My belief is that we evolve through spiraling cycles of awareness, release and creation.
In life we may be proactive and actively striving for awareness through such practices as meditation, yoga, counseling/therapy, journaling, or any other way of becoming more conscious of our emotions, reactions, behaviors, thought and beliefs. Or if we are not proactive, and sometimes even if we are, certain people or situations in life will force us to examine our emotions, thought patterns and underlying beliefs. Occasionally, if we are lucky, we will be brought to a place where we can get the chance to view life from a much higher perspective and see actually see the lens we’ve been viewing the world around us through and get the opportunity to broaden it. This is the awareness step. Once we are aware of a way of being, of thinking; once we are aware of a negative belief that is affecting us in a way that makes us want to change it, we can move to the next step which is release. We must release the old way of thinking and being. We must release the belief that is causing us discomfort. We choose how we believe and that creates how we experience life. If you’ve accepted a belief such as “I’m not smart”, from some incident that happened long ago, you can choose to change it. Then once we’ve released, we get to create. We get to choose the belief that suits the experience we would like to have in the world. This all sounds like a simple process, but it can be much harder to get down to the underlying beliefs in our subconscious than it seems. And rewiring old thought and emotional patterns that we’ve been running for years takes dedication and persistence. It is said to take 21 days to form a new habit. My dance teacher said when learning a new movement to use the 90x90 rule – 90 times a day for 90 days. Assisting in the steps of awareness, release and creation is what I do as a hypnotherapist. In hypnosis we work directly with the subconscious mind to get awareness and then move more quickly through the release and creation process. We can start at any point in the process - with a situation in life that is bothersome, or a pattern, or a habit, or a feeling. Anything you notice that you want to change is a starting point; a starting point to consciously creating your life. Comments are closed.
October 2024
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