Riding the waves to victory, like the goddess Nike. But it's hard to see when you are in a trough between the waves. Have trust; have faith; remember that when you stop struggling you will float. Remember that you have the skills to handle this with grace. Yes the terrain may seem tumultuous at the moment. There is a lot going on.
We are in the Dark Moon phase, the time for self-care, turning within and release, as we prepare for a go-getter of a new moon in Aquarius on Monday February 8th. The thing is, currently, Venus is about to make a conjunction with Pluto on Friday February 5th in Capricorn, covering the territory Mercury just went back and forth over as he went through retrograde. Uranus is still making a square to Pluto in Capricorn from Aries and beautiful Venus is running right through the cross-hairs of that, while Vesta conjuncts Uranus and is opposed by Lilith in Libra. And on Sunday February 7th, the Sun in Aquarius (which Uranus rules) is making a square to Mars in Scorpio (which both Pluto and Mars rule). That's not all that's happening but those are some of the biggies. Add to the mix that we are already starting to feel the March eclipse energy. You can generally feel the energy of an eclipse begin to build about a month before it. Eclipses are representative of big change and the astrology is very involved with Uranus right now, the change god himself. So, as we navigate this intense little bit of astrology this week and over the weekend, here are some survival tips:
Think of yourself as the Winged Victory, the goddess Nike or Maeve, triumphantly riding the ever-changing waves with confidence and certainty. You have all the skills you need. There is a part of you that knows exactly where you are going and what to do. Trust that part. Ride the waves to victory, with the wisdom that whatever is happening is part of your path, your story, your journey, whether you can see it now or not. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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