PAY ATTENTION TO EMOTIONS & OLD WOUNDS COMING UP THIS WEEK....if it's coming up, it's time to heal it. This is beginning the evening of Sunday April 14th and then building into Monday the 15th as Mercury retrograde conjuncts Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries for the second of three times, and the Cancer moon squares the Aries sun for the first quarter moon choice point.
With major healing vibes happening, and the moon, our subconscious and emotions and need for emotional security and belonging in a hard aspect to the sun, conscious will and ego in the sign of self, Aries, we are likely to really be feeling resistance or emotions coming up Monday, and if its coming up, it needs our attention so it can be healed. But it doesn't stop there - by Wednesday, 4/17, Venus is conjunct the north node of soul growth, meaning in opposition to the south node of karma, past, and release. Venus is the ruler of Libra and relationships, and the ruler of that major full moon eclipse we had on March 25th - the one that likely brought any unhealthy relationships or dynamics and patterns in relationships to a head for release or transformation. Venus' alignment with the north node in Aries on Wednesday is like us coming full circle from that 3/25 full moon eclipse - if there's any loose ends still left hanging out there, this is likely the time things are going to be settled one way or another. It's also likely to open any old wounds that need healing now so we can fully move forward. This is happening with the north node of soul growth in Aries, so the direction here is moving towards a healthier sense of self value and worth. Then on Fri. 4/19, Venus aligns with Mercury retrograde - again this is about bringing up any issues that need healing that would keep us from a healthier perception of ourselves. On Sun. 4/21, Venus moves into a conjunction with Chiron, again about healing the wound of self that would have us playing small, abandoning ourselves, people-pleasing, etc. Don't be surprised if it feels intense, because on that same day, Sun. 4/21, the Taurus sun will be forming a growth aspect to Pluto in Aquarius just before the moon opposes it for the Scorpio full moon 4/23. All of this is leading us right up to a major emotional catharsis. The more you can lean into whatever discomfort comes up this week as Venus brings her healing balm to the Aries line up, the easier the powerful Scorpio full moon will likely be. It's all supporting you in crafting more love in your life, and getting the love you want. It starts with you - within you. As within, so without. If you'd like my blueprint for getting you from where you are now to getting the love you want, just CLICK HERE to message me - let's chat!
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