Let go. It's time to cleanse, clear, and be done with it. Now. For real. What do you need to push past once and for all? What's that feeling, that discomfort, that unconscious thing that creeps up from the depths that keeps you jumping back into old habits and patterns every time you get close to breaking free into the new, the unfamiliar that's both unknown AND desired? I call it "the ickies." It's that feeling of discomfort that sends you running right back to what you were committed to moving away from. It can feel like a wobble, like loneliness, like emptiness, like anxiety or fear, like uncertainty or overwhelm, and it can be so intense it feels like you can't stand being in your skin. It feels REAL, and URGENT. And, if you aren't working with this very unconscious patterning consciously, it can send you right back to what you were wanting to break free from, perpetuating this feeling of being stuck and going in circles in your life, unable to break free. So...deep breath now. Stay the course. This is a transition, and all you have to do is keep working that edge - keep working the transition. It's easier to do this when you realize that what are feeling is normal, it's okay, and it's just something you are moving through. (And there are tools to help you get through it! This is on strong now, Friday, 8/4, through Monday 8/7, but you can consider it a major theme of this entire year - as I've been saying, 2023 is a transition year. Let it go. Let it be. Unstick yourself and allow FLOW!!! New things want to come in, but they can't if you are too busy clinging and blocking flow. "Grippy-ness" and clinging are going to get increasingly uncomfortable, so take note now and be proactive. The Energetic Dynamics at Play (The Astrology):
Not only is this the peak of Pluto in square to the nodes, bringing us to a major crossroads, an intersection of past and future requiring us to let go to move forward, Tuesday is the 8-8 Lion's Gate portal - an auspicious time for making major moves towards our goals and manifesting our desires. Miracles can happen when we are really willing to fully let go and let the current carry us and stop the resisting. It takes courage, so have heart. It's all around you, it's all hovering, waiting for your energy to open in alignment so it can come into your reality - but you have to make the dimension shift, the energetic shift - you have to step forward into the new, into the unknown, into the unfamiliar. You have to be wiling to let go of the old. And that means not just that person or job or thing - it means the energetic pattern, that deep subconscious programming, that thing that you run on autopilot that is running your life - until now. Here's what you are going to do:
Juels Avalon
8/5/2023 09:39:10 pm
Interested in a chart reading and your upcoming course integrating my chart.
8/10/2023 12:17:36 pm
Hi Juels! Details are coming soon on the offering in September, and chart readings will be available with that, so stay tuned! ~Kasey
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