In 1999 Masaru Emoto published his first book of experimenting with water crystals by exposing them to different pictures, music and words and freezing them, Messages from Water 1. The above photos show differences in the crystals that have been exposed to the different words, "love", "thank you" and "I hate you". The photos show the vibration that the words and thoughts carry reflected in the water, giving us visual proof of the consequence that our thoughts and emotions carry. We cannot manifest love or gratitude while we are carrying negative emotions and beliefs. We cannot manifest the new while we are stuck in the old. .................................................................................................................................................... In Part 1, we discovered the magical creature within, delving into what makes us uniquely ourselves, and we focused especially on uncovering exactly what it is that we value most and are most passionate about, because those are huge clues to aligning yourself with "the current" of your life so it can easily carry you along your path. In Part 2, we discussed the law of attraction and how powerful our minds really are, and how to focus our attention on what we want, eliminate limiting beliefs, and replace them with beliefs that support our desired experience. (For a better understanding of how the law of attraction is affected by the projections our shadow self creates, and to learn how to get back in alignment with synchronicity by taking the driver's seat back from your subconscious, read my recent post, When Positive Thinking Isn't Working.) Now for Part III - Manifesting! By doing some honest soul searching and having discovered those things you value most in this life and what you are truly most passionate about, you have aligned yourself with a deep and powerful source of motivation and enthusiasm. By pinpointing powerful subconscious beliefs that only serve to limit, you begin to free yourself from past blocks and self-sabotaging patterns. By adopting new beliefs that support your new goals that are now in alignment with your authentic self, you are beginning to harness the Universe to help you move towards these goals! Remember, if you are holding limiting beliefs that you are not conscious of, the law of attraction is STILL at work, and those subconscious beliefs will always be stronger than any intentions, goals, or positive affirmations you try to counteract them with. In order to harness the power of creating consciously, you must do the steps of discovering what you truly value, what you are truly passionate about, and then uncovering any idea or belief or fear that lies hidden in your psyche that sits in opposition to the goals you want to achieve and the life you wish to create. You must be absolutely honest and completely ruthless in this process. This process is not a quick fix. It is forming the habit of constant maintenance of our psyches - just like weeding and fertilizing a garden. We must practice continued awareness and routinely remove the ideas and beliefs that do not serve us and then fertilize the creative garden of our psyches with thoughts, ideas and beliefs that support what we are creating. Manifestation
Manifestation is only seeing the outward results of the inner changes. One naturally follows the other. Remember that the key to success here lies in being able to identify your truest and most authentic desires that are not colored by "shoulds" or fears of any kind, and that you must align with the vibration, the feeling energy, of what it is you are wanting to obtain or achieve. The inner changes you are making in order to be in alignment with these things will bring the outer changes that will be your results. Keep in mind that the becoming aware of negative or limiting beliefs and replacing them with positive supportive beliefs is an ongoing process in the upward cycle. To constantly create we must constantly release. So what are the tools that support the manifestation of your intentions? Affirmations, vision boards, belief boxes, working with lunar cycles, ritual, and adopting a muse are some great ones to get you started. The Manifestation Toolbox:
These are all tools available to help keep you on track in focusing on your intent and manifesting your desires. There is a lot in life that can distract you and pull you off course. These tools are reminders of where you want to consciously direct your energies. To consciously create is to be in a constant state of being aware of what truly sets your heart ablaze, acknowledging that you are unique and special and that you are powerful a creator, becoming aware of negative and limiting patterns and beliefs that are blocking you, replacing them with new beliefs, and constantly aligning with the vibration of your goals and desires. You are constantly creating and constantly releasing, always spiraling upward towards your heart's desire, always manifesting. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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