Many of us are familiar with the idea that we can literally create our reality with our thoughts. But what determines the quality and direction of our thoughts? The underlying factor is our beliefs. Unfortunately, we tend to harbor beliefs deep within our subconscious mind that don’t come to light without some effort. Therefore we are caught in a reality we are not consciously creating, and because we are not consciously creating it, it is most likely a reality different from that which we desire to create in our lives.
One method used to uncover these deeply held beliefs and understand how they were originally accepted is through hypnosis - "hypnotherapy." The premise is that when in an altered brain wave state, we can better access the subconscious as it puts the "thinking mind," in the back seat, so to speak. Getting the conscious, thinking (monkey) mind out of the driver's seat can help us access what's just below the surface of consciousness and deeper. Many beliefs we carry aren't conscious - they are behind the scenes running the programs of our lives, because they are ideas that were accepted very early in life. In these cases, we aren’t even consciously aware that we are holding them or when or how they were accepted in the first place because it was at such a young age. Between the ages of seven and eleven, the critical factor is developed in the mind. This is a sort of gatekeeper that manages what ideas are accepted into the subconscious as beliefs. Before this gets developed, ideas are very easily accepted in the child’s mind. Think about how we say that children “absorb things like a sponge”. Without the critical factor in place, our minds are just downloading information without analyzing it. There are five ways an idea is accepted as a belief into the subconscious mind: 1. Repetition. An idea that is presented repeatedly has a better chance of being accepted as a belief. 2. A traumatic incident. We may accept an idea as a belief during a traumatic experience. One isolated situation can easily turn into an underlying belief of “I’m not loveable” or “I’m not worthy” or “I’m not good enough” when the mind generalizes it, as is its tendency to do. (Generalizing ideas is a protective mechanism of the mind – if we are hurt by something we tend to generalize and say stay away from that thing or situation across the board to protect ourselves instead of viewing as a specific isolated incident. Generalizing isn’t bad, and is a survival mechanism that most likely supported our evolution, but it’s not always in our best interest emotionally.) 3. Peer group. The peer group can be a powerful force when it comes to ideas becoming accepted as generalized beliefs. How many of us have terror when it comes to public speaking or maybe picked up the “I’m not smart enough” belief from an incident in front of the class in school? 4. Authority Figure. Growing up, almost everyone around us is an authority figure. Parents, relatives, teachers all fit in this category. Our interaction with them is not always positive, however, and we may end up picking up a belief from a situation that isn’t actually our truth. Even as adults, we may give others, such as our physicians, the power of being an authority figure and allowing beliefs that may not serve us best be formed by what they tell us. How many times have we heard of someone taking what a physician tells him/her as absolute truth without seeking a second opinion or challenging it at all and just resigning him or herself to whatever fate the doctor has predicted? 5. Altered state of consciousness. Hypnosis is actually an altered state of consciousness that is natural; relaxed yet focused; that relaxes the critical factor of the mind so new consciously chosen ideas can be more easily accepted as beliefs. In this way you can “download” the beliefs that support the life you want to create. The beliefs are the root. Your thoughts grow out of the beliefs you hold most deeply whether you are conscious of them or not. Your thoughts in turn influence your emotions, and out of your emotions grow your behavior in the world. Your behavior is then your “interface” with your reality. In this way, your beliefs are the beginning of the chain of events that creates your reality in your world. They are like a filter through which you view the world around you. You will tend to register and acknowledge those events and situations around you that support your beliefs, and dismiss those that do not. We hear a lot about positive affirmations, and they certainly have their place, but if they are going against a belief that is deeply held in the subconscious, the belief will always win. First we must root out the beliefs that are not serving the reality we want to experience and then we can choose the beliefs that support us and recreate our reality from the ground up. In the Art of Consciously Creating Life, we use the lunar cycle as a framework for doing this work each month of getting in alignment with our most authentic selves and therefore most authentic and heartfelt desires, rooting out limiting and outdated beliefs that no longer serve, and replacing them with new beliefs that support us in realizing our visions and intentions. What kind of world do you want to experience? When the moon is waxing from new to full, this is the time to focus on building and action, taking the (direct) steps to nurture those intention seeds we've planted in the dark soil. (When it is waning, we take action towards our intentions in a more indirect way - by releasing what no longer aligns or supports.) Along the way, and especially at the first quarter and last quarter squares between the moon and sun, we make adjustments and course corrections. With that in mind, here are four guidelines to work with as you hold your intentions at the forefront of your mind and take action to bring those visions into the mundane world with every lunar cycle. 1. Vibe High: Believe; dream; be the best version of yourself; it's all possible and your vision is unique and sacred to YOU, so don't let anyone or anything dim your light for one second. You are a magical creature, with a unique set of talents, gifts and skills, so what is right and possible for you may not apply to everyone else. 2. Ground It: Grounding keeps us centered and in the present moment - our place of power. It also keeps us connected - to our bodies, to source, to the earth, to inner guidance and other guidance. From a biological standpoint, it keeps us calm, which means it keeps us out of fight/flight/freeze - it keeps the blood flowing to our higher brain so we can find solutions and keep moving. Create a plan and take baby action steps every day towards manifesting your vision. Make adjustments as necessary. You're taking baby steps and therefore can always make corrections. You don't have to know ten steps down the road to start moving - you can take one step at a time. (This is what I call the "Indiana Jones Invisible Bridge" theory - in the movie they filmed at Petra, it looks like there is a great chasm with no way across, but when they step out, there is actually an invisible bridge - with each step they take, the bridge, the support, forms beneath them. We are powerful creators - sometimes it is about trust, faith, and the courage to take that step.) 3. Let Go & Trust: Let go of trying to control anything other than yourself. Not only is this an illusion, a false sense of security, it is a massive way we leak precious creative energy and give away our powe! Do your best without attachment to outcome. Trust it is all happening in divine right timing and know that you cannot see the entire picture. Trust that you are getting all of the information and always at the right place at the right time, meeting the right people, and that you have the capability and knowing to make the right decisions when it is time. Trust it is all unfolding in perfect order. (This keeps you out of self-doubt and out of playing out random possible scenarios and tipping out into the future - out of your power.) 4. Always Bring it Back to YOU: Your actions, reactions, non-action, thoughts, beliefs, hopes and dreams are no one's responsibility but your own. You aren't a victim you are a Creator. You are powerful. Whatever the situation or event, come back to yourself and see what you can do differently to create a more desirable outcome that is in alignment with your vision. Use all the information you get to course correct as needed to stay in alignment with your overall visions, intentions, and goals. And remember this is an ongoing practice that we keep refining it with every lunar cycle! Yeah? Hell Yeah! Let's make something amazing happen! ~Kasey I'm Kasey, and this is the Art of Consciously Creating Life! Join me on the journey.
It's a new moon in Taurus this week, but Gemini season is coming, and coming on strong. In fact, we are already feeling it with the shifts of both Venus and Mercury out of Taurus last week and into Gemini. Mercury rules Gemini, so its strong there, and it will be in retrograde there from May 29th to June 22nd, so will be in its own sign for an extended stay and a review. Gemini season officially kicks off when the sun enters the sign next week on May 20th, and this Gemini season brings with it our first eclipses of 2021. Eclipses are super charged full and new moons, and portals of change where some cycles are completing and others are beginining. We are already feeling these winds of change beginning to blow. Before I get into that, however, I want to talk about the Taurus new moon for just a moment. This is a "stand alone" new moon, meaning it isn't making any aspects to other planets. It is a new moon in Taurus, though, and the thing about Taurus right now is that Uranus is in the middle of a seven year transit of the sign. Uranus brings change and upheaval, but what it is really going for is innovation - reform. Taurus is Venus-ruled earth and is the sign of resources and material possessions - think creature comforts and life's little luxuries. It is life experienced through the five senses, and all resources, from bank accounts to the earth itself and the environment and food supply. As we kick off this week on Monday, we are still in the dark moon, the point in the lunar cycle when we are supported in becoming still and allowing release. The moon will be in Taurus already, so in preparation for Tuesday's new moon, this is a potent time for thinking about what innovation Uranus in Taurus is asking from us now in how we be in the world around Taurus themes, and consciously focus on what we might need to release that is blocking us from stepping into the new in this regard. On Tuesday with the new moon we begin anchoring in our intentions for the new around this theme. Then in two weeks, with the full moon eclipse in Sagittarius, the eclipse portal opens, and during those two weeks up until the new moon eclipse in Gemini, we will want to be able to root into our foundation of personal truths and beliefs as a foundation for keeping our focus on what we are for as we move through the two week eclipse portal of change. The north node of the moon is in Gemini right now, and it has been since May 2020. This is the point of increase, the future, and desitny in astrology, and its opposite point, the south node, is the point of the past, karma, and fate. This axis in astrology, simply put, is what we are moving away from and what we are moving towards. The south node is where we have already been, so it's what we already know. We have been there done that, put those particular tools in our tool kit and are moving on. This is what feels comfortable and familiar, but where we can get in trouble if we try to hang out too long in this comfort zone and get stagnant and complacent. The magic lies with the north node, always. This is what we keep moving towards. This is about to become a focus for us on May 26th when we arrive at the full moon (south node) eclipse in Sagittarius. This opens the two week long eclipse portal of change, which will culminate with the new moon (north node) eclipse in Gemini on June 10th. But wait, there's more. Remember that Mercury retrograde I was just talking about coming up in Gemini? It is intertwined with this eclipse portal, as it begins on May 29th, just after that full moon eclipse in Sagittarius. Mercury is actually cazimi (this is an Arabic term that means "in the heart of the sun" that is used for the point of the retrograde when Mercury is sitting with the sun - this is the "aha moment" of the retrograde - it is described as getting an audience with "the king," or in other words, this is when Mercury, the messenger and ruler of the mind, gets enlightened - it finds the information it turned back in search of) the same day as the new moon eclipse in Gemini. With the new moon eclipse being a north node eclipse, and the ruler of that eclipse being Mercury, and Mercury being in retrograde, going cazimi with the new moon eclipse in Gemini, this is shaping up to be an extremely powerful eclipse portal. As if that isn't enough, Saturn stations retrograde in fellow air sign, Aquarius, on May 23rd, just three days after sun enters Gemini and three days before the Sagittarius full moon eclipse. While Saturn will be squaring up to Uranus in Taurus on June 14th (and this is THE energetic signature for 2021 with the first one on February 17th and final one December 24th), Saturn in Aquarius is in supportive aspect to everything in Gemini. Retrograde means review, but it is helping us build a better foundation and create a stronger container for holding what we want to create moving forward. Here's the other thing. Jupiter enters Pisces this week, and this is going to bring good things, because Jupiter is a planet of growth and expansion, and a bringer of gifts - abundance. Jupiter has been traveling with Saturn for the past two years, and in Saturn's signs, so it hasn't been able to do its thing like it normally would. On Thursday evening, it breaks out of Aquarius and into Pisces, the sign it rules in traditional astrology (before Neptune was discovered) along with Sagittarius (the sign of the upcoming full moon eclipse and therefore its ruler). Jupiter only dips into Pisces until the beginning of July, because it will be stationing retrograde soon and then moving back into Aquarius until December, but it will be in Pisces, in a position of power, for this eclipse season, and is the ruler of the full moon eclipse that opens everything up on May 26th. Let this new moon on Tuesday come and go and give it a little space, allowing things to settle and clarify. Then, access the magic on this Thursday evening for setting new moon intentions with the moon waxing strong in Gemini with Venus, Mercury, and the north node, and Jupiter freshly into Pisces in the late afternoon (MST). Use Monday to align with the Uranus in Taurus waning/dark moon vibe and release what is keeping you from innovating how you do Taurus in your life - focus intent on opening to the new and new possibilities and new ways of doing things. Release the fixed, stubborn, attachment to the past and the way things were or even are now. This will set us up strong for the coming eclipse portal. Just one more thing...on Saturday (May 15th), Mercury enters the pre-shadow of its retrograde. More on this in the daily notes for Saturday below, but Mercury rules Gemini, and it is known as "the messenger" and ruler of the mind, and also called "the trickster." Mercury rules messages of all kinds and also writing, speaking, teaching, everyday errands, connections and money, and also technology as a means of communication. Make sure all travel plans, contracts, and tech purchases/upgrades are either buttoned up by the end of this week or put on hold until after Mercury stations direct on June 22nd. (Seriously.) ~Kasey (Taken from the Know to Flow Weekly Forecast, Vol. 109, week of May 10th, 2021. Subscribe and get the astro and lunar transits direct to your inbox every Sunday morning. Click here to sign up.) Are you ready to dive deeper? Join me for "Manifesting through the Eclipse Portal," May 26th - June 9th, and I will guide you through each part of this two week eclipse portal with resources, tips, inspirations, and exercises to keep you aligned with your intentions and focused on what you are for as we move through this time of great change. The winds of change are blowing - wouldn't you rather be able to harness them to go in your chosen direction? Join me on the journey.
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