Here's what's so special about this February.... The middle two weeks of February are pivotal. Running in the background, we still have Saturn in Pisces (think making dreams reality) aligning with Jupiter, planet of abundance, growth, and expansion, in Taurus, as Saturn officially clears the post shadow of its retrograde this week on the 14th. That means Saturn is getting a real fortunate and optimistic boost as it finishes its third and final pass of its retrograde territory from 2023. We are truly moving forward now, and since Saturn is the planet that makes things real, Pisces is the sign of dreams, Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and opportunity, and Taurus is the sign of earthly abundance, this is all good news. At the same time, we have the north node of soul growth moving with Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries. This brings healing and soul growth, specifically through the energetic prism of Aries, the sign of the self. This alignment is supporting us in healing any old wounds to self and identity that may have kept us doubting ourselves, playing small, and not going after what we desire. While this is ultimately a really beautiful thing, remember that this is growth - specifically soul growth - it may not feel comfortable. Those old scars might be itching up a storm about now, reminding you they are there. On top of all of that, this week and next week, from the 12th to the 22nd, we have a spectacular line up that really takes the cake as Mars, then Venus join Pluto in Aquarius this week and then meet up with each other next week on the 21st. With Pluto sitting at 0° Aquarius, this week's powerful Mars-Pluto conjunction and Venus-Pluto conjunction are happing at the exact same degree as the Great Conjunction (Jupiter-Saturn) from solstice 2020. A seed was planted then - now you're starting to see the fruits of it. The way this is occurring, it's like Mars and Venus each will have their own private session with Pluto before they meet up with each other next week on the 21st. This week, we are unearthing some valuable information that will be very relevant next week. Mars is the divine masculine, the warrior, and our motivation and drive to go after what we want. Venus is the divine feminine, the law of attraction, and our ability to attract our desires by energetically aligning with them, which at the heart of the matter whether we are taking about relationships or resources, is self-value. This is all happening through the energetic prism of Aquarius, with Pluto just beginning a new 20 year cycle there, so whatever new beginning is hatching in your life, it needs to be fresh and unprecedented. Look to what feels unfamiliar, exciting, and inventive. If you have a choice between "safe" and "status quo" and something entirely new, take the new. Why this is an even bigger deal for those born between 1971 & 1984.... Did you know that if you were born between 1971 & 1984, that you are part of a generation here to transform relationships and redefine them on your own terms, and that makes this February extra BIG for you? If you were born between 1971 & 1984, you are part of the Pluto-in-Libra generation. Pluto in Aquarius means at some point in the next 20 years, Pluto will trine your natal Pluto, and this is a big gift of empowerment enabling you to create a more fulfilling life - on your terms. It's a far cry from the extremely challenging Pluto square Pluto transit that you likely experienced in your mid- to late 30's while Pluto was in Capricorn, forcing you to let go and evolve in likely a painful way. Think about it - in the U.S., women only got the right to have bank accounts, bank loans, and credit cards without a husband in 1974. You've grown up with this right, but you may still FEEL like it's not safe, because of the limiting beliefs that were handed down to you, what you were modeled, and your life experiences. It all may seem confusing. Like you are supposed to do something that you aren't really allowed to do. You might be the first woman in your family, or the first person even, to get a degree or start a business, or be successful. You might have experienced relationships where everyone was confused about the roles and felt a need for freedom and independence but also resentment and insecurity. Maybe men don't feel like they should be the "sole providers" for the relationship/family, but also still don't want to help around the house and get sideways when you are busy because of work or have your own money. Know that part of your energetic signature in this life is to transform relationships and redefine them on your own terms, and draw a clear line between the "me" and the "we," and that this necessarily makes you a contract worker for your lineage, cleaning up all the old limiting beliefs and fears as you work through your own blocks and step into this more authentic and powerful way of being. We've already discussed in January how this is a big theme of 2024 anyway, with the north node in Aries and the south node in Libra, meaning our eclipses - the spring and fall change-bringers - will be about these themes. But February is a pivotal month in this regard too, as Mars, ruler of Aries, and Venus, ruler of Libra, come together first one by one with Pluto in Aquarius and then have a special rendezvous of their own. This is a new beginning in love, relationships, creativity, and even enterprise that is positively revolutionary.
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