On Tuesday, July 2nd, Neptune stations retrograde at 29° Pisces. From now through early December, the underlying theme with both Saturn and Neptune backtracking in Pisces is a "reality check." Independence coming from a strong sense of self and inner security is a core theme we are working with developing now under the Universe's guidance, and it's setting us up for what's coming next in 2025. You are a powerful creatrix, and a co-creator of your reality. You are happening to life, not the other way around. Reclaim your inner throne and creative power by taking responsibility and action - you are not helpless. You have the ability to create the love you want, create the abundance you want - all of it. To work with this, think "strong," and coming into your power and inner authority as an individual. The north node in Aries is helping you all of this year to understand what embodying a stronger sense of self and self-sufficiency means, and you will want to have that in place by the time Neptune lands in Aries in 2025. Think of it as a planetary mentorship in how to truly make your dreams reality. A reality check of this sort isn't a bad thing, and with Saturn, Lord of Karma, retrograde in Pisces and Neptune stationing at the 29th, or karmic, degree, we know that this retrograde period covering almost the rest of this year is tied into fate lines in a major way. While Pisces is the otherworldly, spiritual sign of dreams and ideals, Saturn is the planet that rules the 3D realm and the conditions, limits, and boundaries that go along with it. In Pisces, Saturn can show us how to make dreams reality, and the first rule is we need to be embodied in this reality and grounding the dreams down to the earth plane - not floating off into fantasy-land. If we are in delusion, fantasy, or escapism, we aren't being the channel of embodiment that brings inspiration into reality. Saturn in retrograde is double-checking to make sure we are taking the real-world practical action steps to birth our dreams. Neptune in retrograde helps us lift the rose-colored glasses if we've been wearing them too long so we can course-correct where needed. The idea here is finding our sweet spot as co-creators of reality to truly create heaven on earth. Whatever that is for you, whatever you are drawn to that you deeply desire, that's your thing, that's what you are here to bring to yourself and the world, because Pisces says that we are all connected and all one, like drops of water in the ocean - whatever you do for you, energetically you are doing for everyone because you are raising the collective consciousness. From 2023 all the way through mid-2026, we are in a larger phase of transition as one era ends and another begins. This is marked by all 3 outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto changing signs. After a brief stay at 0° Aquarius in 2023, Pluto landed there again on January 20th, and will briefly return to 29° Capricorn this fall for the very last time for about two centuries. Neptune is next to shift, stationing retrograde at the final degree of Pisces. While Pluto landed in Capricorn in 2008, Neptune landed in Pisces in 2011. It will land in Aries for the first time since the mid-1800's on March 30th, 2025, and after dipping back into Pisces in the last half of 2025, will then be transiting the sign until 2039. (Neptune's last transit of Aries was defined by the Civil War in the U.S.) Uranus will be the last to shift, first entering Gemini in 2025, then retrograding back into Taurus before landing there until May 2033. You may be wondering what all this means for you. First and foremost, we are in a major collective transition that began in 2023 and will go until May 2026 as all three outer planets make sign changes. This is a time of major transition for all of us as the world around us experiences major changes. The next thing to focus on is what's happening right now. ~ One: happening summer and fall 2024 - Pluto is going to be in Capricorn for the very last time for over two centuries, spending the entire time at the final, 29th degree, known as the anaretic or karmic degree. It will be there from September 1st to November 19th. This is wrapping up the era of your life that began in 2008 when Pluto first moved into Capricorn and whatever house or area of life Capricorn rules in your natal chart. (Note that this also ties in to the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.) ~ Two: also happening summer and fall 2024 - Saturn and Neptune are both retrograde in Pisces, helping us take off the rose-colored glasses, shake off any ways we are deluding ourselves, and refocus on the business of truly making dreams reality. ~ Three: The over-arching theme this year as defined by the north and south nodes of the moon (and our eclipses) is "a karmic rebalancing of relationships" by rebalancing the "me" and "we" in our lives. As the north node pulls us towards Aries over 2024, we are being called to release any attachment to playing the victim and unhealthy patterns of relationships as we step into a stronger, healthier sense of self and individualism. The nodes change signs in January 2025, and since they move backwards, that means the north node is moving into Pisces for the following 18 months, while Neptune will be leaving Pisces and crossing over into Aries, trading places with it. To work with this, think "strong," and coming into your power and inner authority as an individual. The north node in Aries is helping you all of this year to understand what embodying a stronger sense of self and self-sufficiency means, and you will want to have that in place by the time Neptune lands in Aries in 2025.
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