The March 12th Jupiter-Chiron conjunction in Aries marks a brand new 50 year cycle - one that is all about expansion and growth (Jupiter) and healing (Chiron). Although Chiron and Jupiter come together to begin a new smaller cycle every 13 years, they only meet in Aries every 50 or so. In Aries, the healing we are talking about is the healing of core wounds of self that we collectively carry - the ones that challenge our sense of a right to exist and keep us playing small to avoid the pain of feeling rejected or abandoned again. Aries is the cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars, the first sign of the zodiac, and the sign of self. It is the sign of spring and new beginnings. Aries is the energy of action and initiation, going after what we want, and self-assertion. It has everything to do with our identity, our sense of self, our individuation, our boundaries and inherent human rights. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, wisdom, philosophy, and broadening horizons. It also rules luck, opportunity, abundance, belief, and faith. In transit, Jupiter has the ability to expand whatever it touches. In this case, that's Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries, sign of self. Think about it this way - Jupiter passing over Chiron this March ultimately is helping us heal core wounds to self in a way that allows us to expand past former limits, but in order for this expansion to take place, as this transit applies (since late February) it might just first bring these wounds up to the surface, which of course will feel more like aggravation than healing. But for us to heal those deep wounds that keep us playing small, doubting ourselves, and in fear of the kind of abandonment and rejection that bring up deep fears of survival, they must be brought into our full conscious awareness. We've got to "feel it to heal it." While the conjunction is exact March 12th, the transit remains in play for the rest of the month. By the time it is done, we will have had the opportunity to face those old wounds and transcend our pain and fear so that we can expand beyond those limits to be more authentically ourselves, stand more in our personal truth, and open to more life and abundance. Believe in yourself. Keep the faith. Chiron was discovered in 1977 - it's technically an asteroid that orbits between Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is the last planet visible to the eye from Earth, so for centuries, until the 1700's, was the last known planet, the end of the line. That's why it rules limits and boundaries and the 3D realm, along with old age, linear time, and death. Uranus is the first of the three outer planets, discovered in the 1700's with technology. It rules technology, the future, innovation, sudden change through upheaval, breaking free from the status quo, and the 4D realm. While Saturn rules traditions and the past, Uranus rules innovation and the future. Chiron is the magical heavenly body that bridges the two. It has an elliptical orbit between the two planets so that it goes to one and then goes to the other. Chiron represents our link from the limits of the conditional 3D world into something bigger and more expansive. It's liberation from the limits of conditional thinking. Chiron is transiting Aries from 2018 til 2027. The last time it was in Aires was from 1968 to 1977, the year it was discovered. Chiron in Aries is helping the collective heal the core wounds of self that leave us shrinking, doubting our own right to exist. Aries is the sign of the self, but also action and initiation. Aries wants to confront things directly, and courageously. The other thing to remember about Aries is that it is about our sense of self and boundaries. Mars, ruler of Aries, is the warrior. It asserts. It defends its turf. Mars and Aries also rule our anger and ability to stand up for ourselves. One of the top causes of anger is a real or perceived boundary violation - a threat to the self. It makes sense that with Chiron representing the core wounds transiting the sign of Aries, any ways we have been lacking in healthy boundaries due to a wounded sense of self and feeling "less than," would be brought to light. With Chiron so active in the past few months and now, we have a beautiful opportunity to take direct action towards healing our core wounds of self by facing them head on. Now is the time to courageously face the pain and fear and transcend it. Now is the time to acknowledge the deep fears swirling within us around survival and right to exist and stand up in our full authenticity and move forward anyway. Maybe most importantly, now is the time to finally let go of all of the anger that's built up within in an effort to protect ourselves, so that we can rise above this and start healing ourselves and others instead of doing more damage.
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