About Mercury Retrograde in Virgo August 27th to September 14th, 2023 Mercury is known as "the messenger," as it is associated with the mind, thinking, expression, and communications, but Mercury is also "the magician," and the alchemist. Mercury goes retrograde about 3 times per year - the most of any planet - but the good news is its effects are always fleeting. That's because Mercury is, well, Mercurial, and when we are working with the energy of Mercury, we can use this to our advantage. The idea is to stay flexible and curious - when Mercury is active in our lives, it's never a time to make any concrete decisions - if we try to do this, it's no surprise when it doesn't work! Mercury just stationed retrograde in its own sign of Virgo on 8/23, and it will turn direct 9/14. Mercury rules two signs - Gemini, mutable air, and Virgo, mutable earth. Since Mercury stationed retrograde, you may have noticed your inner critic kicking up as your forward momentum seemed to spin out and maybe plans and communications went awry. It isn't helping that just days later on 8/27 the Virgo sun opposed Saturn retrograde in Pisces, on 8/28 (the day I'm writing this) Uranus is stationing retrograde quite likely causing restlessness and unexpected disruption (maybe even more tech issues?), and we have a full super moon on deck for Wednesday the 30th in Pisces, with the sun-Saturn opposition still lingering. Things might feel a little squirrelly right now. Or okay, a lot squirrelly, and Saturn getting activated at a super moon climax in lesson-bringing reality-check mode doesn't help. But, there's a way to work this in your favor. Remember, Mercury might be the trickster, but its also the magician and the alchemist, so once you understand the energetic dynamics at play, you are empowered to step into the role of creatrix in your life and start weaving the elements and energetic currents in your favor. Keep in mind we are in the deep end of "retrograde season" now for 2023 with 6 planets retrograde - Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. It's like summer school, made up of individual planetary mentorships offering their expertise in different areas of your life. This is time to slow down, double check, review, make edits. Pay attention where things are blowing up and going sideways and where you are running into walls and check back in with your body, with your intuition, with your inner guidance and alignment. These delays might just be working in your favor. Also keep in mind that Mercury retrograde is brief - only 3 weeks, and we come out of Venus retrograde 9/3 and then out of Mercury retrograde 9/14. Like I've been saying in the new and full moon emails and on social media, tangible results from all the inner work we've been doing since June will be showing up late September into October, so hold that line!
Mercury goes retrograde about three times per year, and its retrogrades always happen in a series of three - for example, all of the 2022 Mercury retrogrades began in air signs and ended in earth signs, then starting December 2022 into January 2023, we began a series of three Mercury retrogrades in earth signs, and in 2024 we will have a series of three Mercury retrogrades that begin in earth signs and end in fire signs. While all Mercury retrogrades slow us down so we can review and edit thinking and communication, there's a something bigger at play happening here than just delays, breakdowns, lost phones, missed messages, and miscommunications. When we take the high view, we can see that over 2022 we were working on learning how to bring ideas into reality (air to earth), and over 2023 we are working on the real world practicalities of doing that (all earth), and over 2024, we will be using what we've learned with our earth retrogrades as a container that will hold new creative ideas so we don't burn ourselves out (earth to fire). Working With Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2023 This is our third and final all earth Mercury retrograde in a series of three. We began in December 2022 with the Capricorn Mercury retrograde that carried us into January. Then in April 21st to May 14th, we had a potent Mercury retrograde in Taurus overlapping with the spring eclipse portal. We wrap up this series of all earth Mercury retrogrades in Virgo (during Virgo season, of course, because Mercury is never more than 28° away from the sun). Like I mentioned above, in 2022 the Mercury retrogrades all began in air and ended in earth - lessons in making ideas reality. In 2023, the focus has been completely on Mercury making its periodic reviews in earth signs, and in 2024 Mercury will continue the process beginning each retrograde in earth but ending in fire. The takeaway is that right now we need to let Mercury retrograde in Virgo help us zoom in on the everyday rituals and routines that hold us. Virgo is the sixth sign, an earth sign known for organization, sorting, refining, perfecting, and strongly associated with health, and especially things like diet and exercise that support good health and prevent disease. Virgo is a sign of devotion and acts of service too. When we get out of balance with Virgo energy, we can find ourselves feeling anxious and never good enough, and then highly critical - of both ourselves and others. (As within, so without - as I teach my clients, we cannot give or do to anyone else that we aren't already giving or doing to ourselves - its the same for love and criticism - its like a filter or energetic prism we are living through created by our beliefs.) Here are some ideas for accessing the magic of this Mercury retrograde in your life:
This is The Art of Consciously Creating Life.
This year's fall eclipse season will opening us up to the brand new north node in Aries cycle which began on July 18th and will go through January 2025, while simultaneously closing out the north node in Taurus cycle, which we've been in since January 2022. This is powerful, because the nodes represent what we are collectively growing to, and what we must release in order to do so. Before we get there though, we have three important lunations - the August 30th full moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn retrograde, the September 14th new moon in Virgo trine Uranus, and then the September full moon in Aries featuring ruler Mars conjunct the south node in Libra and at the same time square Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Now that's powerful stuff. If you aren't already part of the tribe and receiving the new and full moon email updates, click here to join us so you can get the details on each of these as we move through them. About the Fall 2023 Eclipse Portal As the October 14th new moon eclipse in Libra is our opener to the new north node in Aries, south node in Libra cycle, it promises to be an eye-opener. With the nodes on the Aries-Libra axis of self and other, respectively, this eclipse season will be bringing relationships to the forefront, and in a particular way. The north node is the point of increase and appetite, destiny and future - it is what we are being pulled towards. The south node, its opposite point, is in contrast, the point of decrease, release, past, and karma. In short, the north node is what we are moving towards, and the south node is what we are moving away from, but the way this happens is that our pull towards expressing the north node sign traits requires us to release the south node sign shadow. In this case, the north node in Aries has us collectively feeling pulled towards more individuality, autonomy, and personal authority. This is about self-assertion and charting our own course. But to do that, the south node in Libra says we are probably going to have to face down our shadows having to do with Libra themes. Libra is the Venus-ruled sign of relationships, and it wants harmony, equality, balance, beauty, peace, justice, and cooperation. But in its value of the relationship and efforts to "not rock the boat," sometimes Libra can lose itself. This is when we end up in situations like codependency. Passive-aggressiveness and resentment can show up when we for whatever reason we don't feel we can state our needs or desires in a straightforward way, or we don't feel like there's room for us to even have needs or desires because "the relationship" is always taking priority and we are in "pleaser mode" to avoid any upset that might lead to loss of relationship or perceived rejection or abandonment. In order to move towards the strong sense of self represented by Aries, we have to let go of that Libra shadow. Ultimately, the Aries-Libra axis is about healthy relationships, and those don't happen without both parties first having a healthy sense of self. There's nothing "selfish" about it. When we come together as two strong, healthy, "wholes," we get a relationship which is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. And that's a truly beautiful thing. Here's What's Up Between Now & Then The 8/30 Pisces full moon, the 9/14 Virgo new moon, & the 9/29 Aries full moon. So what's happening between now and then? A lot! As I write this on August 20th, we are still in the "deep end" of the Venus retrograde journey in Leo, a "rebirth to self-worth," with Mercury retrograde in Virgo on deck for 8/23 to 9/14. Our new beginning in Leo is just getting underway - the Leo new moon was just a few days ago on August 16th - but we need to be prepping now for the upcoming Pisces full moon. That's because the August 30th Pisces full moon is conjunct Saturn retrograde, and while it very well may be bringing us a hint of a harvest in regards to what we began cultivating at the Pisces new moon six months ago in February, the sun opposite Saturn still retrograde also has the potential to be a reality check, or even an uncomfortable ego hit or pinch. Don't worry - there IS a way to work in alignment with this energy over the two weeks of waxing moon to make sure we are on the right side of this and even harnessing the energy in our favor. The Virgo new moon, September 14th, will be in supportive aspect to Uranus in Taurus, helping us fully step into the new. I've been saying all summer since Venus landed in Leo in June that we would see tangible results from the inner work by late September/October. That's because Venus retrograde featured several "three hit wonder" aspects - Venus conjunct Lilith, Venus square Uranus, and Venus trine Chiron. When this happens, the first aspect is the initiation to the issue, the second is the review when we revisit the issue and gain new insight and perspective, and the third and final one, when the planet has returned to direct motion, is the resolution. The resolution in this case is coming in late September into October, and there's more factors than just Venus direct at play! This new moon is a time to be proactive about making positive changes in our lives. On September 29th, the Aries full moon will be bringing to realization/fruition whatever began in late March/April when we had two Aries new moons in a row, one being an eclipse. These were powerful new moons that bookended the sign, with the first one at 0° and the second at 29°, the anaretic, or karmic degree of the sign, and an eclipse. This one will also feature the full moon ruler, Mars, (ruler of Aries) conjunct the south node of karma, past, and release in opposing sign Libra, and squaring Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, really setting the stage for that new moon eclipse in Libra on October 14th. This is a year of major transition for all of us. A major undercurrent of 2023 is Pluto taking all year to shift out of Capricorn where it has been since 2008, and into Aquarius, where it will remain (after it reenters the sign escorted by the sun in late January) until 2044. Pluto is doing this in T-square to the nodes of future and past, increase and decrease, and destiny and fate for most of this year. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth transformation. When we see it in such a potent aspect to the nodes for such a long period of time, we can know that we are going to be asked to fully release the past in order to step into the future. This is a "let go or be dragged" situation. We need to fully shed the old skin or it might get very uncomfortable. There might be some growing pains along the way. But, if we are consciously working with these energies (and that's where astrology can help us), then it's more like we are being carried by the current from one point to the next. Each step prepares us for the next. It's a process of evolution and growth. Join us on the journey. Click the button below to get the new and full moon email updates. Follow along on social media by clicking the links below.
Starting in late August and going til mid-November, we have something that astrologers call a "kite" forming and dissipating in the heavens several times over several months. A kite is an astrological pattern comprised of 4 planets. It looks like a kite, like two triangles put together, with the bottom one elongated, forming a "tail," or like a bow being drawn (see image below). The three planets forming the top of the kite or the bow and tip of the arrow are all in 60° angles to each other, known as sextiles. Since astrological signs each span 30° this means you'll find these three planets at the same degree (relatively) of three signs, with one sign in between each - so every other sign. In this case, we're talking about the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, being in the final 10° of Taurus, Pisces, and Capricorn, respectively. (So Aries and Aquarius are the "in-between" signs.) What happens is, as each of the personal planets, Mars, Mercury, and Venus, and the sun each transit Virgo this summer/fall, they will each move into opposition with Neptune in Pisces, activating this kite in the heavens. Kites bring dynamic energy that we access by working the tail point planet of the kite - in this case we will go through a series of them as the planets pass through Virgo. Outer planets have to do with generational influences and collective consciousness. We are in a major transition period that began this year and goes until May 2025. This is because over that time period all three of the outer planets will change signs, ushering us into a new era by 2025. This little kite formation we'll be working through with different planets in Virgo is going to be helping us evolve collectively. Don't let this overwhelm you. The key to success with this is focusing on working the high side of Virgo energy in your life from late August through mid-November. We get our first taste of this with the Leo new moon, as Mars trines Uranus August 15th through 18th before opposing Neptune the 21st through 24th, then making a game-changer of a power move with Pluto August 23rd through 26th. While each planet opposing Neptune activates this larger kite energy, we also want to be conscious of the fact that any time any planet is in opposition to Neptune things get foggy and unclear, and we need to be mindful of energetic boundaries, as well as getting the "wool pulled over our eyes." As we work the high side of Virgo, we'll also want to remember to work the high side of Neptune/Pisces on the other side of the axis. Balancing this tension is what allows us to tap into the support of Uranus and Pluto in sextile and trine aspects, respectively and harness the power of the kite in our lives. MarThe Virgo vibes started heating up as soon as Mars landed there in July, as Mars is the action planet, initiator, and instigator. But the kite formation doesn't get going until Mars gets in range of the outer planets, August 21st to 24th. Then this energetic dynamic kicks up again with the sun 9/15 to 9/20, with Mercury 8/14 to 9/2 (stations retrograde 8/24 and direct 9/16) and again 9/27 to 10/4, and finally with Venus in 10/25 to 11/8. The tension point of the kite - the arrow drawing back, will be formed as the planets transiting Virgo late August to mid-November one by one form the release point of this energetic dynamic. Like I said before, to work the kite, we must work the Virgo-Pisces opposition. The outer planets (Uranus and Pluto supporting Neptune) are forming the point of the arrow - the direction of the aim and of forward motion. This is about a spiritual awakening and the connectedness of all life. It's about higher consciousness and the evolutionary leap humanity is collectively undergoing. Pisces is a water sign and a very spiritual sign full of empathy and compassion, and along with modern ruler Neptune, not only rules water as in "we are all one like drops of water in the ocean," but also literal water, water as a resource, and oil too. Think about this energetic dynamic at play in league with Uranus in Taurus - innovating how we feel secure and our relationship to resources and environment (like the earth itself) - and Pluto in Capricorn - collapsing what is rotten in big systems globally like government and banking - we start to get a better picture of the monumental change that is happening on a global level right now. The Virgo planets as they move through, the sun, light of consciousness, and each personal planet, Mercury, Venus, and Mars (not in that order), form the tail of the kite, and one-by-one will be the role you play as an individual in this raising of collective consciousness and spiritual awakening. This is where we "do the work," and zoom in on embodying the higher qualities of Virgo by itself and as part of the Virgo-Pisces axis. The Virgo-Pisces axis balances the mundane and the spiritual - both signs are about healing. "Working Virgo," in our personal lives to contribute to the evolution of humanity to higher consciousness might look like focusing in on the sacred in the mundane, acts of practical service, and themes like the body as a temple, cleanliness in relationship to godliness, and honoring the sacred in the mundane. Our spiritual healing contributes to our physical healing and vice-versa - not just as individuals, but as communities and societies. There is a cumulative effect - as more individuals heal their own lives, it helps to evolve the collective consciousness. 2023 is a year of major transition as Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth transformation takes the bulk of the year to complete its shift into Aquarius, and at the same time challenges the astrological points of future and past, destiny and karma. This requires us to fully release any grip on the past in order to freely move towards our destiny now - the increase is fueled by the release. Mars initiates the planetary march through this "hot seat" in the heavens as it opposes Neptune August 21st through 24th. This is when we are going to shift our focus to consciously working the high side of Virgo energy and balancing the Virgo-Pisces axis of healing in our lives, each playing our own unique role contributing to the larger evolutionary leap of humanity. Virgo is a sign of organization, tending to details, acts of service, devotion, cleanliness, refining, caution, modesty, routine, health, and diligence. Keep it simple and practical. Less is more. Hard work pays off, and setting up systems and routines around daily life and health that are preventative and streamline will be invaluable "practical magic" as we move through these months. This is preparing us for something bigger. We reach one milestone end of January when Pluto returns to Aquarius for good (until 2044), escorted by the sun, but the "new era" being brought on by all three outer planets shifting signs won't be landed until May 2025. Let go. It's time to cleanse, clear, and be done with it. Now. For real. What do you need to push past once and for all? What's that feeling, that discomfort, that unconscious thing that creeps up from the depths that keeps you jumping back into old habits and patterns every time you get close to breaking free into the new, the unfamiliar that's both unknown AND desired? I call it "the ickies." It's that feeling of discomfort that sends you running right back to what you were committed to moving away from. It can feel like a wobble, like loneliness, like emptiness, like anxiety or fear, like uncertainty or overwhelm, and it can be so intense it feels like you can't stand being in your skin. It feels REAL, and URGENT. And, if you aren't working with this very unconscious patterning consciously, it can send you right back to what you were wanting to break free from, perpetuating this feeling of being stuck and going in circles in your life, unable to break free. So...deep breath now. Stay the course. This is a transition, and all you have to do is keep working that edge - keep working the transition. It's easier to do this when you realize that what are feeling is normal, it's okay, and it's just something you are moving through. (And there are tools to help you get through it! This is on strong now, Friday, 8/4, through Monday 8/7, but you can consider it a major theme of this entire year - as I've been saying, 2023 is a transition year. Let it go. Let it be. Unstick yourself and allow FLOW!!! New things want to come in, but they can't if you are too busy clinging and blocking flow. "Grippy-ness" and clinging are going to get increasingly uncomfortable, so take note now and be proactive. The Energetic Dynamics at Play (The Astrology):
Not only is this the peak of Pluto in square to the nodes, bringing us to a major crossroads, an intersection of past and future requiring us to let go to move forward, Tuesday is the 8-8 Lion's Gate portal - an auspicious time for making major moves towards our goals and manifesting our desires. Miracles can happen when we are really willing to fully let go and let the current carry us and stop the resisting. It takes courage, so have heart. It's all around you, it's all hovering, waiting for your energy to open in alignment so it can come into your reality - but you have to make the dimension shift, the energetic shift - you have to step forward into the new, into the unknown, into the unfamiliar. You have to be wiling to let go of the old. And that means not just that person or job or thing - it means the energetic pattern, that deep subconscious programming, that thing that you run on autopilot that is running your life - until now. Here's what you are going to do:
August 2024
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