Venus is going direct in Leo Sunday, 9/3 (18:20 PDT | 21:20 EDT), and it's a big deal. We've began this journey in early June, when Venus first entered Leo. ![]() Early June through mid-July was like our initiation, or introduction to the work we would be doing while Venus was retrograde July 22nd to September 3rd. (Note that June was also the beginning of another larger cycle layered over this - Saturn retrograde in Pisces - June 17th to November 4th - a mentorship in what it takes to truly bring our dreams into reality, and possibly a reality-check in the process if we were off-course.) This wasn't just Venus retrograde (a review and realignment around relationships, resources, what we truly love and a "rebirth to self-worth"), in Leo (sign of the heart and authentic creative self-expression), because over the course of this retrograde, Venus was getting help by several outside influencers, making a series of three aspects to Uranus, Chiron, Neptune, Jupiter, and Black Moon Lilith. There are a total of three aspects to each because of the nature of the retrograde. First, Venus tracks over the retrograde degrees in direct motion, making the first of the three aspects to each - this is the pre-shadow, the initiation and introduction, in this case to each issue represented by each aspect. Second, after Venus stations retrograde, it begins making the second pass over the retrograde degrees in reverse motion, thus bringing each issue represented by each aspect up for review and deeper consideration, and bringing us to "the heart of the matter." Lastly, once Venus stations direct, there's one more pass left to be made over the retrograde territory, this time in direct motion, and this is the resolution, when Venus will make each of the aspects to each of the planets for a third and final time, bringing resolution in one way or another to each of the issues. As Venus stations direct, we are entering the third and final phase of the retrograde, on until October 7th. This is a time of gaining clarity around what you truly love & where you’ve been - up until now - just making do, settling, or fooling yourself. It is now time to take your power back & start living from a more authentic, heart-centered place, whatever that means for you.
While you may have experienced attention-getting issues around love and money during this retrograde, the heart of this journey is about helping you reclaim your inherent sense of self-value and creative power, and realign your values so that you are living from a more authentic and heart-centered place. With a sense of pride even - this retrograde occurred in Leo, after all. Venus' station direct over the evening of 9/3 and morning of 9/4, depending on where you are in the world, brings relief & maybe a hint of what's to come, but as I've been saying, you won't really feel the results in your life until after 9/14 into October. That's because with Venus direct, "Our Lady of Love & Money" (& attraction, creativity, art, & aesthetics) is just now beginning her 3rd and final pass over the degrees of the retrograde, and this involves making the 3rd and final potent aspects to the main influencers of this retrograde - Uranus, Chiron, Neptune, and Lilith. (Lilith was also a big deal, but while Venus made the first two conjunctions to Lilith in Leo in June and July - helping us understand the unconscious and untamed shadow within and come to terms with any shame keeping us playing small - the third conjunction will actually happen after Venus clears the post retrograde shadow with both in Virgo, so it's really part of the new, not what we've been working on since June.) Here's a breakdown of what to expect and when:
What to Watch Now.... So that's the journey we've been on since early June with Venus in Leo and Venus retrograde. With Venus direct on September 3rd/4th, we are reaching an important turning point, and things are going to be unfolding all the way through October 7th when Venus clears the retrograde territory once and for all. The main action here will be between September 23rd and October 7th, as Venus makes the third and final aspects to Uranus, Chiron, Neptune, and Lilith. Here's the deal, and what you need to be paying attention to now as we move forward: Venus leaves the post-shadow of this retrograde JUST 1 WEEK BEFORE THE LIBRA SOUTH NODE NEW MOON ECLIPSE on 10/14, and you better believe these things are tied together and a big deal. The 10/14 Libra eclipse is our first eclipse with north node in Aries and south node in Libra, on from mid-July til January 2025, and as south node represents past, karma, and what we need to release, if there's any relationship junk that needs to be cleared, this eclipse is going to make you very aware of it. If you want to get out ahead of this, think about what's been coming up here and there since mid-July around relationship dynamics and especially unhealthy ones that have you sacrificing or abandoning yourself for others all the time - codependent tendencies, enmeshment, attachment issues, enabling, not keeping healthy boundaries, passive-aggressiveness (not being able to be direct about your needs and desires and the resulting fall-out), misdirected anger, low self-value, insecurity, people-pleasing, etc. The north node in Aries is pulling us towards a healthy sense of self and the self-assertiveness that goes with it - the south node in Libra means we are going to be required to let go of everything keeping us from that, and the 10/14 new moon eclipse is going to be bringing it up.
October 2024
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