Welcome to the SOULCRAFT group resources page!
I'm so glad you've joined us!
On this page you'll find links to all kinds of resources and tools for making the shifts to start
experiencing the love and abundance you've been desiring in life, and new resources will continue
to be added along the way, so be sure to check back in.
I'm so glad you've joined us!
On this page you'll find links to all kinds of resources and tools for making the shifts to start
experiencing the love and abundance you've been desiring in life, and new resources will continue
to be added along the way, so be sure to check back in.
Stay in the know with exclusive new & full moon energy updates every month and links to fresh blog posts on trending astro, and get premium access to offerings if you want to dive deeper and work with me.
The energy of abundance begins with embodiment. Embodiment begins with clearing
out all of the outdated energies that aren't aligned with the present moment and
your truth so that you aren't crowded out of your body! This short meditation is
designed just for that and is perfect for daily energetic housekeeping.
out all of the outdated energies that aren't aligned with the present moment and
your truth so that you aren't crowded out of your body! This short meditation is
designed just for that and is perfect for daily energetic housekeeping.
Get clarity with this simple exercise. You might even want to do it every morning as part
of a daily ritual, honoring your desires, and helping you stay in alignment with your core desires and values
as you move through each day. Understanding your unique energetic
blueprint and soul map for this life as well as being clear on your core values and desires at any given time (these change) is key to living in alignment - that's ease, flow, and with synchronicity - instead of constantly running into blocks and walls, going in circlers, and feeling frustratingly stuck and trapped.
of a daily ritual, honoring your desires, and helping you stay in alignment with your core desires and values
as you move through each day. Understanding your unique energetic
blueprint and soul map for this life as well as being clear on your core values and desires at any given time (these change) is key to living in alignment - that's ease, flow, and with synchronicity - instead of constantly running into blocks and walls, going in circlers, and feeling frustratingly stuck and trapped.
Get grounded and out of anxiety fast. This 25 minute YouTube video walks you through a series of
quick and easy energy techniques and somatic exercises you can turn to when you just can't
shake the anxiety. When you're anxious, uncertain, and out of sorts, you are likely overthinking and trying to "figure out" and "fix" things, running loops in your head, and what you actually need is to come back into your body so you can tap into your body wisdom and higher guidance. The mind is a tool in service to the heart.
quick and easy energy techniques and somatic exercises you can turn to when you just can't
shake the anxiety. When you're anxious, uncertain, and out of sorts, you are likely overthinking and trying to "figure out" and "fix" things, running loops in your head, and what you actually need is to come back into your body so you can tap into your body wisdom and higher guidance. The mind is a tool in service to the heart.
A key component of healing involves releasing the energetic imprints stored in the body
from trauma. To do this, we have to speak to the body and nervous system, directly,
in its own language. Here's an intro to somatics that you can start doing right now
to start releasing stored trauma from your body. Bonus: doing somatics like these also
promotes the release and lowering of stress and cortisol,
so if you keep these up you might just notice better sleep and weight loss!
*I highly recommend the Workout Witch's 30 Day Free Your Hips Program.
from trauma. To do this, we have to speak to the body and nervous system, directly,
in its own language. Here's an intro to somatics that you can start doing right now
to start releasing stored trauma from your body. Bonus: doing somatics like these also
promotes the release and lowering of stress and cortisol,
so if you keep these up you might just notice better sleep and weight loss!
*I highly recommend the Workout Witch's 30 Day Free Your Hips Program.
As within, so without. Anything going on inside your physical body is affecting your experience of life - and it's affecting your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies too. Did you know that trauma is linked to gut issues? How about that inflammation is the root cause of all dis-ease, including emotional and mental. It might be easier to understand in this light, how it would be nearly impossible to follow "gut instinct," if your gut is inflamed and reactive, struggling with real or perceived "foreign invaders." This also makes it pretty much impossible to vibe higher and consciously create more of what you want in your life. If you feel like something is off with your body, here are some ideas to get you started, not from a medical professional, but from someone who has been there. (I do recommend you consult with your doctor, or if you aren't having luck, get a naturopath and/or functional medicine practitioner on board for extra insight.)
The Emotion Code is a technique developed by chiropractor Dr. Bradley Nelson to identify
and clear trapped emotions. I love this process as a tool for self-awareness and clearing
emotions in the moment as they arise, and this is my preferred way to use it.
Follow the link for a brief introduction as well as the chart and an instructional video from Dr. Nelson.
and clear trapped emotions. I love this process as a tool for self-awareness and clearing
emotions in the moment as they arise, and this is my preferred way to use it.
Follow the link for a brief introduction as well as the chart and an instructional video from Dr. Nelson.
This guided meditation using hypnosis is about 20 minutes long and is the perfect
midday reset. It's a guided journey to the beach, to be cleansed by the waves &
recharged by the light of source, the sun, using all of the imagery and metaphor that
the subconscious mind loves. Because it is hypnosis, it activates the parasympathetic
nervous system, meaning you get 20 minutes of an ultra-healing relaxed
brainwave state. Use anytime you need a power reset or a restful, recharging break.
*DO NOT listen while driving, etc.
midday reset. It's a guided journey to the beach, to be cleansed by the waves &
recharged by the light of source, the sun, using all of the imagery and metaphor that
the subconscious mind loves. Because it is hypnosis, it activates the parasympathetic
nervous system, meaning you get 20 minutes of an ultra-healing relaxed
brainwave state. Use anytime you need a power reset or a restful, recharging break.
*DO NOT listen while driving, etc.
The energy of abundance is the energy of expansion. Jupiter rules expansion, while Saturn rules contraction. Just like the tide goes out before it comes in, or we exhale before inhaling, many times we find ourselves contracting before we expand...or maybe it's more about rooting to rise? As a dancer I know the importance of having a stable foundation in the lower body - where the feet contact the ground, the thighs, the core - to support the lift of the upper body. You don't have to dance to experience this. You can notice it while walking down the sidewalk, or even just sitting at your desk while on the computer. When you engage the muscles in the lower body/core, it creates support for the spine to lengthen, the collar bones to spread, the shoulders to slide back, the heart to open, the chin to life. And guess what? You've just grounded, connected to support, and thus created the energy of expansion and abundance in your body and energetic field. It's all energy. So when we are looking for more abundance and more expansion in our lives, we need to be thinking about more support - bigger, more deeply planted roots make for bigger, wider spreading branches. But as humans we can carry fear around getting "too big," being "too visible," having "too much success," or "having it too good." And when that starts playing below the surface of consciousness, we can end up sabotaging ourselves and keeping ourselves from the flow, success, & abundance we most want. So this little bit of guided tapping helps you bring conscious attention to the fears that might be running beneath the surface and work through them.
Self-worth, how we value ourselves, is the number one deciding factor of our ability to attract
and receive the love and abundance we desire in life. Because we don't get what we want, we
get what we believe - deep down. And past programming from childhood experiences can leave a
lasting imprint, even if we don't remember it or think it's a "big deal." Even if we don't think
it's affecting us. The proof is in what your life experience is reflecting to you right now. This is
a guided tapping journey using Emotional Freedom Technique to clear up some of
those deeply embedded "not valuable" ideas we may have picked up along the way.
and receive the love and abundance we desire in life. Because we don't get what we want, we
get what we believe - deep down. And past programming from childhood experiences can leave a
lasting imprint, even if we don't remember it or think it's a "big deal." Even if we don't think
it's affecting us. The proof is in what your life experience is reflecting to you right now. This is
a guided tapping journey using Emotional Freedom Technique to clear up some of
those deeply embedded "not valuable" ideas we may have picked up along the way.
What's "not valuable's" twin? "Not wanted!" This goes along with limiting core beliefs that
we pick up along the way like "I'm a burden," "I'm not enough," and "I'm too much."
Use this little guided EFT sesh to start loosening those limiting beliefs and making room
for something more supportive, like "I am wanted, welcome, and adored!"
we pick up along the way like "I'm a burden," "I'm not enough," and "I'm too much."
Use this little guided EFT sesh to start loosening those limiting beliefs and making room
for something more supportive, like "I am wanted, welcome, and adored!"
The 4 happiness chemicals in the brain are dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and
endorphin. When our physical system is out of whack, it makes it almost
impossible to self-actualize and create our lives, making desires reality.
Here is a quick guide to supporting your body in producing more happiness hormones.
endorphin. When our physical system is out of whack, it makes it almost
impossible to self-actualize and create our lives, making desires reality.
Here is a quick guide to supporting your body in producing more happiness hormones.
This guide gives you a clear path of action steps to going
from where you are now to where you want to be, and
this process can be used over and over, on any area of your life.
from where you are now to where you want to be, and
this process can be used over and over, on any area of your life.
New to astrology? This cheat sheet can help. The twelve signs of the zodiac are the
energetic prisms, each defined by an element (earth, water, air, fire) and a modality
(cardinal, fixed, mutable). Each have a planetary ruler. Then there are the
twelve houses that denote the areas or temples of life all of this happens through.
This cheat sheet will help you get it all sorted.
energetic prisms, each defined by an element (earth, water, air, fire) and a modality
(cardinal, fixed, mutable). Each have a planetary ruler. Then there are the
twelve houses that denote the areas or temples of life all of this happens through.
This cheat sheet will help you get it all sorted.
"Once you make a decision, the
Universe conspires to make it happen."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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