The tarot card that came up today was "Judgment", which is perfect with today's full moon eclipse, as it speaks of enlightenment that spurs us to decisions that herald a fresh new beginning. The idea many of us carry about this word, the connotation of it that has been handed down to us, is negative. But it's meaning (at least in the Tarot) actually centers around a positive shift in consciousness, bringing about "great change, restored relationship, and family or group happiness". Judgment is card XX of the Major Arcana, which begins with card 0, the Fool (possibility) and ends with card XXI, the World (completion), and describes the "Fool's Journey" of enlightenment.
In the book, Numerology and the Divine Triangle, the authors suggest even more ancient wisdom behind the meaning of this card.
For those who are ready, a new reality is right there in front of you for the taking. Or actually, it's within you waiting to be realized.
But giving up ideas and beliefs that we don't even know we have, or that we don't realize are our choice to change, or that we perceive as keeping us safe, or that are deeply ingrained as part of our identity, or that we believe get our needs met, is a difficult process. And so we continue to struggle with the same life issues, never seeing our way beyond them, until one day something happens, and we are born into a new perspective and way of being. And then the expanse of "the wide freedom and endless blue" opens up right before our eyes and we open to the all of the possibilities of this fresh new beginning. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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