Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipse
Friday, January 10th, 2020, at 12:21 p.m. MST 20 degrees Cancer ..... Uranus Direct at 2 Degrees Taurus Friday, January 10th, 2020, at 6:47 p.m. MST ..... Saturn Conjunct Pluto at 23 Degrees Capricorn Sunday, January 12th, 2020
The word apocolypse at its very roots means to uncover or reveal.
We cannot un-know what we have come to know; we cannot go backwards in our consciousness; we cannot un-enlighten ourselves. Once we have crossed that threshold, gained that knowledge, achieved that enlightenment, we cannot go back to the old - we are thrust forth into the new, whatever that may be.
When we cross this threshold into a new level of consciousness, we are in a way born again, because we are born to a new consciousness - a new way of perceiving and understanding things that results in a new way of relating to and being in the world.
We talk about enlightenment - about light representing a certain knowing and understanding - some knowledge or information that raises our consciousness and allows us a higher perspective. This type of light, of illumination, of revelation, is exactly what the astrology of this weekend is bringing.
Full moons are always times of illumination. At the full moon, the sun is opposite the moon, literally illuminating the entire face of the moon that we see from the earth.
During a full moon, this means that the subconscious mind and conscious mind are at odds, with the sun's light on the moon revealing the opposite, or shadow, of what the mind is consciously focused on, represented by the sun.
The lunar eclipse coming up on Friday, January 10th, will feature the moon in its own sign of Cancer, with the sun in opposing sign Capricorn.
Friday's eclipse, however, isn't just the sun and moon opposing each other. The Cancer moon will be opposed by the sun in Capricorn sitting with Mercury and asteroid Ceres, as well as Saturn and Pluto (which in just two days on the 12th those two will be making their big conjunction). Capricorn is an earth sign and represents the archetypal father. Capricorn is about business, systems, authority, responsibility, logic, reason, achievement, rules, boundaries, consequences, and discipline. Cancer is a water sign and represents the archetypal mother. Cancer is about the past, home, connection, tribe, family, what nurtures us and keeps us feeling safe, intuition, and emotions. The sun in Capricorn means this sign's energy is where we are consciously focused. Capricorn energy has been at the forefront of the astrology throughout 2019, but even more so since the beginning of December. With Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto sitting with the sun for this eclipse, the energy is now decidedly weighted in Capricorn. The sun is conscious thought and focus, Mercury is the mind and communication, Saturn is authority, responsibility, and karma, and Pluto is power and transformation through destruction and creation. The asteroid Ceres is an interesting addition to the mix here for this eclipse. Ceres is a version of mother energy - she is the Roman version of Demeter - the great goddess whose daughter Persephone was abducted by Hades/Pluto and made queen of the underworld. Ceres can show us how we nurture others, or smother them, but also how we can stand up to forces seemingly greater than us, like she did when she was able to negotiate with Pluto to have Persephone with her for half of each year. Ceres sitting with the sun in Capricorn opposite the moon in Cancer for the eclipse is interesting, because Cancer, and its ruler the moon, also represent a version of the archetypal mother - Ceres having the nuances described above, and the moon and Cancer having more ties into family, ancestry, the past, and emotions. The moon, in its own sign of Cancer, sits alone facing this planetary powerhouse in Capricorn. When we work with oppositions in astrology such as this, the goal is always to understand the dualities represented by the opposing ends of the zodiacal axis, and to achieve balance between those energies in our lives. At this eclipse, however, it could feel like the scale is weighted hopelessly in favor of all things Capricorn - that it is just too big and too powerful to be brought back into balance. The moon, is our instincts, intuition, and emotions. It is our need for connection and safety and nurturing. Our moon now stands its ground against the rules and logic of Capricorn's power, authority, and its social, financial, and political systems. But we should not underestimate the moon in Cancer here - we should not underestimate the immense power of our emotions and our ferocity when we are tasked with standing up for and protecting our tribe, our families, and our homes. Cancer is the sign of the mother. Cancer is also a sign known for fighting if it feels it needs to protect or defend what it cares about. And we know that a mother protecting what she loves most is one of the most formidable forces on the planet. And there is something else on the side of the moon in Cancer at this eclipse. The north node of the moon is still in Cancer. The north and south nodes of the moon are points in space that form an axis in the zodiac. They move opposite the planets. The north node is a point of increase, the future, and destiny. The south node is a point of decrease, the past, and karma. The nodes played a big part in the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses in July and over the summer Saturn (ruler of Capricorn, known as the taskmaster, the teacher, and Lord of Karma) in retrograde was traveling with the south node in Capricorn. The emphasis on Capricorn has been heavy this year, and especially over December and this first part of January as several planets crowded into the sign, creating a traffic jam. Now at this eclipse we have the moon in Cancer facing off with the sun in Capricorn accompanied by several planets. The sun shines the spotlight of consciousness on the moon, arguing logic, reason, and practicality, backed by all the rules and its power and authority. But the nodes suggest that those things, at least as they are represented by the current situation in Capricorn and known to us now, are losing traction. The north node, the indicator of the path forward, the point of increase and the future, is in Cancer, showing us the way. As with many things on their way out in our lives, whether it be certain habits or relationship patterns, they seem to show up just one last time before they finally are gone for good, and that may very well be the case here, on a much larger scale. And with the moon in Cancer for this full moon eclipse, we can expect the emotional intensity to be off the charts. And this is about balance - going too far into the emotional depths and nostalgia of Cancer will not serve us either. Eclipses are powerful astrological events by themselves. They bring things to light, and bring lasting change to our lives. But Friday's eclipse is being accompanied by two other big astrological events over this weekend. Also on Friday, at 6:47 p.m. MST, Uranus in Taurus stations direct. Uranus is the first planet past Saturn. Saturn represents limits and boundaries, as it is the last planet one can see without the aid of technology. Uranus represents the future, thinking outside the box, rebellion, and innovation. And Uranus works through restlessness and bringing sudden change through out of the blue insight and/or sudden upheaval. When Uranus is at work in our lives, it can be like a lightning bolt striking, after which nothing is ever the same again - it thrusts us forth into the future, into the new, and there is no going back - it leaves nothing to go back to. Uranus takes about seven years to transit each sign of the zodiac. From 2011 until around May 2018 it was in Aries. Now it is finishing its first retrograde in Taurus, stationing direct Friday evening at 2 degrees. Taurus is an earth sign - a fellow earth sign to Capricorn, but where as Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, Taurus is Venus-ruled earth. Taurus is not quite as hard-edged as Capricorn. Taurus is still about the mundane world, but is more about resources, finances, and possessions as means to feeling secure and comfortable in life. Creature comforts and living the good life factor in here - this earth is Venusian. Uranus in Taurus over the next few years will be shaking things up and helping us find new ways to achieve the comfort and stability sought by Taurus, but it in its own very unique way. Uranus brings radical change, often through sudden upheaval. Many times it brings this through something that shocks us, whether news or some realization or a certain event - even a natural disaster. And we have this change god stationing direct, really just getting started on its transit of Taurus, the same day as the lunar eclipse, where the moon, our emotions, intuition, and connection to home and family, faces off with the sun and gang in Capricorn, the "business end" of the zodiac, which encompasses our financial and political systems and "father" energy - the patriarchy. The current events unfolding are showing us what this energy is looking like in real time. On top of all of that, Uranus stationing direct at 2 degrees Taurus is being supported by asteroid Pholus which will be at 2 degrees...Capricorn. Pholus syncing up with Uranus stationing direct here stirs the pot. Pholus, in Greek mythology, was the centaur who was the keeper of the wine of Dionysus. He kept the god's wine without incident for three generations, until, displaying proper etiquette, he uncorked it for his guest Heracles. When other centaurs got a whiff of this, they began to stampede into the cave, but Heracles held them off, killing many with his arrows, resulting in a massacre. When Pholus shows up in astrology, it is some sort of catalyst that creates transformation, it is something coming uncorked, something seemingly small that results in something huge, and/or reaching a point of no return. Pholus is associated also with things that have been kept for three generations as well as massacres/large losses of life no matter what the cause. With Pholus freshly into Capricorn at the time of Friday's eclipse and aligning with Uranus direct in Taurus, this adds to the theme here of change through something shocking that brings sudden insight, revelation, illumination, and/or upheaval. On Sunday January 12th, Saturn and Pluto finally make their conjunction in Capricorn. This is the grand finale of the current astrology, and this event has gravity. It is the end of one 35 year cycle and the beginning of another, and with Saturn and Pluto its about authority and power. Pluto transiting Capricorn since 2008 is a force of transformation. But Pluto works by exposing, stripping away, and eliminating what is rotten and false and no longer serves. It is a slow, grinding, and tedious process. Capricorn is authority, logic, practicality, responsibility, limits, boundaries, structures, rules, laws, and our social, financial and political systems. Capricorn is the energy that reminds us that "we reap what we sow". It teaches us to show up and do the work - that discipline and responsibility are the way to a bountiful harvest. It teaches us to set up the necessary structures, containers, and boundaries in our lives to hold and protect what we create. But every energy has its shadow side. Anything taken to excess can become poison. Pluto is transformation, but also Pluto represents power, in its highest manifestation as well as it lowest, the cycle of destruction and creation, elimination, the deep psyche, and the hidden and/or taboo. Pluto will transform us and get us in touch with our own power, but its methods can be harsh, harrowing, and absolutely grueling.
With this astrology comes great opportunity to affect change in our lives.
As this weekend's astrology plays out on a global/national scale as well as in our personal lives, we have the opportunity to harness this powerful energy to make conscious changes in the way we understand and perceive the world and our relationship to it. We have the opportunity to stand on the threshold of the new and root into our most deeply held truths and beliefs and decide which path to take forward and what we are leaving in the past and closing the door on. We have the opportunity to step into our own power now, to take responsibility, and to become our own authority.
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