Pluto moves into Aquarius on January 20th, with the sun illuminating the way. This begins a new twenty year era, as Pluto will be in Aquarius all the way until 2044. If you know what to pay attention to moving through January, you will get a good idea of the energetic nature of what this shift of Pluto from Capricorn into Aquarius is all about for you personally - what is the nature of the past (Pluto in Capricorn) and what is the nature of the future (Pluto in Aquarius). The sun will land in Aquarius earlier that same day, kicking off Aquarius season. The sun running just ahead of Pluto will be illuminating Pluto's path, helping it to make a grand entry in Aquarius, where it will now remain until 2044, as it arrives in the sign of innovation and the future just a few hours before Pluto does, coming out of their conjunction from the day before on January 19th, when the sun passed by Pluto sitting at 29° Capricorn. January 19th is also a powerful day, as it is the "resolution day" for Mercury and Jupiter as also on this day the pair make their final of three fortunate aspects on 1/19. The first one was 12/7 and the 2nd was 12/18. Things begin picking up speed over New Year's - turning the corner into 2024 and moving towards the big shift coming at the end of the month - first with Jupiter direct in Taurus, the Venus-ruled sign of material abundance and earthly pleasures on December 30th, and then Mercury direct in inspirational and optimistic Sagittarius on January 1st Keep the faith. Big changes are coming. The biggest of these is Pluto landing in Aquarius for good on January 20th after spending most of 2023 moving back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn, doing a final "clean-up" retrograde round in Capricorn as it prepares to be in Aquarius until 2044. Pluto first landed in Capricorn in January 2008, and this shift was marked by the global financial crisis. This makes sense when you understand Capricorn as the sign that rules societal systems like governmental systems, financial systems, and infrastructure systems, and Pluto being the planet that brings regeneration through the cycle of destruction and creation. First it exposes what's rotten and begins stripping away. Then, after that process of purging and elimination has occurred, we get to rebuilt something fresh and full of vitality. Pluto represents the transference of energy from one form to another, like how compost renews the nutrient in soil so it can support new life. Another (more intense) example of this is how forests renew themselves through natural wildfires. Pluto is closely associated with the cycle of destruction and creation, death and rebirth. 2023 as a transition year.... 2023, a seven year numerologically, has been a year of transition marked by Pluto moving back and forth over the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp in dynamic aspect to the nodes of the moon - the north node of future, destiny, appetite, and increase, and the south node (its opposite point) of past, karma, elimination, and release. Seven years, like 2023, are about inner alignment in preparation for eight years, like 2024, which bring abundance IF we are aligned, in our inner authority and personal power, and ready to seize and act upon the opportunities on offer. Pluto working in dynamic T-square to the north and south node all of 2023 has been one of the major energetic signatures preparing us for months to move into new era coming with 2024, moving us into drawing a hard line between what was and what will be in our lives, between past and future, between the old and the new. It's a major shift at the end of January, as on the 19th, the sun and Pluto meet up at 29° Capricorn for their final conjunction in the sign for another two hundred years, and we arrive at the third and final "resolution aspect" between Mercury and Jupiter (with the ruler of the mind in Capricorn and the gift-bringer in Taurus in supportive alignment, think: ideas that bring prosperity), on the 20th, Pluto is escorted by the sun into Aquarius marking a monumental era shift in our individual lives and for the collective, and then just a week later, on the 27th, Uranus, the change-bringer and modern ruler of Aquarius, stations direct in Taurus. How to listen to the moon for guidance.... Here's something you probably don't know: on the 18th, just one day before all of that, kicking off this late-January ten-day-series of major alignments and shifts, the moon goes void of course at 29° Aries, meaning it's final aspect before going void is a square to Pluto at 29° Capricorn, awaiting the sun's arrival to escort it into Aquarius, where it will stay for the next 20 years. As Pluto changes signs, there's usually a "marker event," that signifies what the (very long) transit will be all about. In 2008 it was the global financial crisis. Over this past year we've been doing the final wrap up on that era as we prepared for Pluto to move into Aquarius. At the end of January and into February, we'll get to see what we'll be working on collectively for the next 20 years. The moon, a satellite of Earth, in transit acts like a broadcaster of information. The moon is closely connected to our intuition and daily "feels" and moods. In transit it tells us what will "work" for us on any given day, and where to focus our attention and energy for best results - to feel the best about ourselves and life on any given day. The moon changes signs every two and a half days. As it does so, it begins a whole new round of making aspects to all of the planets from that particular sign. For example, the moon in Aries would make a conjunction to planets in Aries, a 90° square to planets in Cancer and Capricorn, and a 180° opposition to planets in Libra, while it would make a 60° sextile to planets in Gemini and Aquarius, and a 120° trine to planets in fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius. At the exact same time the moon makes its final planetary aspect from any given sign, it is said to be void-of-course, meaning it is "offline" and not getting any more messages until it reaches the cusp of the next sign and begins the process all over again. When the moon is void, whether it is for mere moments or an entire day, it is when we are likely to feel indecisive and directionless. The void moon, for this reason, is a time to use for wrapping up projects rather than beginning new ones, sticking to routine tasks, admin, and to-do's, and/or focusing on self-care and rest. When to listen.... On January 18th, at 03:02 AM Eastern Time, the moon at 29° Aries will make a square to Pluto at 29° Capricorn, and with that being the final aspect it is making from Aries, it will go void of course until it lands in Taurus (just moments later). As the moon in transits broadcasts the energy of the planets to us through the different signs, this is an indicator we can tune into to get a feel for the mood of Pluto getting ready to meet up with the sun and shift into Aquarius in just two days. Here's the thing: this won't be our first bit of intel from the moon about Pluto's impending sign shift. Pluto landed at 29° Capricorn back on December 19th, and the moon will be going void-of-course as it makes contact with Pluto from each sign all of January until Pluto moves into Aquarius. ~ On January 2nd, at 18:37 ET, the moon goes void at 29° Virgo as it makes a 120° trine to Pluto in Capricorn. ~ On January 5th, at 06:40 ET, the moon goes void at 29° Libra, as it makes a 90° square to Pluto in Capricorn. ~ On January 7th, at 14:21 ET, the moon goes void at 29° Scorpio, as it makes a 60° sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. ~ On January 11th, at 21:33 ET, the moon goes void at 29° Capricorn, as it makes a 0° conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, meaning it arrives at the exact same degree Pluto is sitting on. This happens several hours after the new moon at 20° Capricorn, exact at 06:57 ET that morning - our last Capricorn new moon with Pluto in the sign for another 200 years or so. ~ On January 15th, at 22:32 ET, the moon goes void at 29° Pisces, as it makes a 60° sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. ~ Then finally, on January 18th, at 03:02 ET, the moon goes void at 29° Aries, making its final aspect to Pluto in Capricorn before Pluto moves on into Aquarius, a 90° square. If you want to tune into the larger mood and Pluto's under-the-surface vibe as it prepares to leave Capricorn for good and shift into Aquarius for the next 20 years, tune into these dates and times as the moon makes contact with Pluto and goes void each time over January. *In addition, pay close attention on January 20th as the sun conjuncts Pluto at 08:44 ET. This conjunction happens at 29 degrees and 59 minutes Capricorn. There are sixty minutes in each degree. This means the two are conjunct at the very end of the 19th degree, only one minute from 0° Aquarius. This is literally the closest any planet can get from one sign to the next. **Then pay attention as the sun lands in Aquarius at 09:08 ET the morning of January 20th, and again at 19:57 ET that same day as Pluto follows suit. During all of these moments, if you are awake, listen to your body and note the internal shifts and feelings. This is going to give you a good idea of the energetic nature of what this shift of Pluto from Capricorn into Aquarius is all about for you personally - what is the nature of the past (Pluto in Capricorn) and what is the nature of the future (Pluto in Aquarius). Pluto moving into Aquarius is just one of the main energetic themes of 2024. Another is the north node in Aries and south node in Libra bringing a karmic rebalancing of relationships in our lives all year. The north and south nodes are the nodes of the moon - the markers of our eclipses - and eclipses are the events that bring big and lasting change in our lives.
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