The Art of Consciously Creating Part 2: The Law of Attraction and Clearing the Fear: You are Magic!1/28/2016
Now that you've met your Magical Creature, unearthed your unique why, and started making your new creation of life real by setting goals and creating action steps in Part 1, its' time for a check-in with the Law of Attraction.
We are all powerful creators. If we place our consciousness on a past negative event, we have the power to conjure up all of those same emotions and remain there and relive it over and over. If we choose to place our consciousness on something negative that might happen in the future or in uncertainty about the future, we can remain there, mired in worry about something that doesn't even exist...yet. You are so powerful, that if you focus your energies on it, there's a good chance it WILL exist in the future, which is why you must be so careful about where you place your attention and energy. The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. The Law of Attraction is always working. Pause for a minute and think about where your mind has been - where have you let your attention wander? The Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working. You are a powerful creator and it is your responsibility to direct all of that power into focusing on what you truly want to create. The Law of Attraction works on our energetic vibration, and our emotions create the vibrations off of which the Law of Attraction works. In order to successfully engage the Law of Attraction, you must be emotionally connected to your goal, and those emotions need to be aligned with what you want to attract. Remember in Part 1 where you wrote down not only what you wanted to experience on a mundane level in your life, but what feelings you want to experience? Linking up your worldly desires to your why and your feelings is the magic formula. Your beliefs create your thoughts, which in turn create your emotions. Finding that thing that fills you with energy and that has a “why” behind it that truly moves you emotionally, and aligning with that vibration is using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires. This is Alchemy 101. When backed up by your beliefs, feelings and thoughts, your intentions are magic. Now pause again and think about where your mind has been. Has it been reliving past conflict or trauma, or projecting worries out in the future? Why? You must become aware of your thought habits and create new ones that support your vision. You must dig deep and unearth any limiting beliefs that are operating in your subconscious, and bring the light of consciousness to them so they no longer hold sway over you. A belief is stronger than any affirmation or intention. If you are harboring limiting beliefs about yourself or the world, you must take your power back from them. If "I'm not worthy", or "I can't get my needs met", or "everything has to be hard", is running down in the dark depths of your psyche, its time for some serious house-cleaning. "Clear the fear", because any limiting beliefs running beneath the surface of consciousness that are in conflict with what you are trying to create will block the process. Many times this process of becoming aware of and clearing limiting beliefs happens over a period of time for us and not immediately. We slowly clear layers of negativity and past programming and blocks. There are many ways to do this. I like to work consciously with the lunar cycles and journaling as a method of ongoing house-keeping. Other types of regular activities that help awareness are yoga or meditation or even walking in nature. Sometimes you might want more support via some type therapy. I use astrology and hypnosis with clients for bringing awareness to areas of life that may be challenges or blocks. One exercise that can help us get to the heart of the matter is sentence stem completion. If you are trying to unearth a limiting belief and you ask yourself, "What is the worst thought I think about myself?", and go blank, you can try this. Ask yourself, "One negative thought I think about myself is __________." "Another negative thought I think about myself is _________." "The worst negative thought I think about myself is _________." Now you should be getting closer to the root negative belief. With your new awareness of that root negative belief, you can trace it out into your life and see how pervasive it is. You can see just how it affects everything you do everyday in your life. And knowing that the Law of Attraction is always working, how do you now see that limiting belief and the Law of Attraction working in your life? What if that belief was a positive one that supported your soul's desires instead of a limiting one? How much power would you have to create the life you want? Now you can replace that limiting belief with one that supports your why. This is typically just changing the limiting belief to its exact opposite, but its your belief so make sure it feels right to you. You are a powerful creator and your mind is an amazing tool. Now you take your power back and direct it. Remember that uncovering your limiting beliefs is an ongoing process of awareness. It doesn't happen all at once,and neither does replacing them. It takes 21 days to create a habit. It's generally easiest to focus on shifting one belief at a time rather than several at once. You are creating new neural pathways. Think of it as driving down a two-track with super deep ruts and trying to stay out of them as you drive. The deep ruts are your old neural pathways that the limiting belief has taken over and over and over in your life while you weren't consciously aware of it. Now you are trying to create new neural pathways with your new supportive belief, but it takes conscious effort and attention at first, until you begin to develop new "ruts". Once you've uncovered the limiting belief, there are two steps to replacing it with your new supporting belief. 1) Saturate your mind with the new belief. Repeat it as a mantra, use mala beads, sing it, write it, keep sticky notes where you will see them, use a hypnosis MP3 - whatever works for you to keep the new belief in the forefront of your brain. 2) Solidify the new belief by acting on it. Think of an action step you can do every day, something small, that is based in the new belief. If you're old belief was "I'm not worthy", and your new belief is "I AM worthy", then what is something you would do differently every day in your life if you are truly living from the foundation that you are worthy? Keep these steps up for 21 days and watch your experience of life change. Then keep following the ongoing process of awareness, clearing the negative and replacing it with what supports you. In Part 1 you found your why, connecting with your Magical Creature, your unique authentic self and found the passion, experiences and feelings that truly set you on fire. Now in Part 2, you are clearing out any negative beliefs you have and replacing them with positive ones, and aligning your beliefs and thoughts and emotions with your why, your values, so that you can leverage the Law of Attraction in consciously creating your life. You are Magic! Comments are closed.
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