This year's Cancer season is a very special one.
First of all, the Cancer new moon at 14° is not just sitting with Venus, it's conjunct fixed star Sirius, the dog star, the brightest star, revered by ancient cultures and known for it's Venusian qualities. This new moon is a portal for a soul-level upgrade. Cancer is the sign of emotions and past. This new moon is a portal to higher vibrational frequencies. If old emotions are coming up, this is your cue to go ahead and cry and let it cleanse your emotional body. Allow the release. It can feel like a storm inside when higher vibrational energies meet the low ones - the result is a cleansing rain. Visualize high frequency light flooding your system at this new moon and allow the clearing to happen to bring you into soul alignment and into a higher level of being. Yes, this has everything to do with relationships.
On Tuesday, July 2nd, Neptune stations retrograde at 29° Pisces. From now through early December, the underlying theme with both Saturn and Neptune backtracking in Pisces is a "reality check." Independence coming from a strong sense of self and inner security is a core theme we are working with developing now under the Universe's guidance, and it's setting us up for what's coming next in 2025. You are a powerful creatrix, and a co-creator of your reality. You are happening to life, not the other way around. Reclaim your inner throne and creative power by taking responsibility and action - you are not helpless. You have the ability to create the love you want, create the abundance you want - all of it. To work with this, think "strong," and coming into your power and inner authority as an individual. The north node in Aries is helping you all of this year to understand what embodying a stronger sense of self and self-sufficiency means, and you will want to have that in place by the time Neptune lands in Aries in 2025. Think of it as a planetary mentorship in how to truly make your dreams reality. A reality check of this sort isn't a bad thing, and with Saturn, Lord of Karma, retrograde in Pisces and Neptune stationing at the 29th, or karmic, degree, we know that this retrograde period covering almost the rest of this year is tied into fate lines in a major way.
Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces June 29th until November 15th. This is a mentorship in creating emotional maturity and mastery. ![]() Saturn, the planet of fears, doubts, limits, boundaries, and karma, starts backtracking until mid-November this Saturday, June 29th. While Saturn retrograde can be a challenging time of delays and lessons, this years' backtrack is actually set to be more supportive than challenging, as it makes no hard aspects to other planets. In fact, Saturn kicks off this retrograde in a minor supportive aspect to the moon, which is significant because the moon rules Cancer, and we are currently in Cancer season, with the sun, Venus, and Mercury in the sign, and the moon headed there for the Cancer new moon in just a few days on July 5th. While the moon rules Cancer, sign of family, emotions, and past/childhood past, Saturn rules Cancer's opposite sign, Capricorn, and this Cancer season features not one but two full moons in Capricorn that bookend the sign. What this tells us is that the moon and Saturn teaming up as Saturn goes retrograde is tying into a bigger theme over 2024. This week, the week of June 24th, something is at a "choice point," and you're going to choose the "Future You" that you've been working on becoming since mid-April. Your path is clear, and it involves turning away from recycling scenes from your past, shutting the door on old unhealthy patterns of relationships, and stepping towards the new, embodying a stronger, healthier sense of self, with that heart-light shining bright! This week is a beautiful week for initiating new creative projects, business endeavors, or relationships thanks to the Mars-Venus alignment building to Saturday. This only happens once a year, so make the most of it. The Mercury-Uranus alignment running in tandem with this underlines that this week is a perfect time for new ideas, new opportunities, and meeting new people/networking, and the way to access that is by shaking up your routine, going new places, and doing new things. As we move through both Venus square the nodes of future and past and the last quarter moon, it is clear there is a choice to be made, and you are going to choose moving away from low self-value that has been at the root of unhealthy patterns of relationships up until now, and taking a big, bold step towards a healthier sense of self and bringing relationships (the "me" and "we" in every area of your life) into balance. This is because Venus in Cancer is at an intersection with the north node of future and increase in sign of self, Aries, and the south node of past and release in sign of other and relationship, Libra. Just after that, the sun in Cancer comes into an intersection with the moon in Aries for the last quarter moon. This says that what we want is Cancer - connection, belonging, and emotional security. However we are at an energetic impasse, or a choice point. The north node in Aries tells us what we are choosing - a healthy sense of self that requires us to value ourselves fully and stop giving ourselves up and losing ourselves in relationships. The sun in Cancer squaring up the the Aries moon tells us that we need to let go of the old subconscious emotional reactions that keep us from the true connection and emotional security we desire, like volatile reactions and impatience. As within, so without. Create a safe space and emotional security within yourself, and you'll create it in your relationships as well. Running beneath the surface of everything else this week, we have Saturn slowing to station direct at 19° Pisces on Saturday, June 29th. Saturn will remain retrograde in Pisces from June 29th until November 15th, and this is our annual mentorship with the planet that makes things real. This can feel like a "reality check," but if you're serious about reaching your goals, it's welcome assistance. Pisces is a sign of dreams and ideals, but it's all too easy to get detached from reality and swept out into fantasy where we are unable to actually make our dreams reality. Saturn wants to help us make it real. So welcome any reality-checks as Saturn stations this weekend because it's putting you back on track to truly make your ideals real. The key to this week is to stay in your inner authority and integrity. This is a great week for starting new projects and putting yourself out there - you are likely to have extra charm and attractiveness, and the cosmos also is supporting meeting new people. The most important thing as Venus squares the nodes and Saturn slows to station this week is to not lose yourself the minute something (or someone) new and exciting comes into the picture. Ready to open to a new realm of love and relationships in your life?
Join me July 23rd - 25th for a FREE 3 Day Soul-Aligned Love Activator for women. Click HERE to register. The full moon at 01° Capricorn the evening of Friday 6/21 is a special one - it is coming right on the heels of solstice and is the first of two Capricorn full moons in a row that will bookend the sign and Cancer season. When the sun is in Cancer, our conscious focus is on emotional security, belonging, and the past. The moon rules Cancer, so when we have a full moon in Capricorn, Cancer's opposite sign, we have a very special lunation featuring sun, light of consciousness, in the realm of the moon, Cancer, illuminating the moon, our subconscious in its opposite sign, Capricorn, the sign of practicality and maturity - everything that is opposite of Cancer. The Capricorn full moon working in tandem with solstice - a lunar climax and solar climax bringing to culmination whatever began in December - plus the fact that we are having two full moons in Capricorn this Cancer season, the next one at 29° conjunct Pluto about to officially wrap up it's transit of the sign that's been on since 2008 with this year's retrograde, tells us that this solstice and Cancer season is about endings that are making way for new beginnings. This lunation is highlighting emotional security, and with the moon in the sign of Capricorn, the builder, its a time to pay attention to inner foundations and building the foundation and container in our lives that will hold the blessings we want to call in - like the higher level of love and relationships our hearts desire. Full moons are times of illumination and seeing what we normally might miss, as the sun, light of consciousness illuminates fully the half of the moon we can see. That's the thing about the subconscious (which the moon represents) - we know it's there, but we can't ever get a really good look at it. Here's how to harness the illumination of this full moon and the wisdom the moon in Capricorn has to share with you: 1. 1st, get grounded and embodied, then connect with the "Big You," the soul-you, the one that's bigger than all of the parts and the experiences, and connect with the unconditional love that "Big You" has for you - for all of you and that bigger perspective. 2. To amplify this energy, take a moment to appreciate what is going right in your life right now - things may automatically come to mind or you might simply look around you and notice several things that you really like in your realm right now - maybe it's a pet, or a houseplant, or a favorite rug or book, or a tree outside your window, or the birds singing. Focus on the feeling of appreciation and contentment and satisfaction - focus on how it feels in your body as you breathe in love and breathe out gratitude and go ahead and turn up the volume on it and really soak in that feeling while staying connected to the "Big You" that holds everything in unconditional love. 3. Now that you're rooted in love and gratitude and connected to the "Big You," you've created a safe space to do the next step, which is taking a bird's eye view of your life and relationships, and (without judgement, blaming, or shaming - simply observing the "what is") see if you notice where emotional triggers and reactions or insecurities are holding you back from the love you want. (It's really important to get into the safe space before you do this part because if you default into judging you can do more harm than good. If you cannot stay in the safe space, then this may not be the right thing for you at this time. PS - this is exactly the kind of tricky business I help my clients with so they can transcend their blocks to love and open to a new realm of love and relationships.) 4. All you need to do is take a loving look and notice. Full moons are times of illumination - they are times when can see better. The moon in Capricorn wants to help us step into emotional maturity and emotional mastery so we can get free of the past and create the love and relationships we truly want. If you just notice, the rest will unfold because noticing has moved you into a new level of consciousness. And here's the thing: the Capricorn full moon in one month on 7/21 at 29° is bringing the solutions! If you're feeling stuck with love and relationships and would like some insight, let's chat. Simply click HERE to schedule a time to talk and identify what's your biggest block to love right now and next steps for moving through it.
You attract partners into your life based on your energy - that means your level of consciousness and the state of your healed (or unhealed) emotional and psychological wounds. In short, you don't get what you want, you get what you BELIEVE - what you believe deep down - those fears that you are always pushing down are the strongest energy and your point of attraction. The stuff that's buried deep in your subconscious is the strongest energy running, even if you aren't consciously aware of it - the fears, the doubts, the limiting beliefs, the past trauma - that is all stronger than what you want and your conscious will. That's just the way we are wired. This means that you if you are growing personally, that you are likely to attract partners on a certain level and then outgrow them, causing upheaval and heartache in your life. It also means that if you are ready to make a quantum leap in love and attract an elevated love relationship - a true soulmate and soul-aligned love - then you need to do the inner work first, because the inner realm and the subconscious are the strongest generators of your vibrational frequency and that energy is what you are attracting and creating from in your life. The energy always comes first. The energy has always come first. The energy came first to get you the experience of life you have today and have had up until now, and the energy comes first to create the life experience - and the love - you want in the future. Looking back over your life, it's likely you can trace small, incremental shifts as you naturally evolved and your energy shifted and then your life experience shifted to match that. So if you want to make a big shift - like a shift into a new dimension of love and relationships - then it makes sense that you would need to create a bigger inner shift. Getting the right support and guidance in making the shift we want is the everything, because if we knew how to do it, we'd already have what we want, right? I'm here to tell you it's possible, that you can create the inner energetic shift in your life to get the love your heart desires. It all comes down to one simple shift - a shift that happens inside of you and changes everything. When you align your energy and intentions, you create an irresistible magnetic pull that draws your partner to you naturally and effortlessly. This is the power of embodying true self-love and confidence. If you’re ready to learn how to make this simple shift, so you can create the soul-aligned love and connection you deserve, let's chat - simply click HERE to book a FREE consult call with me.
We’ll identify what's standing between you and the love you want, and then look at best next steps for you to take to create more love in your life now! I'm looking forward to connecting with you! ~Kasey Impeccable energetic boundaries are non-negotiable in your relationships this weekend.
Take extra care in your dealings with others as you are more susceptible to taking on the energy of others, but also to being confused, deceived, or taken advantage of because of Neptune's nebulous influence right now. Mercury is escorting Venus through the final degrees of Gemini over the weekend (Fri. 6/14 - Sun. 6/16) and into Cancer on Mon. 6/17, but in the process the duo will be squaring up to Neptune. This energy will be strongest on Sunday, June 16th. I have a secret to share: you have to truly believe this is possible.
It all starts with your unshakable belief that this is possible for you - despite where you are now, despite your past, despite your fears, despite the naysayers, despite the "what is" of your life. This isn't about being worthy enough or loving yourself more or doing all the things. Those are the things that will:
If you're ready to consciously manifest the love your heart desires, I'm here to show you how! Let's chat and get you manifesting! Get on the books by clicking HERE. You KNOW you're worthy of the love you why don't you have it yet? Here's the thing: IT'S ALL ENERGY. Everything in this life is made up of energy, and that means every single "don't want" in your life has an energetic solution to get your desired "do want."
The coolest part, the most amazing, beautiful, thing of all is this: you get to be the alchemist of your life, of this experience, and YOU are a POWERFUL CREATRIX. It's already yours, Goddess. It's all waiting for you, Divine One. If you're ready to jump in and shift your energy to start aligning with the love you want, join my 3 day soul-aligned love activator for women, "Rule Your Realm," July 10th, 11th, and 12th. Click HERE to reserve your spot now! TRUE POWER DOESN'T NAG, SHAME, OR BLAME...IT HAS NO NEED TO COERCE, FORCE, MANIPULATE, OR THREATEN Keep this in mind today and tomorrow (Mon. 6/10 & Tues. 6/11) as Mars freshly into stubborn Taurus squares up to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. 3 Things You Need to Know About This Energy: ~ Both Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs, making this energetic impasse even more of a battle of wills; ~ Pluto in retrograde means there are lessons around power and letting go lurking just waiting to come to the surface; ~ Mars and Pluto at odds is never an easy time. Mars is the warrior and our self-assertion - the activator - and while Mars traditionally rules both Aries and Scorpio, Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, is the modern ruler of Scorpio, the sign of deep transformation.
While Mars may be the tough guy of the personal planets, he may want to think twice about messing with Pluto, because this is a power beyond Mars' realm. Way beyond. |
October 2024
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