It's a new moon in Taurus this week, but Gemini season is coming, and coming on strong. In fact, we are already feeling it with the shifts of both Venus and Mercury out of Taurus last week and into Gemini. Mercury rules Gemini, so its strong there, and it will be in retrograde there from May 29th to June 22nd, so will be in its own sign for an extended stay and a review. Gemini season officially kicks off when the sun enters the sign next week on May 20th, and this Gemini season brings with it our first eclipses of 2021. Eclipses are super charged full and new moons, and portals of change where some cycles are completing and others are beginining. We are already feeling these winds of change beginning to blow. Before I get into that, however, I want to talk about the Taurus new moon for just a moment. This is a "stand alone" new moon, meaning it isn't making any aspects to other planets. It is a new moon in Taurus, though, and the thing about Taurus right now is that Uranus is in the middle of a seven year transit of the sign. Uranus brings change and upheaval, but what it is really going for is innovation - reform. Taurus is Venus-ruled earth and is the sign of resources and material possessions - think creature comforts and life's little luxuries. It is life experienced through the five senses, and all resources, from bank accounts to the earth itself and the environment and food supply. As we kick off this week on Monday, we are still in the dark moon, the point in the lunar cycle when we are supported in becoming still and allowing release. The moon will be in Taurus already, so in preparation for Tuesday's new moon, this is a potent time for thinking about what innovation Uranus in Taurus is asking from us now in how we be in the world around Taurus themes, and consciously focus on what we might need to release that is blocking us from stepping into the new in this regard. On Tuesday with the new moon we begin anchoring in our intentions for the new around this theme. Then in two weeks, with the full moon eclipse in Sagittarius, the eclipse portal opens, and during those two weeks up until the new moon eclipse in Gemini, we will want to be able to root into our foundation of personal truths and beliefs as a foundation for keeping our focus on what we are for as we move through the two week eclipse portal of change. The north node of the moon is in Gemini right now, and it has been since May 2020. This is the point of increase, the future, and desitny in astrology, and its opposite point, the south node, is the point of the past, karma, and fate. This axis in astrology, simply put, is what we are moving away from and what we are moving towards. The south node is where we have already been, so it's what we already know. We have been there done that, put those particular tools in our tool kit and are moving on. This is what feels comfortable and familiar, but where we can get in trouble if we try to hang out too long in this comfort zone and get stagnant and complacent. The magic lies with the north node, always. This is what we keep moving towards. This is about to become a focus for us on May 26th when we arrive at the full moon (south node) eclipse in Sagittarius. This opens the two week long eclipse portal of change, which will culminate with the new moon (north node) eclipse in Gemini on June 10th. But wait, there's more. Remember that Mercury retrograde I was just talking about coming up in Gemini? It is intertwined with this eclipse portal, as it begins on May 29th, just after that full moon eclipse in Sagittarius. Mercury is actually cazimi (this is an Arabic term that means "in the heart of the sun" that is used for the point of the retrograde when Mercury is sitting with the sun - this is the "aha moment" of the retrograde - it is described as getting an audience with "the king," or in other words, this is when Mercury, the messenger and ruler of the mind, gets enlightened - it finds the information it turned back in search of) the same day as the new moon eclipse in Gemini. With the new moon eclipse being a north node eclipse, and the ruler of that eclipse being Mercury, and Mercury being in retrograde, going cazimi with the new moon eclipse in Gemini, this is shaping up to be an extremely powerful eclipse portal. As if that isn't enough, Saturn stations retrograde in fellow air sign, Aquarius, on May 23rd, just three days after sun enters Gemini and three days before the Sagittarius full moon eclipse. While Saturn will be squaring up to Uranus in Taurus on June 14th (and this is THE energetic signature for 2021 with the first one on February 17th and final one December 24th), Saturn in Aquarius is in supportive aspect to everything in Gemini. Retrograde means review, but it is helping us build a better foundation and create a stronger container for holding what we want to create moving forward. Here's the other thing. Jupiter enters Pisces this week, and this is going to bring good things, because Jupiter is a planet of growth and expansion, and a bringer of gifts - abundance. Jupiter has been traveling with Saturn for the past two years, and in Saturn's signs, so it hasn't been able to do its thing like it normally would. On Thursday evening, it breaks out of Aquarius and into Pisces, the sign it rules in traditional astrology (before Neptune was discovered) along with Sagittarius (the sign of the upcoming full moon eclipse and therefore its ruler). Jupiter only dips into Pisces until the beginning of July, because it will be stationing retrograde soon and then moving back into Aquarius until December, but it will be in Pisces, in a position of power, for this eclipse season, and is the ruler of the full moon eclipse that opens everything up on May 26th. Let this new moon on Tuesday come and go and give it a little space, allowing things to settle and clarify. Then, access the magic on this Thursday evening for setting new moon intentions with the moon waxing strong in Gemini with Venus, Mercury, and the north node, and Jupiter freshly into Pisces in the late afternoon (MST). Use Monday to align with the Uranus in Taurus waning/dark moon vibe and release what is keeping you from innovating how you do Taurus in your life - focus intent on opening to the new and new possibilities and new ways of doing things. Release the fixed, stubborn, attachment to the past and the way things were or even are now. This will set us up strong for the coming eclipse portal. Just one more thing...on Saturday (May 15th), Mercury enters the pre-shadow of its retrograde. More on this in the daily notes for Saturday below, but Mercury rules Gemini, and it is known as "the messenger" and ruler of the mind, and also called "the trickster." Mercury rules messages of all kinds and also writing, speaking, teaching, everyday errands, connections and money, and also technology as a means of communication. Make sure all travel plans, contracts, and tech purchases/upgrades are either buttoned up by the end of this week or put on hold until after Mercury stations direct on June 22nd. (Seriously.) ~Kasey (Taken from the Know to Flow Weekly Forecast, Vol. 109, week of May 10th, 2021. Subscribe and get the astro and lunar transits direct to your inbox every Sunday morning. Click here to sign up.) Are you ready to dive deeper? Join me for "Manifesting through the Eclipse Portal," May 26th - June 9th, and I will guide you through each part of this two week eclipse portal with resources, tips, inspirations, and exercises to keep you aligned with your intentions and focused on what you are for as we move through this time of great change. The winds of change are blowing - wouldn't you rather be able to harness them to go in your chosen direction? Join me on the journey.
This is the Art of Consciously Creating Life!
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