WHAT IS "SOUL-ALIGNED LOVE," ANYWAY? Let's get crystal clear on this right now so we can hold that golden thread across timelines and dimensions and connect to it.
Here you are in the body, and the body is your biological vehicle for this life. And that's a really beautiful thing, because your body is the instrument your spirit uses to take inspiration from source and make it real on the earth plane - in this 3D reality. Your soul has its own unique essence, and your soul in this life has its own unique energetic blueprint. (We can see it in our soul map - your astrological chart, we can access it through the Akashic Records; we can dive in and interface directly with your subconscious and all the information and insight it holds through hypnosis.). When we get your unique essence broadcasting purely and clearly through your body, getting your unique "heart-sun" shining bright, then you become magnetic to what, and who, is soul-aligned for you, in the most positive expression. But what happens is, as we move through this human life, that pure soul essence can get clogged up with limiting ideas and beliefs about how life is and how the world is and who we are and what is possible. Think of it this way - your mind is part of your body's nervous system, and your body's nervous system is part of the biological vessel, and its job is to keep you safe. This is how we evolved. And it's exactly how we get stuck in "survival mode," a place where we are disempowered from co-creating our experience. This is also how generational limiting beliefs that come from ancestral trauma get passed down through our lineages and we end up becoming the "contract workers" for our family lines, healing ourselves in order to heal the lineage both forward and backward. Remember - it's all happening right now in the present from a quantum perspective, and we get to use that to our advantage! We access SOUL-ALIGNED LOVE with the realization that the nervous system will always choose safety for us first, and that is an automatic response, but the mind is actually a tool in service to the heart, in service to the soul, that we can use to co-create our desired experience. It's only a matter of clearing out what's clogging that pure and unique soul expression - clearing out the stuff you've taken on about yourself and relationships and love and life that is actually not true at all, so you your vibration is free to rise to align with the love your heart so desires. It's really just one simple shift, like energetically taking off a big heavy coat you've been wearing for way too long when it's way too warm. The coat feels familiar, it feels safe even and protective, but it's really getting too hot to wear it and it is becoming more of a burden than a help to you. When you take off the coat, you may feel suddenly exposed and uncomfortable, like when spring hits and you wear shorts or flip flops for the first time in months after wearing layers and boots all winter. The sensation of air and sunlight on your skin feels unfamiliar at first. It may feel like freedom, but you may feel a little exposed and underdressed at the same time. It's the same way when we drop those old, familiar ideas that are actually limiting us and step into a new dimension and start operating from a soul level. We may feel a little exposed and vulnerable, and that's okay. We may take a little longer to make the shift, or bounce back and forth between the two different dimensions for a while before getting into the new, the soul-aligned, and being able to hold it. But when we do, it's pure magic, because that's when you start doing love and relationships from that new place too, and that's when things start getting unbelievably good. Like attracts like, always. It is always working just like gravity. And that's great news, because that means you can start co-creating to get the love you want because now you know that the only thing you need to shift is your energy within, and that's actually the only place you have power and authority anyway. In the old reality, the old programming and conditioning in your subconscious was your point of attraction. In the new reality, you are stepping into your full power to co-create your experience through soul-alignment! Ready to break free from the cycle of wound mates and embrace a love that truly aligns with your soul?
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