The new moon at 1° Aquarius is bringing us a big breath of fresh air. Can you feel it? This new moon is ruled by Saturn traditionally, but its modern ruler is Uranus. While the new moon is exact on Saturday, January 21st, the action really takes place on Sunday the 22nd, as Uranus stations direct in Taurus and Saturn, now in the final weeks of its transit of Aquarius that began in March 2020, is blessed by Venus, planet of relationships and resources, passing through the sign. You may be noticing more synchronicity, opportunity, and flow in your life already. With this new moon, it's time to fully and completely release the past (specifically the "pandemic years" up to the past decade) and look forward, and step forward into the new. That means moving away from what feels familiar, and moving toward what feels exciting but also unknown, because it is completely and totally new. This new moon is a potent new beginning for us - let me explain why.
Here's the thing: this isn't just the annual new moon in Aquarius, and I'm sure you're feeling the difference. Uranus, the modern ruler of this new moon, stations direct just one day after, on Sunday, 1/22. Now Uranus retrogrades every year - the past couple of years it has gone retrograde in August and direct in January. However, since January 2021, it has been stationing direct with the traditional ruler of Aquarius in Saturn, waiting to challenge it. We had a total of 4 squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus between February 2021 and October 2022. That's that frustrating feeling of wanting to break free but being blocked by forces out of your control that was so prevalent over those years. But that's done. In fact, we won't see any squares from Saturn to outer planets for something like the next decade, and that's really good news, because that is part of what has made the past few years feel so challenging. So, at this Aquarius new moon, we are also feeling Uranus stationing direct for the first time in years without its energy being blocked. It's also the final planet left in retrograde, so as of this weekend we are all forward until April. If you're feeling excited to the point of being ungrounded and almost unsure which direction to go first, THIS is why! Don't worry - you don't have to do everything at once. In fact, the key to accessing this magic is to stay grounded, to not rush or act impulsively, and to really fully form those ideas and action plans, anchor them, and nourish them. In fact, Saturn is supporting this as Venus conjuncts it on Sunday. While Saturn and Venus together can always have us feeling a little restricted, held back, or like our parade is being rained on, the other side of it is the energy of fresh starts in love and money that are solidly foundationed, long-term, and built to last. This means right now we can access Saturn's practicality and integrity to help us not rush or cut corners. Looking deeper, there's even more magic to this new moon. This new moon is at 1° Aquarius, and that means it is conjunct Pluto at 28° Capricorn. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and is in its final weeks of that long transit, which truly has defined an era that began with the global financial crisis. (Capricorn rules big systems like banking and government, Pluto strips and exposes so that, the old and rotten can be composted and that energy transformed into the new - just like the phoenix dying to the flames to be reborn from its own ashes.). On March 23rd, Pluto officially moves into Aquarius. 2023 will actually be a transition year as Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn from June til January 2024 for a final "clean up round" before returning to Aquarius to stay until 2044, but the new begins in March. That means this new moon is our introduction to the new, serving as a bridge between the two eras, as it is firmly planted in Aquarius with Uranus stationing direct and the Saturn-Venus conjunction speaking to a new beginning, but also conjunct Pluto still in Capricorn. As we move through 2023, one of the defining astrological signatures will be Pluto in T-square to the nodes of the moon, the head and tail of the dragon, the points of destiny/future/increase, and fate/past/release, respectively. Pluto brings transformation - Phoenix-style transformation - and from March until December as it moves back and forth across the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp, it will be challenging those points of destiny and fate, future and past. What does this mean for us? It means that the magic this year is to be found in fully and completely letting go of the past so that we can be free to move untethered into the new, towards our future, our destiny. And yes, that is much easier said than done, but this year is here to help us do it. Moving into the new always means moving into the unfamiliar, which can feel uncertain and uncomfortable, but the energy is clear: with Pluto involved like it is, when we cling to the old and familiar and what was secure in the past, we will suffer. This is a "let go or be dragged" situation. Here's a secret: later in the year, Leo energy is going to be a big help, so keep that in mind. Stay tuned, because I'll be filling you in on how to work with it, and all of the other energies this year as we go! Feeling like you need to let go of the past to move forward in 2023 but aren't sure how? We talk a lot about releasing and letting go, but sometimes that's way easier said than done. I get it. I don't just work with the energy of astrology. I am professionally trained in hypnotherapy, and my own journey has involved healing from abuse, trauma, and the resulting PTSD and health issues like mold toxicity. IT'S ALL ENERGY. I'm here to help you reclaim your throne and get back in your creative power so you can create the life you want. That's what I do. If you want to explore how I might be able to help you, just book your complementary introductory 1 hour session here. I'd love to hear from you. ~Kasey
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