Power Animal Meditations
Powerful shamanic journeys from Nicki Scully's book "Power Animal Meditations," recorded for easy use as guided meditations.
My first experience with power animals was actually in meditation, when an elephant appeared in front of me and suddenly I could see the entire Universe in it's huge brown left eye. From there I had a series of meditations where elephants would show up, many of them, surrounding me in a circle, supporting me with their trunks. I called them "the Guardians," and they are the reason I have two elephants tattooed on my back facing each other, and what inspired me to visit the elephant rescue part and sanctuary in Thailand.
My second experience was when Black Jaguar showed up in my dream. In this dream, I had a homestead, a clear cut circle, in the middle of the deep jungle, with a horse and a dog. It was night time, and there were big gray boulders encircling the property, delineating the line between jungle and my property, between the wild unknown and my little world. Black Jaguar walked right up to the boulders, and surveying my little home and beloved pets, said to me, "Feed me, or I will eat everything you love," and with a glance at my horse, disappeared back into the darkness. I didn't feel afraid, but I felt concerned. This dream had a feel to it I had never felt before. After that, I went for several weeks of hypnotherapy training, and Black Jaguar continued to visit me, but in my meditations, not my dreams. At some point, it shifted from Black Jaguar to Jaguar, and she ate me and carried me in her belly deep into the jungle, where she nurtured and protected me. in a later meditation, she swallowed me whole and I found myself wearing her pelt. Some time after that, I took a shamanic healing course with Nicki Scully, of whose work I am very much a fan, and was introduced to her book, "Power Animal Meditations." The first meditation she instructed us to do was "Bear," (you can find it in the recordings below) and during that meditation, I was given very specific instructions to take baths in comfrey (like the word showed up in big letters, white on black in my mind's eye, flashing, C O M F R E Y), and to get rose quartz to put over my sacral chakra. I know now why I needed major sacral chakra healing, but at the time I did not. In fact, although I knew comfrey was an herb, I knew nothing about it, and had to research it. If you are interested in this book, by all means get a copy, I highly recommend it. The book has extra information about the process that aren't in the recordings I made too. I have found it very helpful to be able to just listen to the guided journey without trying to read and meditate at the same time, so I am sharing my recordings with you of the journeys as I make them. Enjoy! ~Kasey |
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