Welcome to Scorpio Season.
This week the sun enters Scorpio, turning our conscious focus and awareness to the realm of transformation, healing, the deep psyche, the taboo and occult, motives, sex, and power. Welcome to Scorpio Season. Expect intensity, things revealed and unearthed, and transformation.
This is the time of year when the veils between the world are said to be the thinnest, where we honor and receive blessings from the departed and our ancestors. We are at a transition, a crossroads, a sacred gap that is neither one thing nor the other. This is the in-between. Modern life is very much point A to point B, either-or, this not that. The in-between is both, and neither. It is not that easily defined. Our culture tends to honor the destination rather than the journey. We don't stop to honor the spaces, the gaps, the past, the undoing, the release, the loss, the letting go. They feel uncomfortable. Unproductive. Scary. Unfamiliar. But there is great power here. And that is what this time is about. We cannot have life without death, summer without winter, day without night, action without rest. And each bit of it is sacred. The earth slows down now and we follow her lead to the restorative rest and regeneration only the dark can bring. As the moon waxes now, it moves toward Friday's first quarter square with the sun, our first choice point of the lunar cycle - a crisis in action - as we reach the halfway point between the new moon and the full moon. This is our check point to make any course corrections with our new moon intentions and actions to stay in alignment. Then on Sunday, the sun meets up with Mercury, still retrograde in Scorpio. This brings our light of consciousness and Mercury, ruler of the mind and messages, together in Scorpio's deep abyss. This is an aha moment. Something is revealed. This is the point where Mercury finds what it turned back in search of as the sun shines its light on it. Mercury's journey isn't over just yet though. It will continue backtracking, reentering Libra next week on the 27th, the same day Venus leaves Virgo and enters Libra. After the full moon on the 31st, Mercury will station direct at 25 degrees Libra on 11/3 (U.S. election day) in square to Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn on the high side is supportive foundation and boundaries, but could be showing up as a hard and limiting influence in this case as it is in square aspect, have patience here and keep going. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn have been a challenging ride, and we are still on that ride until they get apart from each other and Mercury and Mars station direct. Keep looking for the flow, for what supports and nourishes. Keep looking toward where there is space and constantly move towards that. As things shift things will continue to open in new ways. We are being taught how to dance in between the beats - to move into the open space and honor the in-between. There is magic there. Love & Gratitude, Kasey *Join me on Facebook in The Art of Consciously Creating Life group for daily updates!
*From the Know to Flow Forecast for Consciously Creating Life, Vol. 78, week of October 5th. Sign up below.*
It really feels pretty fantastic to have all three planets in Capricorn (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) now direct. However, from now until the upcoming Libra new moon, prepare for a bit of a bumpy stretch.
Mostly this is due to Mars retrograde challenging a freshly direct Pluto in Capricorn, at the same degree of January's Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th, exact on Friday the 9th. (Friday is also the last quarter square moon. Squares are challenges and forced growth, so that will be a lot of tension.) With Pluto and Mars retrograde at odds on Friday (and strong really now through the new moon) double down on the Mars retrograde protocol and pull away from anything that even has a whiff of a power dynamic. Think of the astrological energies as able to easily play through the people around you if they aren't fully aware - sometimes this happens even when we are aware! Pluto energy comes through as a hunger, an instinct, a strong compulsion or desire. Mars energy always needs an outlet and active management. You may be staying in your lane like a pro, just to have someone swerve right into it bringing this Mars-Pluto energy with them. Fall back on Mars protocol - don't let this energy push you around.
There are also other factors. Mercury (the mind) is already deep diving in Scorpio, preparing to go deeper with its retrograde from October 13th to November 3rd. The moon is waning from the October 1st full moon in Aries, that was on the heels of Saturn stationing direct in square to Mars retrograde and a precursor to Pluto direct in Capricorn. Full moons are illumination, and waning moons are for release. The October 1st full moon was the culmination of a cycle that begin March 24th with the Aries new moon - this is a good thing, but there's a lot of material here to work with that has been stirred up over the summer and is now emerging, especially with the Capricorn retrogrades. Typically new Libra moons are lovely Venus-ruled resets of all things to do with being in relationship - cooperation, harmony, balance - but this one coming on 10/16 is no picnic, as it is right in the crosshairs of the challenging set up still happening between Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn and Mars retrograde in Aries. This new moon at 23 degrees Libra puts another leg on the square, turning it into a T-square (three-way tension instead of just two-way). I will say, with the Capricorn planets now direct, and it being at 23 degrees rather than 22, where Pluto has been camped out and the degree that links back to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January, we are dealing with the same issues, but the situation is evolving. This new moon is under pressure to embody the Libra energy, but it is a new moon and a fresh start under the sign of Venus. Squares are challenges and forced growth, but there is a way forward. Keep in mind that Mars is still retrograde in Aries. The warrior, pioneer, and leader stations direct on November 13th, the same day Jupiter and Pluto meet up for the third time in Capricorn (the first was April 5th, and second was June 30th). Also by then Mercury will have completed its retrograde that begins in Scorpio and ends in Libra. This is still working itself out and still unfolding. Keep going, keep up the Mars retrograde protocol, and keep the faith. This week also has a couple of interesting aspects that aren't quite so heavy. On Wednesday the 7th, Mercury in Scorpio makes an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. The opposition is still an aspect that brings tension, (in the form of a stand-off - they are opposing, not congruent) but Mercury is the mind, and Uranus is the planet of the future, and change brought about through sudden insight and/or upheaval. Expect the unexpected always when Uranus is involved. This could be some information that changes your perception and therefore your direction, from the outside, or even a revelation from within - Mercury is in Scorpio, the psyche. On Saturday, the 10th, we wrap up the week with the sun in Libra squaring Jupiter, planet of faith and belief, now direct in Capricorn. Yes, its a square, but this is the sun and Jupiter! Think: some little something that brings renewed faith, hope, optimism, even if there is some tension or challenge happening. Join me in The Art of Consciously Creating Life Facebook group! Love & Gratitude, Kasey P.S. Stay tuned for the upcoming mini-class on harnessing Venus energy in your life, the Five Petals of Venus. Venus is the goddess of love, money, and abundance, so you won't want to miss this!
Following the cycles of the moon is an ancient tradition, and one we can still tap into today to align with each month’s cycle of energies. A moon phase calendar can still be found in farmer’s almanacs today as a guide for planting. The moon, being so close to earth, has a powerful effect on it and you can see this in how it affects our tides. The moon actually causes the earth to rotate in tandem with the moon on a different axis than it would if it were not being affected by the moon’s gravitational pull. In every twenty-four hour period, we have one high tide based on the earth’s rotation and a second based on the moon’s interaction. So why not harness this energy in our lives? By becoming aware of these energetic cycles we can work with them consciously to achieve our desires in life - we are in essence moving with the energetic current - we "know to flow". For every month-long lunar cycle, the sun, on its annual solar cycle, moves through one of the twelve thirty-degree signs of the zodiac. This creates a new and full moon in a different zodiac sign each month of the year. Each zodiac sign can be thought of as representing a different energetic filter through which the movements of the celestial bodies are broadcast through to us on earth. The sun and moon are considered the two "luminaries" in astrology - we refer to both of them as "shining", although it is important to note that the sun generates its own light and the moon reflects the light of the sun. Often the sun is thought of as "the light of consciousness", while the moon represents the subconscious, operating fully or partially just out of our view much of the time. In general, the sun is representative of the male energy, the light, yang, and conscious will. The moon is the feminine energy, the emotions, water, dark, yin, and the subconscious. The moon cycles are the interplay of these two energies. The new moon is a beginning. This is when the sun and moon are in conjunction, or “on” each other. (A conjunction is formed when planets are six degrees or less to each other and it is exact at zero degrees. Conjunctions blend the energies of the two planets.) This is your time to sit down and think about what you would like to consciously create for that lunar cycle. Generally it’s best to wait beyond the time the new moon is exact until the sun’s light starts to come in just a bit to do this. Meditate on your intention, write down your goals, do whatever feels appropriate. The point is to set your intention consciously. Whatever sign the moon is in will be the energy being highlighted for this new beginning, and if you find the degree and sign of the new moon in an ephemeris, you can locate its house in your chart which will give you the area of life this new beginning can be made in (identity, expression, relationships, etc.)
The full moon is the sun and moon at full opposition. The moon is completely bathed in the sun’s glow. This is illumination. The light of consciousness is completely illuminating the subconscious. What insight are you gaining? What are you realizing in thought or in the world? Here we feel the full energy of the sun and are more likely to lean to socializing and outward expression. The last quarter moon is again a square between the sun and the moon but this time it’s waning, and the sun’s light is decreasing. The square here again is about change, but rather than an outward expression it is now turned inward. This is where we reevaluate on a subconscious level. Where do we need to shift our beliefs and thoughts to support what we are trying to consciously create? This is a time to be aware of the changes that are trying to occur in your life and be fluid with them. The three days leading up to the new moon is called the dark moon. The dark moon represents the point in the cycle where we turn the furthest inward. This can mean things deep within our psyche bubbling up to our awareness. This is a time of rest and nourishment. This energy is prompting us to clean house psychologically and get to the bottom of anything held subconsciously that is blocking us from achieving our goals. It’s time to release and let go of those things that are not in alignment with that which we are consciously creating. And with that psychological house-cleaning, you have completed that lunar cycle and with the new moon can align more powerfully with a new set of intentions. In this way you can use the moon’s energy each month to continue to spiral upward, like riding a thermal, through intention setting, action, realization, self-awareness and release, to living a life you have consciously created.
October 2024
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