Manifesting Magic
A Ritual for Releasing Blocks to Abundance
One of the biggest blocks to manifesting are old limiting beliefs we have picked up in life. These can be from past experiences that affected us personally, beliefs handed down through generations of our ancestral lineage, or even wider spread more generalized beliefs from culture and society. These experiences can go back as far back as childhood (or even in the womb or from past lives), that have caused us to believe things about ourselves and the world that sabotage our manifesting. They can have to do with how life is and how the world is, or they may be more personal limiting beliefs about ourselves like we are not worthy, not capable, not good enough, not smart enough, or not deserving. In this meditation, we will take a look at what past patterns need to be released. In this meditation, we are going to shine a light on what specifically is blocking you right now, and then we are going to do a ritual to release these blocks once and for all.
This ritual is designed to help you get to the heart of what's blocking you from abundance in your life, and it uses a short guided meditation with powerful hypnosis to bypass the thinking mind so you can go directly to your subconscious to access your deepest truths. What you will need: ~ at least 45 minutes of time undisturbed and uninterrupted - bay leaves and a marker to write on them with - a fire proof burn container and tongs to use when burning the bay leaves ~ a candle with container for safe burning, and a lighter or match ~ a sharp object, knife, or tool to carve into the candle wax ~ essential oil of your choice ~ a journal/pen for recording your experience, if desired Remember, the most powerful part of this ritual is YOU and your belief in this process! Commit now to having a powerful experience, and trusting what comes up for you. Stay open minded and curious, and be willing to go deeper and peel back the layers of whatever comes up without judgement. When you are ready to begin, listen to the audio below - a guided meditation with hypnosis. Then follow the instructions below the audio. Helpful Tips
1. Relax into the meditation as much as possible - feel into the words, and really embody the words in your being. If you are having trouble focusing, try repeating the words in your head. 2. Another trick to use to deepen the meditation experience is, while keeping eyes closed, look just up slightly at the inside of the forehead, right between the brow bones, at the 3rd eye. 3. Go with your first impression - whatever comes up - trust that, whether it is a feeling, a memory, an image, a word or phrase, or even just a sense or idea of something. 4. If you came up with a blank on the first go, sleep on it. Our subconscious mind continues to process even after the experience is over. Things may come to you in the coming days. You can also try it again in a day or two, if you were just distracted the first time. 5. Wait to do the bay leaves and candle until you feel very strongly about what you are releasing and what your truth is. Now, if you are using a journal, go ahead and write about your experience, including what came up around what is blocking you from receiving love in your relationships, and whatever feelings or memories surfaced around that.
Also write down what your heart showed you was the real truth of the matter - was there illusion, or misunderstanding? What patterns are ready to be released in the light of your new truth? Visualize your life moving forward with this new is it different? How will you move through the world differently? How will you be in relationships differently? How will this truth change your relationship with yourself? What is one thing you can do differently in your every day life, some small, daily thing, moving forward that represents this new truth for you? Decide what this will be and commit to doing it every single day. This is the daily behavior reflecting your new found truth that will anchor the new belief in your reality. If there is some affirmation that feels right for you, decide what that is now as well and write it down. Over the next 21 days, saturate your brain with this new truth daily. By doing this you are creating new neural pathways in the brain that anchor the new truth. Now you are going to seal this ritual and lock in your new truth using your candle. First, let a symbol come to mind that represents this new truth to you. Carve this into the candle. Now anoint the candle with the oil you have chosen. Take the candle into your hands, and now pull the energy of your new truth up strong in your energetic field, filling your heart with it and then letting that radiate out through your aura. As it keeps flowing out of your heart, let this strong new frequency run down your arms and into your hands, building there. Build an orb of this energy around your candle in your hands, and allow it to infuse into the candle. Now light the candle. Take a moment to connect with the flame, seeing your truth and how you, your life, and your relationships are different moving forward. You are going to let the candle now burn continually until it is completely gone, so make sure it is in a safe place, and also in a place where you will see it as it burns. As the candle burns, the flame is transmuting your old patterns and blocks, helping you release these patterns, moving them out of your energetic field. You have done the work, bringing conscious light to the pattern - now with this candle you are giving it up to the light for transmutation. Energy never goes away - it only changes from one from to the next. When the candle is burnt out, be sure to complete this ritual by releasing it - recycle, clean the container well if you are reusing it, bury it - whatever is fitting for you. |
Hi, I'm Kasey, ambassador for the magic in this life, fearless guide to the "underworld," survivor of trauma and narcissistic abuse, a practicing astrologer with a background in hypnotherapy, and a self-taught Creatrix. I'm on a mission to get as many women as possible seated solidly upon the thrones of their hearts, ruling their realms in full command of their inner magic and creative power, and living the lives they have imagined. |
Ways to Work Magic with Me
"Make a decision, and the Universe conspires to make it happen."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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