Successfully Navigating the Energies from the Nov. 19th Full Moon Eclipse to the Dec. 18th Full Moon11/20/2021 Happy full moon eclipse! We are officially now in the two week long waning moon eclipse portal that goes from the 11/19 Taurus full moon eclipse to the 12/4 Sagittarius new moon eclipse - we are in the portal of change, and as a waning moon portal, this one focuses specifically on releasing what does not support the new reality we are creating. Because of the Saturn-Uranus square on all of 2021 between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, Scorpio season (the past few weeks) was a bit bumpy, as sun, Mercury, and Mars transiting Scorpio all bumped into first a square with Saturn and then an opposition with Uranus. The final bit of this, Mars' opposition to Uranus, came just two days before Friday's full moon eclipse in Taurus, featuring Uranus. We will be getting the rest of this in December as we move through the final Saturn-Uranus square, and then mid-January when Uranus stations direct, moving us forward and out of this energy for good. For now, it is time to focus on what's in front of us - the month from Friday's full moon eclipse until the coming full moon in Gemini on December 18th - the period defined as "Sagittarius season" (sun in Sagittarius) that takes us right into solstice, a fresh solar beginning. Sagittarius is the Jupiter-ruled sign of belief, faith, optimism, adventure, expansion, luck, and growth, so sun and Mercury there over the coming weeks will be helping us steer our minds and consciousness towards success.
What the Cards Are Saying About the Coming Month: Overview: Faith and trust are the key now. We've been hearing this for the past two monthly cycles, but this time it has a new twist, as we are entering Sagittarius season. Sag is THE sign of faith, trust, hope, and belief. If we've been experiencing difficult times, things are looking up, and we need to now assist the shift by breaking out of any negative feedback loops we have taken on around not enough. There is no room to entertain negative thinking and worry now. Keep focused on what you are for, eyes on the prize all the way. If you are pedaling your bicycle up a big hill, you don't stop to talk about how much work it is or that it feels impossible, you keep your eyes focused on where you are going and you keep pedaling until you get there. It's the same right now with energy and our lives. This goes for discussing plans or what you "should" or "shouldn't" do too. Keep your magic close and tune into your inner guidance. Follow your intuition about what's right for you and tune out the noise of the world and others' opinions and judgments. Also, it's time to forgive the past and move past any falling outs and anything that has kept you separate, sad, or isolated. Your support now comes from coming together with others, collaborating, and celebrating. It is time to remove any blocks to this. The bottom line is, to be successful now, we must fully release and clear any remaining limiting patterns, thinking, behaviors, or beliefs that are holding us back from the new reality we know it is time to step forth into. This liberation comes when we step into our own authority, use discernment, and keep clear and healthy boundaries in place that support us and our dreams and desires for the fast-approaching future.
Also, watch placing your entire sense of well-being on material wealth. "Enough" and "okay" are illusions that we will never reach until we decide that we have enough and are okay just as we are, with what we have right now. Our power only exists in the present moment. Like attracts like. Until you decided you are enough and you have enough, it will never be so.
Meditate to clear the noise and connect with your heart every single day, and multiple times of day if necessary to keep a strong connection and clear channel open for receiving your inner wisdom and guidance. If it is necessary to go on a news/media/social media detox to do it, do that too. It may be necessary to stop sharing your dreams and ideas with others right now to minimize interference, energetic and otherwise.
(This can feel more like survival, actually - feeling threatened and like we can't survive if we aren't right on some level is the underlying energy that brings this about.) Where are you feeling threatened or where have you felt threatened recently around ideas, beliefs, or philosophy? Or have you felt like someone has gotten (or been given) the wrong idea about you? Possibly even to the point of slander/defamation of character? These can all be possibilities under this card, but the advice the 5 of Swords is giving here is that it's time to LET GO. Forgive and let this go so you can move on, because more than likely, holding on to it now is only furthering your own suffering. Learn the lessons and in the future pick your battles more wisely. The important part now is liberating yourself from this so you can move on.
It's time to socialize, to give and receive, as this will be mutually beneficial and supportive to all. It's time to come together, so that means leaving the hurts, negative vibes, and past conflicts behind. Celebrate yourself, celebrate your connection with others, celebrate the new reality we are creating together now. It's time to come together with like-minded and like-hearted people.
When we step into our inner authority and take responsibility, all of the outer restrictions on us vanish. This card embodies the concept of "freedom through discipline." Being the "lesson" card of Saturn (the other card is The World, the card of attainment and completion), the Devil is also teaching us about the need to focus on maintaining clear and healthy boundaries, as these are what protect what we value the most and help us nurture and cultivate the reality we most desire. When we stand in our authenticity, integrity, and inner authority, we automatically are creating the boundaries necessary to sustain that - we are "reclaiming our thrones," and "ruling our realms." The pathway to success now is clear - it is time to weed out once and for all the limiting beliefs (like not good enough, not worthy) and the negative thinking habits and self-defeating, self-sabotaging behaviors. Now is the time. There is no room now for anything that is not in complete support of the new reality you are committed to creating. It's time to reclaim your throne, step into your own inner authority, straighten your crown, reclaim your power, integrate your shadow and dissociated or disowned parts, and RULE YOUR REALM. The New is awaiting your royal and regal arrival. This is the Art of Consciously Creating Life!
Six weeks, six one-on-one sessions, and 45 days of guidance and support focused on what you most want to shift in your life.
If you want things to be different, you have to do things differently, and there is no time like the present. The life you want is waiting for you to step up and claim it. Imagine more satisfaction, more clarity, more confidence, the feeling of standing in your inner authority and sovereignty.... This is all possible for you and maybe in less time and with more ease than you think. If you are ready to do things differently and get different results, work with me. Shift It Learn more here, or email me for more information.
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