This year's fall eclipse season will opening us up to the brand new north node in Aries cycle which began on July 18th and will go through January 2025, while simultaneously closing out the north node in Taurus cycle, which we've been in since January 2022. This is powerful, because the nodes represent what we are collectively growing to, and what we must release in order to do so. Before we get there though, we have three important lunations - the August 30th full moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn retrograde, the September 14th new moon in Virgo trine Uranus, and then the September full moon in Aries featuring ruler Mars conjunct the south node in Libra and at the same time square Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Now that's powerful stuff. If you aren't already part of the tribe and receiving the new and full moon email updates, click here to join us so you can get the details on each of these as we move through them. About the Fall 2023 Eclipse Portal As the October 14th new moon eclipse in Libra is our opener to the new north node in Aries, south node in Libra cycle, it promises to be an eye-opener. With the nodes on the Aries-Libra axis of self and other, respectively, this eclipse season will be bringing relationships to the forefront, and in a particular way. The north node is the point of increase and appetite, destiny and future - it is what we are being pulled towards. The south node, its opposite point, is in contrast, the point of decrease, release, past, and karma. In short, the north node is what we are moving towards, and the south node is what we are moving away from, but the way this happens is that our pull towards expressing the north node sign traits requires us to release the south node sign shadow. In this case, the north node in Aries has us collectively feeling pulled towards more individuality, autonomy, and personal authority. This is about self-assertion and charting our own course. But to do that, the south node in Libra says we are probably going to have to face down our shadows having to do with Libra themes. Libra is the Venus-ruled sign of relationships, and it wants harmony, equality, balance, beauty, peace, justice, and cooperation. But in its value of the relationship and efforts to "not rock the boat," sometimes Libra can lose itself. This is when we end up in situations like codependency. Passive-aggressiveness and resentment can show up when we for whatever reason we don't feel we can state our needs or desires in a straightforward way, or we don't feel like there's room for us to even have needs or desires because "the relationship" is always taking priority and we are in "pleaser mode" to avoid any upset that might lead to loss of relationship or perceived rejection or abandonment. In order to move towards the strong sense of self represented by Aries, we have to let go of that Libra shadow. Ultimately, the Aries-Libra axis is about healthy relationships, and those don't happen without both parties first having a healthy sense of self. There's nothing "selfish" about it. When we come together as two strong, healthy, "wholes," we get a relationship which is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. And that's a truly beautiful thing. Here's What's Up Between Now & Then The 8/30 Pisces full moon, the 9/14 Virgo new moon, & the 9/29 Aries full moon. So what's happening between now and then? A lot! As I write this on August 20th, we are still in the "deep end" of the Venus retrograde journey in Leo, a "rebirth to self-worth," with Mercury retrograde in Virgo on deck for 8/23 to 9/14. Our new beginning in Leo is just getting underway - the Leo new moon was just a few days ago on August 16th - but we need to be prepping now for the upcoming Pisces full moon. That's because the August 30th Pisces full moon is conjunct Saturn retrograde, and while it very well may be bringing us a hint of a harvest in regards to what we began cultivating at the Pisces new moon six months ago in February, the sun opposite Saturn still retrograde also has the potential to be a reality check, or even an uncomfortable ego hit or pinch. Don't worry - there IS a way to work in alignment with this energy over the two weeks of waxing moon to make sure we are on the right side of this and even harnessing the energy in our favor. The Virgo new moon, September 14th, will be in supportive aspect to Uranus in Taurus, helping us fully step into the new. I've been saying all summer since Venus landed in Leo in June that we would see tangible results from the inner work by late September/October. That's because Venus retrograde featured several "three hit wonder" aspects - Venus conjunct Lilith, Venus square Uranus, and Venus trine Chiron. When this happens, the first aspect is the initiation to the issue, the second is the review when we revisit the issue and gain new insight and perspective, and the third and final one, when the planet has returned to direct motion, is the resolution. The resolution in this case is coming in late September into October, and there's more factors than just Venus direct at play! This new moon is a time to be proactive about making positive changes in our lives. On September 29th, the Aries full moon will be bringing to realization/fruition whatever began in late March/April when we had two Aries new moons in a row, one being an eclipse. These were powerful new moons that bookended the sign, with the first one at 0° and the second at 29°, the anaretic, or karmic degree of the sign, and an eclipse. This one will also feature the full moon ruler, Mars, (ruler of Aries) conjunct the south node of karma, past, and release in opposing sign Libra, and squaring Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, really setting the stage for that new moon eclipse in Libra on October 14th. This is a year of major transition for all of us. A major undercurrent of 2023 is Pluto taking all year to shift out of Capricorn where it has been since 2008, and into Aquarius, where it will remain (after it reenters the sign escorted by the sun in late January) until 2044. Pluto is doing this in T-square to the nodes of future and past, increase and decrease, and destiny and fate for most of this year. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth transformation. When we see it in such a potent aspect to the nodes for such a long period of time, we can know that we are going to be asked to fully release the past in order to step into the future. This is a "let go or be dragged" situation. We need to fully shed the old skin or it might get very uncomfortable. There might be some growing pains along the way. But, if we are consciously working with these energies (and that's where astrology can help us), then it's more like we are being carried by the current from one point to the next. Each step prepares us for the next. It's a process of evolution and growth. Join us on the journey. Click the button below to get the new and full moon email updates. Follow along on social media by clicking the links below.
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