The six little words that changed my life.... I want to be like that. As Emerson put it, "Make a decision and the Universe conspires to make it happen." It was one of THOSE moments.... I knew something big had happened, but I didn't know what. It was one of those moments when it feels like there's no time or space, just the present, just that one moment, and you know something has shifted, but there's nothing to do but go on with your day, with your life, and let it unfold. So that's what I did. "Make a decision, and the Universe conspires to make it happen. -Ralph Waldo Emerson It was a June afternoon in my kitchen. I was alone in my house. I had just put away groceries and was leaning on the dining room table scrolling on social media. I happened upon an article and read it. The article described a woman whose lover had just come to her and confessed cheating, overcome with guilt over it, and in the story the woman calmly responded, "I see you are in pain, how can I help." And that's when it hit me. Hard. I felt like I was being pulled around by my hair in my marriage and I didn't like it. It felt like I was always off balance. Like everything was always so big. Like I was quite literally being emotionally "dragged around by my hair." And I wanted what that woman had in the story. Bad. I wanted that calm, centered poise, that objectivity, that "okay-ness" in herself that allowed her to be present for others in her life no matter what was going on - that THRONE. That peace! I wanted it with my whole body, my whole being. In that moment, I was so moved by all of this that I suddenly heard myself announce to an empty house, "I want to be like that," like the voice didn't even come from me. It felt like time stood still. It felt like I was the only person in the Universe in that moment. The words seemed to reverberate across time and space - or like time and space had collapsed into that one present moment and the words were all there were. I knew something big had happened, but it didn't know what it all meant. There was nothing to do but continue with my day and with my life. There was no big epiphany or immediate change, but something had been set in motion - I knew it in my bones. Deeper Implications I didn't realize it at the time - I was still living in so much denial - but that feeling I had about being "dragged around by my hair," and constantly off balance - well, that was because I was in an abusive marriage. In fact, I was sustaining every kind of (covert) abuse expect direct physical violence - the mental, emotional, and even sexual abuse was there, just not overtly. It was more like a constant just-beneath-the-surface erosion of my value and power. At that point, I couldn't admit that to myself. I know now it was because I couldn't come to terms with what that would mean about me, so it wasn't even an option I would allow in to consider. That June day was the day that there was just enough of a crack of an opening in my resistance for my higher self to jump in and rescue me, set me on a different path. That story, and that feeling I felt when I read it, and me speaking those 6 little words - that was the beginning of an entirely new me and an entirely new life, because, "to be like that," everything was going to have to change - there was a long distance between where I was then and "being like that." And change it did - over the course of the next ten or so years, all right on time with Pluto transiting my 7th house of marriage and opposing my first house Venus. A once in a lifetime death and rebirth transit that not even everyone experiences in a lifetime, as Pluto takes 280 years to move all the way around the zodiac, or a natal chart. Living the Myth: A Real Life, Modern Day Heroine's Journey Those six little words on that June afternoon set me on an epic journey - the stuff of myth. Every bit of it truly paralleled the great Sumerian myth of Inanna's Descent (the myth that goes along with Venus retrograde - on this summer July 22nd to September 3rd, 2023).
It's an inside job. No one can do it for you, and you cannot fake it. You have to believe you are worthy down to your core, without a shadow of a doubt, and you have to live that every single day. I've lived the journey. I know it's possible. I know how important it is. It wasn't just the non-existent self-worth, I also had C-PTSD. I spent several years in freeze response after exhausting both fight and flight. It's about your energy, but many times our fears, limiting beliefs, and traumas are what are screaming the loudest and sending out the biggest vibration, even if we aren't conscious of them. I'm not just a coach, or just an astrologer, or just a survivor/thriver, I'm also professionally trained in hypnotherapy. I know about how the subconscious mind and beliefs work, and how to work with them to get positive results. Are you ready to start the journey to reclaiming your throne? Make a decision and the Universe conspires.... ~Kasey
Get ready for things to heat up just one day after the July 17th Cancer new moon as the north node changes signs, landing in Aries for the next eighteen months.
If you have a cardinal sign rising (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn), then this vibe shift will be affecting the very foundation of your life - your identity, home/family, relationship, or career/public image - and how that interacts with the other three. Our Clues to the Direction of Spiritual Evolution The north node represents the direction of spiritual growth. It's what we want to consciously move towards for our soul's evolution. The north node represents increase, appetite, the future, and destiny. The south node, exactly opposite the north node and always moving in sync with it, is what we want to consciously release for our soul's evolution. It's what is familiar and what we have already mastered in past lifetimes, so it can be the "comfort zone hideout" that gets us in trouble when we are too complacent in life. It's what we know, and there's no growth for us here. The south node represents decrease and release, the past, and karma (or lessons). In your natal chart, the north node and south node placements are a big part of your life map - what you are moving towards and away from on a soul level in this lifetime. The north node and south node in transit in the current moment is speaking to what we are being pulled toward and asked to release collectively right now, and this shifts zodiacal axes every eighteen months, moving backwards around the zodiac. North Node in Aries - South Node in Libra Transit for Individuals North node in Aries and the south node in Libra from mid-July 2023 until mid-January 2025 means we are going to have an appetite and desire to embody Aries energy and as we move towards that, we will simultaneously be called to release the Libran shadow as part of the process, learning the lessons of balancing the Aries-Libra axis along the way. We'll want to self-assert and individualize. We might feel more impatient and competitive, with the emphasis being more on "me" and "mine." We may be more headstrong or even hot-headed too. This could be a time when we want to strike out on our own - what area of life this is landing in for you depends on what area of life Aries rules in your chart. For example, if you are Cancer rising, Aries would be your 10th house of career, so this might have to do with blazing a trail in your career and going into business for yourself, but if you're Sagittarius rising, Aries would rule your 5th house of children, the inner child, romance, and creative self-expression. Remember that Chiron is still in Aries, helping us heal that wound to self that might have us doubting our right to exist. Maybe, up until now, this has kept us playing small to stay safe. And maybe, as we learn to take up space and be seen and heard, it's a little like learning to drive a stick shift and we're "all over the place," under-doing it, then over-doing it, trying to refine our ability to shift gears smoothly, and what I mean by that quite literally is refining our ability to balance the Aries-Libra axis of self and other so we don't lose ourselves in relationships or become door mats but also don't run over others and become completely and toxically selfish. A healthy sense of self is the foundation for a healthy relationship - one in which the total value equals more than the sum of its parts. That's the lesson of the Aries-Libra axis. North node in Aries means we are going to have a year and a half to get right with that relationship to self. With the south node in Libra, we'll want to be consciously aware of the shadow of Libra energy - the codependency, the passive-aggressiveness, the feeling that we must sacrifice ourselves for the relationship, that there isn't room for our needs or feelings to be expressed and heard and important. That is not the definition of harmony or cooperation. Libra wants equality, fairness, and healthy relationships. That begins with a healthy sense of self and individualism - everything the healthy expression of Aries energy wants. It's not the either-or; it's the AND - there's room for both, for everyone's truth. There must be. As within, so without. When we become more allowing with ourselves, we become more allowing, period, and that means we become more allowing with others. There's more permission all the way around, because we also have developed our ability to allow, acknowledge, and communicate our own wants and needs more effectively and tactfully, and in the process developed better boundaries. And better boundaries means we're safe to allow both ourselves and others to have our own stories and our own truths and beliefs, and suddenly there's more harmony, more cooperation, more...relationship. That means more of the Aries courage, strength, leadership, and healthy individualism can emerge, and we'll feel the need to spend less time in the warrior sign's combativeness, protectiveness, and defensiveness. That means more energy for inspiration and creativity. North Node in Aries - South Node in Libra Transit for the Collective The north node lands in Aries after eighteen months (since January 19th, 2022) in Taurus. The north node represents appetite, desire, increase - what we are being pulled toward, and the south node, respectively, represents what we must release in the process of that evolution we're being pulled along the path to. The two work together. For the past eighteen months, we've been moving through north node in Taurus, south node in Scorpio. We've collectively had an appetite for all things Taurus - the Venus-ruled earth sign of indulging the five senses and earthly abundance. Taurus wants security through material things, to enjoy life through the five senses, to be well-resourced and well-appointed. And why wouldn't we all be craving that after a few years of pandemic? But our appetite for the embodiment of the Taurean north node in our lives comes hand in hand with us collectively needing to face and release that Scorpio shadow - the counterpoint on the other end of the Taurus-Scorpio zodiacal axis. If Taurus is security through material possessions and resources, Scorpio, the deep-diving water sign of the shadowlands, teaches us the lesson that true power and security will never be found through the tangible, it can only found within, and the more we release, the more we will actually receive. And one of the things we need to release is the need for control. Scorpio is about the natural cycle of destruction and creation, the cycle of elimination and regeneration, the transference of energy from one form to another. In short, holding on to rotting food isn't going to get you the luxe abundance you were imagining - and I mean that as a metaphor for many, many things in life. It's important to know when to let go, and how to let go. Scorpio teaches about transitions and regeneration. We're finishing that cycle up now. How are you feeling with your progress in learning to balance the Taurus-Scorpio axis over the past year and a half? With the north node now moving into Aries, and the south node into Libra, the soul growth focus is now shifting for us collectively to being about relationships - specifically the relationship of self and other. The north node will be pulling us towards embodiment of Aries energy - we're going to want to assert ourselves and individualize and go out and conquer on our own and feel strong and capable. But the south node will simultaneously be reminding us that we cannot forget about the other end of the axis - other. We need relationships. We need others. We need cooperation. We want it too! Healthy relationships only come from a healthy sense of self. When we learn to be the healthy embodiment of Aries energy - self-reliant, confident, interdependent (as opposed to independent or codependent), self-assertive (not aggressive), and authentic - a funny thing happens - all of our relationships start to become more healthy too. This is about self-value, self-expression, the ability to have a healthy sense of self and to communicate healthy boundaries with others, and also the capacity to show up as leader (not a dictator). Remember the stick shift analogy - this is a learning process for us as a collective over the next year and a half. There's likely to be some sputtering, accidental kills, and gear grinding along the way. Imagine everyone (on varying levels) suddenly having the urge to be more self-assertive but not necessarily being good at it, or conscious of this energetic dynamic at play for the collective (like you are now). Beyond what comes up in our personal lives, the north node transiting Aries is associated with an upsurge in things like military operations, and even higher global temperatures, fires, and seismic activity. Aries as the first sign of the zodiac is an initiator. It's energy activates. So it may seem that suddenly everyone is "hot to trot." The Take Away Keep in mind this is an evolutionary phase that happens approximately every eighteen years. This is part of the human evolutionary spiral, and everything depends on consciousness and our choices. The thing that you get to control is your choices and your conscious awareness. Choose love not fear. What you choose matters. It's important. You are important. You are a powerful creatrix, and you are creating with every single breath, sending ripples out into the universe. What are you choosing? Remember, as within so without. Whatever you choose is what you end up generating within. You cannot choose one thing for yourself and something different for another or the world. So let it be love. Choose yourself. Choose love. And you are automatically choosing love for everyone else too. And what could be a better thing to create than that?
And it's about doing the healing, belief, and shadow work to clear the fear and blocks that have been holding you back in a safe and supported container.
If this sounds like something you are interested in, please don't hesitate to book a free clarity chat with me to discuss your current challenges and needs and how I can help. Just click here to email me and we'll get your chat on the books. Pluto squaring up to the moon's nodes as it transitions from Capricorn to Aquarius means one thing: this is a year of major release for us. This energetic dynamic began creeping in in early March, and stays in play through early December, but it's peaking from July 25th until August 5th (right with the powerful August 1st Aquarius full super moon) and will begin to fall off in alignment with Venus stationing direct in Leo September 3rd - the deep release of past Pluto is demanding of us now on a soul level in order to free up energy to create the "new" of our future is intrinsically interwoven with Venus' retrograde in Leo (July 22nd to September 3rd)- "a rebirth to self-worth." Pluto last changed signs in 2008, and once it lands in Aquarius for good mid-January, it won't change signs again until 2044. That's a big deal. It means one era is ending and another is beginning, and that shift is spanning the better part of 2023. The nodes are the north node and south node of the moon, the calculated points, or shadow nodes of the moon, that represent future, destiny, appetite, and increase, and past, fate, karma, and release, respectively (with the north node being the point of future and south node being the point of past). These nodes are what determine the signs of our eclipses. They move backwards around the zodiac and change signs every eighteen months. On July 18th, we have a vibe shift in store as the north node moves out of Taurus, where it's been since January 2022, and lands in Aries, sign of self, and the south node leaves Scorpio for Libra, sign of relationship. Things are changing, clearly. Pluto is the planet of power, yes, and "Lord of the Underworld." But Pluto is ultimately a planet of regeneration - of the process of energy changing from one form to another. It's all energy, and energy doesn't go away, it only changes form. It's not so much "release," as it is "transmute," and you're the alchemist of your life. You're the one with the power. Pluto rules the cycle of destruction and creation, death and rebirth.
Call your energy back into your body - from past memories, from future worries, from other people and conversations, and breathe it into your body until you are completely filled up and brimming over with your own unique energetic essence and you are completely embodied in the present moment. Then go to work on growing your heart flame with love. The thing is, we don't have to worry about unhealthy energetic attachments and boundaries when we are completely embodied and filled with our own light, occupying the thrones of our hearts. We don't have to worry about defense or protection. By doing this, it's easy energetically for others to know right where we stand and where our boundaries are, and it gives them permission to hold their own presence strongly too. This is a completely different vibration than trying to cut unhealthy cords with others and put up boundaries and defend against attack or invasion. Just like our immune systems, a healthy system doesn't get invaded, attacked, or attached to. Come back home to your body and start occupying it fully and completely with your strong, beautiful, loving presence, and watch what magic transpires. 2. Instead of focusing on releasing, do this: Focus on what you are FOR. Again, this is a subtle, yet very important energetic shift. Energy flows where the attention goes, and when you're focused on releasing, your focused on attachment. Remember that the magic of your attention and focus only works in one direction - the positive direction - you get more of what you focus on. So it doesn't work to focus on release! You'll just get more and stronger attachment. The answer is to shift your focus away from what you want to release and to what you want more of in your life. Focusing on what you are for might mean focusing on what you want instead of what you are releasing by focusing on its opposite. Maybe you are releasing an outdated way of getting your needs met, like compulsive people-pleasing. Instead of focusing on not giving yourself up for others, every time you feel insecure and start to go there, gently bring focus back to you and your body and how you can meet your needs differently. You are effectively refocusing your attention on the opposite of what you are releasing - from others' needs to your own, thereby creating a new more direct and empowered way of getting your needs met that doesn't require self-abandonment. Or focusing on what you are for might look like refocusing yourself on the main want/need and cultivating its energy within instead of the vehicle you thought would take you there. For example, maybe the Universe is asking you to release a certain job or relationship, which was the vehicle, and what you thought that job or relationship was going to get you was security. In this case, shift your focus away from the job or relationship and move it to cultivating the feeling of security in your body and in your every day default feelings and being in the world, without that being attached to any certain thing. This is another masterful reframe to keep your vibe high while gracefully working with the themes of releasing and letting go in your life. 3. Instead of asking yourself what you need to let go of right now, ask yourself this: "What do I need to allow myself to feel right now?" This one is pure magic. Remember, it's about the BEING, not the doing. It's all about what you give your attention to, so instead of trying to stop the negative, we need to move towards the positive. Instead of trying to cut things out, we focus on what we are filling up with instead. When we are over focused on "letting go," many times it is because we are so obsessed with getting rid of something that we are only feeding it and strengthening the attachment and charge. This is because we are engaging it with it and feeing the energy even more. This is not how we release! This is not how we neutralize the charge of something in our lives. This is not how we reclaim our power back from a person, situation, experience, or event. As I've been saying, the best way to release is to stop focusing on release and instead focus on what you're for, what you're cultivating in your life, and what you're moving toward. It's good to bring conscious awareness to what you are releasing and moving away from, but that's really as far as it goes. If there's grief work to do, if there's healing that needs to take place as part of this process, yes, zoom in on that and do it, but do it from a place of whole-ing yourself and from a place of allowance and acceptance for all of you, rather than from a place of trying to cut off, suppress, or outrun things. A great way to do this is when any kind of discomfort arises for you in your body, when you start to feel agitated or irritated or anxious or sad, or maybe even when you notice yourself wanting to distract, like with a snack or scrolling, to pause and simply ask, "what do I need to allow myself to feel right now," and then do it - allow the feelings and allow yourself to tune in even more deeply to your inner truth to understand what those feelings are really about, one layer beneath that, and then one layer beneath that. Funny thing - when we start allowing our feelings, they start to become not so big and scary anymore, and it starts to come up less often too. And after a while, we realize that there's nothing to "release" anymore. That's pure magic - that's alchemy. And you are the alchemist of your life, a powerful creatrix. Interested in working with me? Just click the button below to book a free clarity session and we'll discuss what your current challenges and needs are and how I can help in three private sessions. Start creating the life you want now.
October 2024
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