There is a beautiful, gleaming temple, sitting deep in a thick, dense, wild jungle. That temple has a will to be there, a reason to be, with its presence so starkly contrasting the forces of nature surrounding it . Although the jungle that the temple exists in is different from the temple, it is neither positive nor negative. This jungle is neither FOR nor AGAINST the temple. The jungle has its own will and its own ways, and it grows and moves the way it does in its own time and for its own reasons. ........................................................................................................................................................................................... This shining temple is YOU. It represents YOUR life, and your will to claim your existence and live your unique purpose.
By the very nature of the juxtaposition of embodying the uniqueness and beauty of this temple amidst a wild jungle, you must actively create the space for this temple to exist, for this temple is the embodiment of your authentic self and the realization of the purpose of your existence in the world. You must not ever fail to protect this temple. You must always keep clearing away the constant wild, dense growth of the jungle from around this temple to give this temple space to BE. If you are idle or complacent in this task, your temple will certainly be swallowed into the jungle's depths. The jungle, you see, is not good or bad, but it never stops and it never rests. That is just its nature. So neither can you, if you wish to protect this beautiful temple and ensure that others may witness it and benefit from it. You must tirelessly always be creating space for this temple of your existence and what it represents to BE within this jungle of all of the swirling forces and energies of the world around it. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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