all of the other heavenly bodies. Because the moon is our subconscious, it is strongly linked to our everyday moods, feelings, and intuition. The moon is tied to our sense of emotional security and belonging, so by looking at the moon's phase, sign, and even current aspects (quickly passing - and it's important to note in general and to your natal chart), we can better understand where to direct our focus and energies on any given day to feel best about ourselves and life. The waning gibbous moon is the time to focus on easing up, practicing appreciation, and giving ourselves the necessary space to fully integrate and become aware of whatever has come to light with the full moon. 2. Waning Moons & the Waning Gibbous Moon This Virgo moon comes on the heels of Sunday's Leo full moon (February 5th). The full moon was the climax. It isn't just this month's lunar energy climax, it is the point of completion or graduation for what began with the Leo new moon six months ago. What began in your life in August that you are now "harvesting?" (Either getting insight and illumination around, or bringing to full completion, or graduating to the next level? Knowing what house or area of life Leo rules in your natal chart will give you further insight.) The waning moon covers the two weeks from the full moon to new moon each month where, just like it sounds, the lunar energy wanes. We are done with the growth, cultivation, and action from the waxing moon. Now it's time to take stock, ease up, and appreciate the fruits of our labor. The waning gibbous moon is specifically the week from the full moon until the last quarter square moon. The last quarter moon is a choice point where we decide what it's time to release before we cross the threshold of the coming new moon. The waning gibbous moon is the time to focus on easing up, practicing appreciation, and giving ourselves the necessary space to fully integrate and become aware of whatever has come to light with the full moon. 3. The Moon in Virgo
The moon in Virgo can feel challenging because the moon's wants connection but Virgo's nature is to refine, perfect, organize, and sort. That doesn't feel so good to the emotional body, the moon's domain. Virgo moons are wonderful times to schedule medical and surgical procedures, and a great time for anything that requires focus, organization, and precision. This could be editing, or it could be cleaning house. Virgo is mutable earth, ruled by Mercury. It can have a nervous, critical, and perfectionist quality - it wants to refine, so it's important to channel the energy of the Virgo moon productively and in ways that feel supportive. Keywords: attention to detail, routine, health, diet, desire to sort, separate, and organize, desire to be of service, devotion, perfectionism, criticism. Harness it: get organized, find sacred in the mundane, devote yourself to daily routines, perform acts of service, fine tune and perfect things (with love). Affirmations: "I release myself and others from the condition that I need to be perfect to be loved. I find joy in being of service. I take this opportunity to focus and streamline my life. I am tolerant of myself and others." Body Sensitivity: Watch for sensitivity in: pancreas, small intestine, cecum, colon, digestive tract, duodenum, rectum, sense organs: eyes and ears. 4. Harnessing the Magic of This Particular Waning Virgo Moon, 2/7 & 2/8, 2023 First, a bit about the current astrology to give you the big perspective.... This particular waning Virgo moon falls in the middle of some very transitional astrology. As of late January, all planets are in forward motion (til April). March is a huge energy shift with Mars, Saturn, and Pluto all changing signs - that means big changes in our lives as these heavy-hitters move from one area of life in our natal charts to another. ...the dust is settling, and as we land with this waning gibbous moon in Virgo, and Mercury leaves its retrograde post-shadow and prepares for its final meeting with Pluto while in Capricorn for the next couple of centuries or so, things are clearing out indeed, and quite possibly deep things having to do with your experiences over the past decade. To put it in perspective, Mars usually only spends about 2 months in each sign, and retrogrades every two years (the least amount of any planet), and it has been in Gemini since late August, and retrograde - in review mode - late October to mid-January. Mars activates and agitates wherever it is in our charts, and it has spent an extraordinary amount of time focusing in Gemini. Saturn changes signs every 2 1/2 years. It moved into Aquarius in March 2020 - same time as pandemic lockdown really began for most of us. It's transition into Pisces mid-March is going to likely be a welcome shift for us collectively. Pluto entered Capricorn in January 2008, and the event that marked this was the Global Financial Crisis. On March 23rd, it will begin it's year-long transition into Aquarius. (It retrogrades back into Capricorn for a clean up round June til January 2024.). This is a monumental energy shift for us - Pluto will be transiting Aquarius and the house it rules for each of us personally until 2044! Saturn is the Roman god of the harvest. It's about the actions and discipline that get the results we want. While Saturn is the task-master and it "crystallizes" - either helps us make our fears real, helps us make our dreams real, or shows us where we need to show up and be responsible, Pluto in transit first strips and exposes. Pluto is the cycle of death and rebirth, so many times Pluto transiting sensitive points of our chart will show, often through power dynamics, abuse, stripping, and exposing, where we need to let go fully. Because Pluto rules the underworld. It's about the buried, hidden, subconscious - all of our fears and insecurities that our personal power is wound up in. Uranus meanwhile is in the middle of its 7 year cruise through Taurus. It's the "change-bringer." Uranus is like a catalyst. It can work through out of the blue insight or sudden knowledge, or events that disrupt - either way, it wants to shake up the status quo and help us innovate and move into the future. While Saturn rules the third dimension of conditions, Uranus rules the 4th dimension, and the way to access it is through appreciation. Uranus has been near the north node of increase and destiny in Taurus for a while now - these two together means what we desire and are moving toward is all things Taurus. Taurus is a Venus-ruled earth sign concerned with values, resources, abundance, material possessions, and living life with pleasure through the five senses. Uranus here since 2018 means we are being asked to innovate the way we feel secure, especially through material possessions and resources. We've seen that get challenged through the pandemic, and especially from February 2021 to October 2022 as Saturn (lack, limitations, and restrictions, fear and doubt) challenged Uranus four separate times. However, as of Uranus stationing direct in late January, it did so for the first time in two years WITHOUT Saturn waiting to challenge it. Now that's a good feeling, but after how long we've been dealing with the other dynamic, it can also feel a bit unsettling - and Uranus IS an unsettling energy. It's unpredictable, and it brings change. So as we arrived at the Leo full moon on Sunday, February 5th, we arrived at a big energy full moon already high in intensity, in square to Uranus, in its full power. You may have noticed the big energy over the weekend, possibly experiencing upset or at least anxiety and nerves/agitation/irritability, or maybe an actual upsetting event. Maybe it was a big breakthrough, new ideas, or realization, or a release of really old pain and trauma. Maybe the full moon brought all of these things into your realm. But now, the dust is settling, and as we land with this waning gibbous moon in Virgo, and Mercury leaves its retrograde post-shadow and prepares for its final meeting with Pluto while in Capricorn for the next couple of centuries or so, things are clearing out indeed, and quite possibly deep things having to do with your experiences over the past decade. Now ~ what to do with this Virgo moon.... Time to clear the air, and everything else while you're at it. Optimizing the waning Virgo moon energy means clearing space both physically and psychically to truly integrate whatever has come up and come to light with this past full moon. This one had Uranus fueling it, so it was a rut-buster. Uranus with the north node wants to move us out of the old, the outdated, the stale, the status quo, and right into the new, and what most likely was coming to light was whatever needs to go before we move into March and all the big changes it is bringing. 1. Clean up, pick up, declutter, and organize - first things first. With moon, emotions, in Virgo, refinement, order, and perfection, organizing your physical realm will organize your mental and emotional realm. Make sure a couple of doors or windows are cracked to let in fresh air (and let out other things) and that shades are up so sunlight can get in. 2. Clean. Dust, vacuum, do the laundry, wash the dishes - whatever needs doing to get your nest feeling sparkly. 3. Start making your magical floor wash - put sea salt (moon, sea, cleansing, rebirthing, banishing, grounding, and balancing) into a bowl. Add rosemary (cleansing, purification, healing, and protection), and rue (Diana, moon, purification, protection, and uncrossing). Pour boiling water over the mix and begin stirring counterclockwise. State out loud your intentions for this mixture: to cleanse, purify, and to remove any and all negative energy or energy not in alignment and in support of your spirit, truth, and highest good, across all time and space and all dimensions, within and without, as you continue to stir. Then stop stirring. Now add bay leaves (solar, sun, Apollo, Leo, protection, success, victory, releasing and manifesting), sage (Jupiter, protection, wisdom, as well as lunar, clearing, cleansing), and nettle (the herb of consent, sense of self, thresholds, boundaries, and coming into clarity after winter). Now stir clockwise, stating out loud what you are calling in and creating: strong sense of self, strong protective boundaries, knowing where you begin and end, what threshold you are now crossing, what you are calling into being, what you are awakening to, or choosing to awaken, abundance, expansion, success, love, happiness, high, bright energy. Add lavender oil for Mercury, calmness, happiness, and high vibration, and add geranium oil for balancing. 4. Let the floor wash sit while you smudge. Make sure you have a couple of doors or windows cracked. You can use basic sage, or maybe you prefer yerba santa or palo santo, but in this case, after such a big energy full moon, at this highly transitional time, as we are releasing a lot of stuff around the past decade of Pluto in Capricorn (because of Mercury's recent retrograde - it's just leaving the post-shadow 2/7), I recommend going all out with loose mugwort on a charcoal round. Go to the left (counterclockwise around your space), setting your intention to clearing out anything across all dimensions that is not in alignment with the present moment and your highest good. This includes stagnant energy, arguments, anxiety, etc. that's hanging around from the weekend or before. This is especially important if you had a big emotional release over the weekend with the full moon. (You might play Schumann resonance or music you like, or drumming while you do this - I like to follow moving clockwise burning something like lavender or dammar resin focusing on what I'm bringing into the space like happiness, love, and laughter, and then follow that with a 528 hz tuning fork.). ***I know this full moon was actually on my Leo sun and the past decade of Pluto in Capricorn involved a lot of trauma and abuse for me as Pluto opposed my 1st house Saturn and Venus, bringing on a full rebirth of self and identity. It was challenging to say the least. Interestingly enough, over the past couple of weeks I've been doing somatic exercises for releasing trauma stored in the hips, as well as taking a custom blend of flower and gem essences I made for myself (I've started making these for clients) focusing on releasing deep grief and anger. Everything came out at the full moon! In a healthy way, not sideways in triggers. Full body shaking, crying, release. So it feels really right and natural to use this waning Virgo moon to take it all in and clear the space on every level. 5. At this point, now you can burn any incense you like or frankincense to "set the space." 6. Now strain the floor wash you made - add vinegar or borax to it for extra cleaning power, or you can mop first with a stronger cleaner, then follow with the floor wash. As you mop, remember all of the attributes of the mixture you just poured your energy, intent, and love into. 7. Get your favorite flowers, play music, be of service, and enjoy your clean, beautiful, healing space! I also like to wipe all the door and window frames and thresholds with rosemary oil, and wipe wood with sandalwood oil - especially in the bedroom. Take an alchemical bath. (I did a detox bath this time personally, with sea salt, bentonite clay, and activated charcoal - I also added some of the floor wash to it, and then extra geranium oil for balancing chakra, emotions, and masculine/feminine and easing anxiety, and lavender for peace, calm, high vibes, happiness, and harmonious communication.). Sink into your warm, cozy, clean and clear space and journal and nourish yourself! Interested in working with me or just staying connected?
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Follow me on The Art of Consciously Creating Life Facebook Page. (You can also join the private Art of Consciously Creating Life FB group for a more intimate experience - here I blend astrology with coaching and engage with you and answer questions.) Follow me on Instagram @consciouslycreatinglife. Join me on the brand new SACRED social space, SatMom! This is an ad-free space dedicated to all things sacred and healing, and I have both an astrology group and a moon cycles group on this special sacred social space. If this sounds like a breath of fresh, nurturing air to you, come join us! Just go to www.satmom.com to learn more and join. Interested in working with me? I currently offer coaching packages (both a mini 3 session package and a full 12 session package) as well as astrology sessions, but new things are in the works! You can learn more about both here. If you are interested in exploring coaching, you'll need to book a clarity Zoom chat with me first, so I can get a better understanding of your needs and we can discuss how I can help. Simply email me here to book a chat. If you'd like to book an astrology session, just drop me a line here. I'm looking forward to hearing from you! ~Kasey |
October 2024
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