1. How does this work, what can I expect?
SOUL MAP ACTIVATION is a four-week transformational soul-mapping journey for women.
Over the course of the four weeks, each week's information will be delivered digitally, and then we will have a total of five weekly group Zoom coaching sessions. We will build over the four weeks, finally integrating all the information in the fifth and final Zoom. The course delivery will be through an online course platform. It is divided into four weeks, that's four modules, with a fifth bonus module. We will begin on a Thursday with our first Zoom, and then over the first weekend, you will move through all the videos in the week 1 module. You will need to have the week 1 worksheet before the following Thursday's 2nd Zoom. Then you will watch the module 2 videos over the weekend, and have the week 2 worksheet ready before the Zoom the following Thursday, and so on and so forth. It should never take more than about 2 hours to complete a module and its accompanying worksheet. In module 2, the videos walk you through filling out the worksheet, but not all modules are the same in that way. That comes to about 2 hours total per week, plus the 90 minute Zoom on Fridays, plus about 20 minutes per day - 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before bed - with the 21 Day Practice. In addition, you will receive: 1. a 30 minute recorded personal astrological transit video the 1st week, 2. up to 10 minutes of Voxer support with me directly during the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, of both weeks 2 and 3, and then 3. a 1:1 harvest session with me via Zoom in week 4. You will walk away with your very own unique on-paper actual "soul map," that will serve as a life map, compass, and true north you can return to again and again, as well as clear next steps for moving forward on your chosen path, based on your soul map and core values and desires for what you want to create next in your life. The group Zooms will be recorded in case anyone cannot make it live, (with the exception of the 4th one, which is a group hypnosis to breakthrough limiting beliefs, so it cannot be recorded to protect the privacy of our participants) but it is highly recommended that everyone attends the group Zoom each week - it's crucial to show up 100% over these four weeks to maximize your experience and results. 2. How do I know this is for me? Will it help me with the main challenge I am facing in my life right now in real time?
As a professionally trained hypnotherapist with expertise in working with the subconscious mind and inner realms, it is my strong belief that wherever there is a "don't want," or challenge in our lives, it has an internal energetic root, and "all roads lead to Rome."
We can use any issue or challenge you are currently facing as an entry point to do this deeper work, and it is the deeper work wherein your solution lies. One of the main principles I teach from is "as within, so without." It's all energy. Everything in this life is energy, and there can be no true change in our experience of lives if there is no energetic shift within. That shift can mean rewiring limiting beliefs. Rewiring limiting beliefs can mean healing old wounds. All of this results in a new relationships to ourselves and thus a new relationship to life. Many times in our efforts to change what we don't like about our lives, we touch upon this, but we never actually get the true shift in the inner realm. That's when we arrive at that frustrated place of, "I've tried everything and nothing ever works." We can want something, we can agree intellectually with a principal, but that does not create a true shift in our body, our energy, our vibration. Many times we just stay stuck in the internal conflict, or "double bind" created by knowing the shift we want to make but not being able to fully make it. A deep desire to create lasting change in your life, a commitment to self discovery and self-awareness, as well as an interest in astrology is important for you to get the most out of this experience. We will also be using tools such as guided meditation. A sense of humor is also recommended, as I am a playful person and find value (and healing) in not taking ourselves too seriously. In SOUL MAP ACTIVATION, I will be guiding you over four weeks in creating your own unique soul map, using astrology along other tools and techniques. The work we will be doing will have emotional, practical, and spiritual components, and will involve a deep dive into your astrological birth chart, or energetic blueprint, to pull out key information for the actual physical soul map you will be walking away with. Ultimately, you will be walking away with a new relationship to your self, with a clear soul map on paper that you can return to again and again whenever you find yourself feeling lost. By the end of our time together, you will also have clear next steps and an action plan for moving forward on your soul path towards your heart's desires moving forward in life, and on your way to creating an entirely new relationship with life in every way. If, after our time together, you feel you need additional support, you will have the opportunity to continue working with me. 3. Why is this different? Why does it work?
As within so without. It's all energy. Your relationship to yourself determines your relationship to life. At the heart of it all is self-value, because your value of yourself determines what you attract and receive in life. It's all about values and self-value at the core. We don't get what we want, we get what we believe, and that means we get that of which we deep down believe we are worthy and deserving. This can be tricky territory to navigate, because those limiting beliefs and ideas that undermine us are largely below the surface of consciousness, and stronger than any conscious desires ever will be.
In SOUL MAP ACTIVATION, I'm going to help you navigate that tricky terrain so that you emerge with a whole new self-perspective, knowing, and self-value. So where does self-value come from? You may think you have it but in reality, what you experience in your daily life may paint a different picture. Do you struggle in love relationships or financially? Do you self-sabotage? Do you feel chronically not valued by others or not important? Do you derive your "okay" from how much you do, how hard you work, how much you give to others? You might say self-value comes from self-love or self-acceptance. True, they are closely intertwined. But what I teach is that self-value comes from self-respect, and one way we can cultivate self-respect is by understanding ourselves and our lives from a higher perspective, an astrological perspective. Your birth chart is unique to you and you alone, like a fingerprint. There is no one exactly like you, there never has been, and there never will be. There is no one on your exact same journey. So there is no place for comparing yourself with others. Many times we have unwittingly downloaded the values of others - society, family, culture, friends - and in our unconscious need to stay safe - to fit in, to avoid the primal survival threats of rejection and abandonment, we have never questioned these values or considered we might have different ones. This leaves us caught in tangles and double-binds, spinning in confusion and uncertainty. The answer is self-awareness, self-knowing, self-respect, and even self-celebration. You have a unique energetic blueprint in this life, and you are going to walk away from SOUL MAP ACTIVATION with a whole new understanding of and respect for yourself. This means coming at life from an entirely new place. A new relationship to yourself enables a new relationship with life - with love, with success, with power, with happiness - all of it. And that's what SOUL MAP ACTIVATION is designed to bring about for you. Plus, we are going to be doing the work of identifying limiting beliefs and blocks that have been holding you back along the way. 4. Who are you, what are your qualifications?
My name is Kasey Ford, and I am the creator of SOUL MAP ACTIVATION.
I am a women's mentor, guide, and coach, an astrologer professionally trained in hypnotherapy. I help women come home to themselves, reclaim their thrones, and create the lives they've been longing for by teaching them radical self-value and emotional and energetic mastery. One of my main philosophies is "as within, so without." Everything is energy, and the energy we are carrying in our inner realms dictates our experience in life. Every change you want to make begins with the energy. At the heart of the matter is your value of yourself. Beliefs create your thoughts, thoughts create your feelings, and your feelings and emotions are what create your day to day energetic vibration, and that is what creates the life you live. When you are trying to control everything outside of you to change your life experience, it is because you have become disconnected from yourself and disempowered. Because your power and your magic can only be found in your inner realm and it is only effective in your inner realm. You cannot deny, suppress, and ignore what is within and expect to effectively change your experience in life. It doesn't work that way. And that it is the cause for the resulting anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and low self-esteem. That is why my passion involves helping women come home to themselves so they are fully embodied and in their creative power and inner authority, and I do this by teaching them radical self-value along with energetic and emotional mastery. Many times, making this shift requires relearning everything we think we know about life. It's a complete perspective shift, in effect a dimension shift - a quantum upleveling. I know what I teach intimately, not just because of studied it, but because I have lived it. I lived life up until my 40's largely unconscious, unaware of deeply buried trauma that I had blocked from memory. I am highly sensitive and empathic, and also a master of denial and dissociation. It was a protective mechanism I mastered at a very young age. I went to therapy feeling like something wasn't right, trying to address the issues I was encountering on the surface of my life, but always ran into dead ends that didn't make sense. I suffered cripplingly low self-value, but had no clue that was what I was dealing with, and if you suggested it, I would've denied it. I struggled with the most intense shame, but had no idea that was what "that feeling" was. I was a bundle of defensiveness and reactions, a "type A" personality, good grades, highly organized.... until I wasn't. Until the trauma was too much. Until the denial broke. Until I was forced to face what was inside that I had been running from all my life and surrender to those flames to be reborn from the ashes. That being said, I am trauma-informed, both in training and from personal experience, and I have had personal experience with many professionals including coaches, therapists, and physicians, who are not. Because of this, it is my mission to help women not have to go through this if possible, but if they do, I know that underworld journey well, and can walk with them as a guide and mentor as they make their way through. 5. What is the commitment/investment for SOUL MAP ACTIVATION?
SOUL MAP ACTIVATION is a four week long workshop intensive.
You'll need to commit to FIVE live, once-a-week Zoom group coaching calls (90 minutes to 2 hours long) during these four weeks. (Dates and times will be announced.). All but the 4th one will be recorded for participants - it is HIGHLY recommended that you attend all of the Zoom sessions live to get the most out of this experience and don't fall behind. If you don't show up 100%, you simply won't be likely to get the best results. ***Live Zoom #4, following Module 3, will NOT be recorded, as this will be a group hypnosis regression session specifically designed to help you identify the number one deep subconscious block that's been holding you back and rewire it. Our of respect for our participants privacy, this session will not be recorded and distributed to participants - it must be attended live. If you do not wish to participate in the hypnosis, you do not have to. In between our live group sessions there will be different "homework" assignments to support your transformational journey, as well as a "21 Day Practice" that we will begin in week one as part of creating our transformational container. This will consist of separate morning and evening practices that take about 10 minutes each every day. It is highly recommended that you do these every single day for 21 consecutive days, and if you miss a day for any reason, that you start over so you complete 21 consecutive days of this practice without interruption or gaps. Again, it is incredibly important that you show up 100% in every way to get the most out of this program. It should never take more than about 2 hours to complete a module and its accompanying worksheet. In module 2, the videos walk you through filling out the worksheet, but not all modules are the same in that way. That comes to about 2 hours total per week, plus the 90 minute Zoom on Fridays, plus about 20 minutes per day - 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before bed - with the 21 Day Practice. By the end of our four weeks together, you will have created your very own "soul map," as well as clear next steps forward on your path. You will also have created more soul alignment, and even begun the transformative process of identifying and rewiring limiting beliefs. If you wish to continue working with me, you will get the opportunity at that time. SOUL MAP ACTIVATION is set up in such a way as to give you a valuable transformational experience in a condensed 4 week time frame. This means over four weeks you're going to be taking in a lot of new information and integrating it so you're walking away with tangible results - your very own soul map that you can keep referring back to over and over again, and a clear action plan for moving forward. The financial investment for SOUL MAP ACTIVATION is $1111 - inquire regarding payment plans. 6. What if I'm still unsure?
Let's chat! I'm here for you and to answer any questions you might still have. Just click this link to schedule a Soul Map Clarity Chat with Kasey via Zoom.
is a four-week transformational soul mapping journey using astrology
for women who want to create a compass with their own unique true north
that they can come back to time & time again when they need direction in life.
I'm Kasey, and I'll be walking with you over the four weeks, guiding your step by step through the process.
This is a four-week transformational coaching experience WITH A TWIST - I'm not just a coach, mentor, and guide - I'm an astrologer professionally trained in hypnotherapy (rewiring the subconscious mind), and I'm trauma-informed. That means over the course of our four weeks together, we are going to go beyond mainstream coaching, into something that's deeper, more mystical, magical, and spiritual. |
ready to create a brand new
relationship with life, by creating a brand new relationship to themselves.
ready to create a brand new
relationship with life, by creating a brand new relationship to themselves.
This means you creating a new relationship to love, abundance, power, success, ease, joy - all of it.
"Once you make a decision, the
Universe conspires to make it happen."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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