Mars, the red planet of action and passion, makes a big move into Scorpio on January 3rd, 2016, and this is setting the stage for an energy that will be with us for a good part of the year.
Mars has been in harmony-seeking Libra since 11.13.15, so his shift into intense Scorpio may be strongly felt and take a few days of adjustment. Be in your center the week of January 3rd and prepared for some acting out from people who are feeling the energy but aren't aware. Don't take things personally and keep up boundaries. There's a lot going on the first few days Mars is in Scorpio, adding to the intense atmosphere. The moon will be in Scorpio for the first couple of days Mars is in Scorpio, lending intensity to emotions. Then Mercury, planet of communication goes retrograde on January 5th and the first aspect of the retrograde is a square (a tense aspect) to Mars. There may be a heated conversation brewing. In the background we will also have Sun square Lilith activating the Uranus-Pluto square which means some shadow sides and power struggles may be showing themselves. On January 8th, Jupiter will go retrograde, reminding you to turn inward for guidance. Don't place your trust in outside validation or opinions. Know your own truth and act from your center. Things will ease up astrologically a bit after January 11th. Mars is named after the Roman god of war, and this planet is the ruler of Aries and Scorpio, along with the 1st and 8th houses that are associated with those two signs. When you think of Mars energy, think of that type of acquiring, restless, conquering, energy associated with the Roman army. Also remember that Mars energy is intense energy and it wants action. This energy does not take sides and it can be creative or destructive. It requires attention and handling and care. With proper channeling, it can be very productive. When Mars enters a sign or house, he spurs action. It is your choice whether this action is unconscious and reactive or channeled toward your goals and proactive. Being unaware of Mars energy is like turning your back on a fire. Mars rules Scorpio, so his presence in this sign will result in more intensity. A sign represents a primary energy pattern and a planet represents a dimension of experience. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, of death and rebirth, of the depths of our being. Scorpio can represent deep intimacy and/or deep fear. Because Scorpio represents our deepest needs, desires, fears and darkest shadows, it can show us our relationship to sex, power, money and resources. But because it will show us these depths, it holds the power of the deepest transformation and rebirth. Mars in Scorpio is a call to action in this area. If you are not being proactive with the Mars energy, you may find life situations popping up that force you to take notice and action in this area. Mars is following the same path Saturn, the Teacher and Lord of Karma, took through Scorpio from late 2012 until late 2015. Saturn was churning up the depths of Scorpio, and many of us experienced deep realizations and resulting changes in our lives as a result of this. In mid-September, 2015, Saturn had reached the anaretic degree (the twenty-ninth degree and a very karmic point) of Scorpio and you may have experienced a karmic ending. Many times when a planet first enters a sign, you will need to make a decision, and it is not necessarily a conscious one. As the planet exits (each sign and house has thirty degrees), and you reach the last degree, then you may experience the result. Now Mars enters Scorpio and we are faced with another choice point as his fiery passionate call to action hits the watery depths of Scorpio. Think about what you learned over those three years and what you decided you wanted to change. Now Mars is providing the energy to action those things. Because the setting is the sign of Scorpio, we are talking about our psychological depths - our deepest, even hidden, desires, needs, and fears; the taboo; our deepest secrets; our deepest needs for intimacy; our relationship to power; and our relationship to resources and money, which points to our sense of security. In the positive, Mars energy is passion, motivation, and determination. You can harness this energy to work toward what you want in personal transformation, power, money, sex and intimacy. The energy will be the strongest the month of January. On March 17th, Mars will move into the idealistic and truth-loving sign of Sagittarius, only to turn retrograde a month later on April 18th. Mars retrograde can sap energy so this is not a good time to begin new endeavors. This is where we are given a chance to review and reevaluate the goals we have set and the action we have taken and adjust if necessary. If we have been dealing with a troublesome situation or conflict this may resurface during the retrograde for one more review. On May 27th Mars continues his regression back into Scorpio. Also keep in mind that Mars retrograde is not a good time to go around starting fights. Try to avoid arguments and conflict; defend if necessary, but focus on compromise during this period. On June 30th Mars will turn direct in Scorpio and resume forward motion, giving us the full-steam ahead for positive action. On August 4th he enters Sagittarius again where he will remain until he moves ahead into Capricorn on September 28th, lending all of that action energy to the industrious and practical sign of Capricorn where we can really get things accomplished! Harness the energy of Mars to consciously create your life in 2016. Comments are closed.
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