The unknown we experience during big transitions is a scary place, but we cannot access our power to create new versions of ourselves or our lives without entering the void, the chaos, and being able to sit with the uncertainty, the unfamiliar, and the unknown. Sagittarius is a fire sign, but it’s mutable in quality, which means it is highly changeable. We can experience the mutable quality as instability and uncertainty, or harness it as adaptability and versatility. Sagittarius is about the “big truth,” and our personal truth. It is about higher and broader perspective, beliefs, philosophy, faith, and optimism. Sagittarius is the centaur bounding through the forest. It is the Fool taking the leap of faith holding the belief that it will all work out in the end, venturing boldly into the unknown, unaware that the journey ahead will be one of great transformation - a journey from which she will never return - at least not to the same place in life as the same person she was when she began. With the coming full moon eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26th, we have a chance to get a view of our bigger picture - of where we are coming from and where we are headed. This full moon is a jumping off point into the two week long eclipse portal that will close with the new moon eclipse in Gemini on June 10th. Eclipses are times of great change, of some cycles coming to completion and others beginning. Sagittarius is the sign of our personal truths and beliefs. With the May 26th full moon eclipse, our deepest values, truest desires, highest hopes, and most cherished dreams will be illuminated for us, if we are paying attention. If we are, we can anchor into our faith, optimism, and belief in our desired destination and use it as our foundation and “calm in the eye of the storm” as we move through the upcoming eclipse portal to the June 10th new moon eclipse in Gemini - our new beginning and gateway to “the new.” From Caterpillar to Butterfly - From the Fool to the World.... One of the most important things we can do is to take action. Just begin. Just take a step, any step, forward. We must not allow ourselves to become paralyzed or frozen trying to make the perfect choice or action. Remember, it is easier to adjust our direction when we are moving. Just take a step. We can make corrections as we go, as long as we are going. If we want things to be different, we have to start doing things differently. We start where we are, right here, right now. This is the only way we will ever make a change in our lives. We must, at some point, begin doing things differently. Remember the Fool taking the leap of faith. What faith, what belief, what truth will this Sagittarian full moon eclipse be revealing to you? Keep in mind also that the May 26th full moon eclipse in Sagittarius is a south node eclipse - that means it is showing us the past and what we are moving away from, but also that which we already know and have already mastered. At this full moon eclipse, our truth will be illuminated, and we will want to hold that truth close. We will want to trust in our own truth and let it be our guide as we set out into the unknown, through the eclipse portal, like the caterpillar who follows the urge to build its cocoon, surrenders to the process of transformation, and then as an emerging butterfly, again follows the instinct to fight its way out of the cocoon it was driven to build in the past but now must break free of to survive. We want to follow our truth - and be sure it is our truth and not our fear - and just simply do what we feel urged to do next. When we trust and take action based upon our core truth, we can befriend the unknown, knowing we will be guided to the next step when it is time, and navigate any challenges with grace as we surrender (not submit) to the process of transformation. We trust we will know when it is time to cocoon and when it is time to break free. Eclipses are known for bringing big change to our lives. Don't expect it to be comfortable if your comfort is found only in the familiar. Whatever faith, belief and/or truth the May 26th full moon in Sagittarius illuminates for us, we must keep it close and trust in our own truth and let it be our guide now. Holding onto that truth and that faith and belief and trust within, we can befriend the unknown and harness the transformative power of the eclipses, surrendering with grace to releasing what no longer serves and the death of our old consciousness - life and self as we have previously known them - so we can emerge born again with wings. At this eclipse season, we are reminded that in this life, we need both the light and the dark, both summer and winter, both feminine and masculine, both rest and action. Like the caterpillar who follows its instinct to build the cocoon and surrender to transformation when it is urged to and then likewise fights to break free of that same cocoon when that time comes, there is a season for all things in life and each one, each piece, each stage of birth and death and action and rest and creation and destruction is equally necessary and valuable. But we must take that leap of faith like the Fool, placing our trust in our own truth, finding serenity in surrender as we befriend the unknown, finding our comfort in knowing that our inner voice, like the instinct of the caterpillar, will tell us when the time is right for each step along our journey of transformation. Only then do we find that security of coming home to that home within ourselves. Only then do we experience the stability and safety found in honoring our truth and surrendering to the journey. Because only then are we able to come into the authority that is our birthright as co-creators of our experience of life with the Universe and claim the thrones of our hearts, and rule with wise sovereignty over our realms. This is the Art of Consciously Creating Life!
The moon is now waxing from the Aries new moon of April 11th, the first new moon of this astrological year, to the full moon in Scorpio coming up on April 26th. (Our next full moon in one month on May 26th will be a full moon eclipse in Sagittarius opening a two week eclipse portal from then until the following new moon, so big change is coming!) This week we ride the wave of the waxing moon by taking actions that support new moon intentions, and also make any necessary adjustments or course corrections brought to our attention with this week's first quarter square moon. Early on Tuesday of this week (April 19th) we arrive at the first quarter square moon, the choice point that comes each month between the new moon and full moon. The first quarter square moon has been referred to by astrologer Dane Rudhyar as a "crisis in action." It is a check point of sorts during the waxing moon every month where we come to an internal impass between conscious thought and the subconscious and thus have to work something out to unblock the energy and resume forward motion. Before we even get to the first quarter square Tuesday morning though, we kick the week off with a big energetic shift on Monday, as both the sun and Mercury shift from Aries to Taurus. Wherever the sun is is where our conscious focus is. As it shifts signs on Monday, our consciousness shifts from the Aries themes of individuality, new beginnings, fresh starts, and going after what we want, to the stabilizing earth energy of Taurus that supports us in those endeavors and allows us to fully receive and enjoy the rewards of our efforts. Taurus is Venus-ruled earth, the energy of resources, abundance, and life's little luxuries. As of Monday, we will have four planets in this sign, as the sun and Mercury are joining Venus and Uranus, already in the sign. Later this week, Venus will be passing by Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus. Expect restlessness and independence to be intensifying up until Venus gets past Uranus - their conjunction is exact on Thursday the 22nd. Venus is love and money, and Uranus wants innovation and change. The thing to watch for here is stagnation and boredom, or feeling blocked in - that's when the restlessness and impulsiveness can kick in and go sideways, which when paired with Venus can blow budgets and relationships. Because these two are in Taurus, the sign of resources and stability, this could feel really unsettling and destabilizing to us. (Also note that Uranus' "job" as it transits Taurus for the next several years is to help us innovate in how we feel stable and secure in the world, and this began back around 2018, so this transit of Venus to Uranus is part of that larger cycle.) In conjunction, Venus and Uranus will be both expressing through the energetic prism of Taurus (they are not challenging each other at an energetic impasse), so think a la innovation in love and money - go for what feels fresh and like there is lots of breathing room and maneuverability, not what feels stuffy and outdated. Tried-and-true or status quo just out of safety won't do right now. This is about new ways to get that feeling of security, comfort, pleasure, and even sense of self worth. The more we come at this with conscious awareness, the more likely it is we can harness this energy and direct it into breakthroughs, revelation, and innovation where they are needed instead of it erupting in shake ups and blow ups "unexpectedly." It's also likely, with such a strong Uranus influence, that we won't be very tolerant over this week/weekend of carrying anyone else in any way, so move into the latter half of this week ready to ride that wave and make the most of it. Staying conscious of moving towards what feels exciting, innovative, and fresh and moving away from what feels stifling is where the magic is at this week! On Friday, we have another big energetic shift when Mars moves out of Gemini and into Cancer. Mars is a personal planet along with Venus and Mercury, but out of the three is the slowest mover, taking about two years on average to complete one cycle around the zodiac, meaning it spends about two months in each sign. Mars is our motivation and assertion, ruler of Aries, known as "the warrior." It spent an unprecedented six months in its own sign of Aries over the last half of 2020. In early January it shifted into Taurus, and then has been in Gemini. While we will regain our sense of focus that may have felt lost while Mars was in Gemini, Mars in Cancer has a different set of issues. Mars is our passion, motivation, and assertivenss. Cancer is a sign of emotions, whose symbol is the crab. While Cancer is one of the four cardinal signs - the signs that initiate, like Mars' own sign Aries, when our warrior is in Cancer, we, like the crab, won't necessarily want to move directly towards what it is we want. This is awkward for Mars, the warrior who prefers to confront things head on. Cancer is also the sign that represents where we come from - our lineage and ancestors even. If our intentions and path forward are very different from the values of our lineage, or even if what we are doing is helping break through a barrier the lineage has faced in the past, this might come up strongly while Mars is in Cancer, as Mars is our passion and drive to go after things, and Cancer is the past, lineage, ancestry, and the subconscious. While Mars here may stir these things in us and bring them to the forefront of our lives, Mars is also our warrior, so brings the strength to face these things now as well. ~Kasey "Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Week of 4/11/2021: Waxing from the New Moon in Aries: Anchoring & Cultivating New Beginnings4/9/2021 Welcome to the first new moon of this astrological year! Aries is the sign of the initiator, leader, and pioneer. What are you breathing life into now? What new campaign are you beginning? What new frontier are you setting your sights on conquering? After the new Aries moon on the evening (MST) of Sunday, April 11th, it's best to wait until we can again see a sliver of the moon in the sky before setting intentions, so we have a bit of time over the coming days this week to sense the exact form of what specifically wants to be conjured, to feel into what it is that wants to come through us into being now. The best time for intention setting will actually be Thursday and Friday, (April 15th/16th) when the moon is in Gemini with Mars, ruler of Aries, and the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, is in Aries, Mars' sign, with the sun, as this is mutual reception and in harmonious aspect since these two signs make a sixty degree sextile to each other. This week we focus on clarifying, solidifying, and setting our new moon intentions as the moon waxes towards the first quarter square on next Tuesday, April 20th. Successful intentions are crystal clear intentions. They are intentions infused with our unwavering belief in them, held by our focused vision, fueled by our fortitude, and built from our strength of will. Successful intentions are inspiration that we breathe life into, that we will into reality. We, as humans, provide the conduit between the possibility, the idea, the imagination, and the 3D world. We, as humans, have the creative power, the magic, to bring wisps of inspiration out of the ether and into being. ..... On Wednesday, April 14th, we begin our shift out of Aries season and into Taurus season as Venus becomes the first of "the gang" (Venus, sun, and Mercury) to switch signs. Right now this is bringing us some stabilization with the additional earth vibes, but by next week it might feel more like stalling out, as sun and Mercury moving into Taurus on Monday the 19th tips the scales all the way to earth. These planets will be meeting up with Uranus and squaring up to Saturn later in the month, which will amplify the feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction with the frustration of feeling blocked, slowed, and/or restricted. For now, we can enlist Venus in Taurus, strong in its own sign, as an earthen container that will help us harness the inspiration of Mercury/sun in Aries and Mars in Gemini. (Venus in Taurus is also great for tuning in to life's little luxuries that we experience via the five senses, and being in celebration and gratitude for what we have, the creature comforts and little things everyday where we find value, love, and joy.) Later this month, we will be looking to draw on the power of Taurus' endurance as we move through this bit of slower going and work some things out. (Note: Anything right now that sets off the dynamic between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, as these planets moving through Taurus at the end of the month will be doing, is activating this Saturn-Uranus square that is a main energetic signature of this entire year, with the first one back on 2/17, the second one coming on 6/14, and the final one on 12/24 - we are working something big out over the course of this year, and it will be coming up as sun, Mercury, and Venus move through Taurus in the later part of April.) ..... At the end of this week, on Friday the 16th and Saturday the 17th, prepare for the possibility of Pluto coming through people and situations in your life as sun at 26 degrees Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn on Friday, and then Mercury follows suit on Saturday. This is a general influence for everyone and personal if you happen to have anything around 26 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). Pluto, as the Roman version of Hades, rules the underworld, the shadowlands - that means it rules both the shadows within us and those of the collective. In Capricorn, Pluto has been showing us, since 2008 (and much more aggressively since 2018) specifically the shadows of big systems, government, politics, and financial systems, and especially in the U.S., as it is coming up soon on its Pluto return. Pluto is a planet of destruction and creation, of regeneration and rebirth. Pluto represents the kind of processes that transmute energy from one form to another, like composting. As such, it holds tremendous power. As ruler of the underworld and shadowlands, it also rules over the subconscious and deep psyche - things that drive us that we aren't consciously aware of - deep and powerful subterranean things, like beliefs and fears. It also represents obsessions and compulsions. As sun and Mercury square up to Pluto at the end of this week, watch for Pluto issues coming up, such as power struggles. One way to clue in to realizing Pluto is at work is to notice when we feel a deep pull to engage, to set things straight, to speak our minds, like a gnawing deep in the belly, a hunger with a compulsive edge, like we cannot just drop it, let it be, and just walk away. That's a sure sign it's a Pluto thing. And when it's a Pluto thing, the best thing to do IS to just walk away. Recognize it for what it is - our shadows locking in with another's or multiple others'. It's a no-win situation. Yes, there will be a lesson in there, but engaging with Pluto is learning it the hardest way. (And if we are conscious enough of it to realize it as it is happening and actually disengage and walk away, we can rest assured we are getting on the top side of the dynamic - we are mastering Pluto's lesson.) As this is sun and Mercury in Aries squaring up to Pluto in Capricorn, it will be echoing the last half of 2020 when Mars in Aries was squaring Pluto with Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn has moved on, and sun and Mercury won't be as intense as Mars - that's why it's only an echo. This is the sun, light of consciousness, and Mercury, ruler of the mind, bumping into Pluto, ruler of the underworld - it is an opportunity to apply what we learned over the last half of 2020. (And Mars in Gemini will also be at odds with Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday, just in case we thought challenges from sun and Mercury weren't enough!) Remember, Mars is the warrior, full of passion and courage, and we are coming off of a bright new moon in Mars' own sign of Aries that is kicking off this entire new astrological year. Sun and Mercury will still be running on that Aries fire power as the moon waxes this week. They are making squares (challenging aspects) to Pluto, but keep in mind that Pluto is power and squares, while uncomfortable because they require us to stretch and grow to overcome some challenge or impasse, actually are aspects that BUILD. Now we practice holding focus on the intentions we are setting with the new moon and let them be our guide as we navigate this stretch over Friday and Saturday. We practice staying centered in our intentions, rooted in the strength of our will, and fueled by our fortitude. From this place, unwavering in our belief in our ability to achieve our desired outcome, we navigate the waves and harness the winds and currents to reach our chosen destination. This is just one small part of the journey. Now we remain fierce in our quest to create our most authentic lives. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined."
This is the Art of Consciously Creating Life!
October 2024
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