Mars Sextile Pluto, Fri. 5/3: Step Into Your Power to Access the Gifts On Offer in This "8" Year!5/3/2024 Mars in supportive alignment with Pluto is mountain-moving energy - use today to tackle anything that's felt too daunting until now. Time to break through! Remember back in December/January when we were talking about how 2023 was a "7 year" in numerology and 2024 is an "8 year?" Well, today, is a special day to activate 2024's "8 year" vibe. While "7" years are about transition, "8" years are when we reap the rewards. "8" years are about abundance - but only if we are willing to step into our power, step up, and claim it. Just Wednesday, 5/1, Pluto, stationary and about to station retrograde, squared Venus freshly into Taurus. Then yesterday, Thursday, 5/2, Pluto stationed retrograde in between that challenging aspect to Venus and today's opportunity aspect, a sextile, with Mars in Aries. Pluto retrograde is always about power and control issues - specifically reclaiming your personal power. Many times power and control issues in our relationships arise from deeply buried fears and insecurities around not being loved and valued. Like attracts like - if we are carrying those subconscious beliefs and fears, we will attract others into our lives running the same programs. The thing is, it's all happening beneath the surface of consciousness, in the shadow realms of our psyches, so we end up "locking shadows" with those close to us unconsciously. This week, as Venus squared Pluto stationing retrograde, we have experienced those fears and insecurities being pushed to the surface. Understand that these are the things that will keep you from accessing your power and claiming the abundance on offer to you in this "8" year of 2024. Because these are direct symptoms of you not valuing yourself, and self-value is the key to unlocking the riches on offer this year in realms of both money and love. What have you noticed coming up over the past few days? Has it been largely internal, or is it being reflected to you by others' behavior? Have you found yourself needing to draw lines with others, stand up for yourself, or enforce boundaries? Have you had to stand up to some form of bullying or demanding behavior, manipulation, or coercion? And it doesn't just show up with others "running over" you - if this is happening, take a hard look within and see where you run over yourself. As within, so without. Pluto is now officially direct and its first order of business is today's sextile - an opportunity aspect - with Mars freshly into its own sign of Aries. This week, Venus has moved into Taurus and Mars has moved into Aries. This means both the relationship planets are strong in their own signs for the entire month of May - Taurus season - which is also Venus-ruled. Taurus is the Venus-ruled sign of earthly abundance, and where the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction occurred on April 20th kicking off a new 14 year cycle through this energetic prism. Plus May is extra blessed with next to zero hard planetary aspects - just Venus square Pluto this week and then Mercury square Pluto mid-month. Next Tuesday, things really get good with the Taurus new moon landing the same day as Mercury's third and final conjunction with Chiron, the wounded healer, wrapping up the healing work we were doing all of April. Today, it's all about tapping into this Mars sextile Pluto retrograde vibes to reclaim your power. This is your day to step up and step in. Mars-Pluto in supportive alignment is mountain-moving energy. You are blessed with courage and inner strength today. Use it! This is a perfect day to tackle anything that has felt too challenging, daunting, or intimidating up until now. Get fired up and go for it! Are you ready to reclaim your power in relationships?
Are you ready to sit confidently upon the throne of your heart no matter what? It's time for a love-change. As within, so without. The only place you have power is in your inner realm, but the magic is, when you shift within, everything in your life comes right to match that - it has to - it's universal law. It's just that until now, no one has shown you how. If you're ready for the next level, let's chat. Just CLICK HERE to book your FREE Soul Aligned Love Blueprint Call with me.
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